Magical Moments


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Reading the article by the NY Times started me thinking about the many Magical Moments I have had over the years. They far outweigh any problems we have had..... isn't that what it is all about?

I am fairly new to this forum, but have been lurking for a year (OK, that word lurking just gives me the creeps LOL) so I am sure there have been plenty of threads on this, so I apologize. But, I would love to hear about your favorite Magical Moment memories. :)

To start off, I have a quickie. In April we were staying at ASMovies and my son ended up losing his refillable beverage mug and was in tears. A CM walked over and asked him what was wrong. I explained the situation and also told my son we would buy him a new one. But the CM told us to hang on, went into a back room, and brought a new one out, telling him "Found it!". It saved the night for a little boy :sohappy:

Or when my 6 yr old went up to Goofy at AK (Of course wearing his Goofy hat) and the big guy made a huge fuss over his hat and then signed it for him. My son couldn't stop smiling and laughing. Such a simple gesture and my son is still talking about it.... and the hat is hanging proudly in his room for all to see!

Thanks everyone for all of the help on this board, and the stories that make me laugh and hang onto the magic :kiss:


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On my last trip, I was sitting outside the Mexico pavilion eating, when a young boy, about 8 or so, went up to the counter, ducked behind it, and put a mask that he had made above the counter. He then did a voice, asking "Can I please have some water?"

The CM looked around, looked at the mask, then peeked around the counter and said "Oh, its a mask!" The boy laughed for a few minutes straight. Just one of those little things that only the boy and the CM know about, but its part of the magic.


Well-Known Member
Tonight I did something that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even now after the bad weather......

Tonight I was working an extra shift at Fantasmic (as I've been doing a lot recently). Shortly after opening the theatre a huge storm started building. lightning was so close that the line was cut and guests inside the theatre were told to wait in the back courtyard until either the storm passed or the show was canceled. Unfortunately, about 15 minutes to show, it was canceled and guests were cleared out of the theatre.

When there were only a few guests left a woman approached me with a problem. Her son (maybe age 7-8) was terrified of walking outside in thunderstorms. She asked where the nearest place was that they could take shelter (they had been in the restroom most of the time because the lightning was non stop). She was concerned that her son, already panicy, wouldn't make it back to Sunset Blvd.

At this point I made a quick decision. I could have just the two go on there way and wondered later if they made it ok, but no. I walked with them, with the boy between his mom and myself. I asked the boy questions about what he had done in the park that day, told jokes, and did anything else I could to distract him from the storm. I took them all the way back out in front of Tower of Terror with no worries. I even saw that they made it to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster ok. :) :) :)


New Member
sillyspook13 said:
Tonight I did something that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even now after the bad weather......

Tonight I was working an extra shift at Fantasmic (as I've been doing a lot recently). Shortly after opening the theatre a huge storm started building. lightning was so close that the line was cut and guests inside the theatre were told to wait in the back courtyard until either the storm passed or the show was canceled. Unfortunately, about 15 minutes to show, it was canceled and guests were cleared out of the theatre.

When there were only a few guests left a woman approached me with a problem. Her son (maybe age 7-8) was terrified of walking outside in thunderstorms. She asked where the nearest place was that they could take shelter (they had been in the restroom most of the time because the lightning was non stop). She was concerned that her son, already panicy, wouldn't make it back to Sunset Blvd.

At this point I made a quick decision. I could have just the two go on there way and wondered later if they made it ok, but no. I walked with them, with the boy between his mom and myself. I asked the boy questions about what he had done in the park that day, told jokes, and did anything else I could to distract him from the storm. I took them all the way back out in front of Tower of Terror with no worries. I even saw that they made it to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster ok. :) :) :)
It's CMs like you who make WDW the best place on earth !


New Member
Nice work, sillyspook13. What a sweet story!! Tigger has always been my 12 year olds favorite character and when we visited the parks in 98, we couldn't find him anywhere.... I foolishly booked reservations for breakfast in the castle with the princesses thinking my girls would LOVE that and all Taylor could say was "Have you seen Tigger"? FINALLY we found him at MGM, stood in a very long line, and he was about to take a break when it was our turn. Taylor's eyes welled up and she quietly said, "But Tigger, I've been looking for you for 5 days" and he came right over and played with her, signed her book with- 5 Days is worth the wait..... and we had one of the happiest 5 year olds in the park!!!! That was a Magical Moment for my family.



Active Member
We brought my daughter when she was three. Having never seen characters before we weren't quite sure how she was going to act. Our first encounter was at a character breakfast at 1900 Park Fare. She was sitting there totally engrossed in her homefries and ketchup when Winnie the Pooh came over. He put his face really close to hers, she looked over and the look on her face went from confusion to surprise to complete awe. It was so cute and it was like you could almost see the magic happen inside her.


New Member
sillyspook13 said:
Tonight I did something that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even now after the bad weather......

Tonight I was working an extra shift at Fantasmic (as I've been doing a lot recently). Shortly after opening the theatre a huge storm started building. lightning was so close that the line was cut and guests inside the theatre were told to wait in the back courtyard until either the storm passed or the show was canceled. Unfortunately, about 15 minutes to show, it was canceled and guests were cleared out of the theatre.

When there were only a few guests left a woman approached me with a problem. Her son (maybe age 7-8) was terrified of walking outside in thunderstorms. She asked where the nearest place was that they could take shelter (they had been in the restroom most of the time because the lightning was non stop). She was concerned that her son, already panicy, wouldn't make it back to Sunset Blvd.

At this point I made a quick decision. I could have just the two go on there way and wondered later if they made it ok, but no. I walked with them, with the boy between his mom and myself. I asked the boy questions about what he had done in the park that day, told jokes, and did anything else I could to distract him from the storm. I took them all the way back out in front of Tower of Terror with no worries. I even saw that they made it to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster ok. :) :) :)

Wow!! thats a fantastic CM for ya! :sohappy:


Active Member
I once saw a former member of the Dapper Dans with his family meet the current group in the jewelry store. He told them he was an old member and they invited him to sing! he apologized to them and to the guests that he was a little rusty, but he sounded great to us! (i wish i could remember which number they did, it might have been Sweet Adeline, but i'm not sure)


About 10 years ago, my sister and her family went to WDW on vacation. At one of their meals, the server dripped some hot soup onto my niece. It wasn't enough to burn her, just scared her a little - she was only 8 at the time.

Well, the CM and her manager kept checking on the family during the rest of the meal, apologizing each time for the incident. By the end of the meal, they had taken my niece's meal off the bill.

To top it all off, the manager came back at the end of the meal with a completely new outfit for my niece (t-shirt and shorts) so she could enjoy the rest of her vacation in clean clothes. THAT, was a MAGICAL moment!!!


Well-Known Member
I was there during Star Wars weekends with my Aunt, Uncle, and nephew. Well my nephew is a huge star wars fan. Some of the SW characters just walk around with no character greeter or organized line (which actually makes it more fun), well there was a circle around this one bouty hunter (my nephew could tell you the name), and everyone was trying to get there books signed and pictures taken, well me and my nephew kept trying to walk up and every time someone else would run up first. Well eventually this one mom and her kid just came up to the circle and tried to run right in, but the character realized that we've been trying to get her attention for awhile so she put her hand out to stop them and directed my nephew to come up. I just thought it was nice that she realized we were having a hard time trying to get up to her while a lot of other people were having no problem pushing their way through.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
A lady I work with - single mom - took her 5 year old to Walt Disney World two years ago for what was both of their first time. She booked an evening meal at Cinderella's Royal Table just on the hope that Cinderella might be present. Their meal was scheduled at the park closing time, so it was the last event of their day, and was on the last day of their trip.

Surely enough, toward the end of their meal, Cinderella made an appearance and visited the tables around the dining room. Her very last stop was at my friend's table, where she took a long time to chat. As she was leaving, she asked if she could take my friend's daughter for a little stroll, and upon receiving permission, this 5 year old girl and Cinderella walked together right out of the castle and into Fantasyland where they took about 10 minutes walking and talking just the 2 of them. (With the mother following a respectable distance behind, but in sight, snapping photos). The park was closed and there were no other guests in Fantasyland, so I mean it was really just the two of them!

Both of them still enjoy telling that story, of the private tour of Fantasyland with Cinderella.


New Member
One day at the Festival of the Lion King, there was a kid (probably between 7 and 9) sitting in the front row with his father (who was very carefully taping the whole thing). Judging by the child's clear focus, I'm guessing he'd seen it before. When the "fire hyena" came out, the child stared at him very intently until the "fire hyena" turned and smiled sweetly at him! Later, a stilt walker (if anyone is freakishly familiar with the show, as I am, it was the stilt walker who has people high five him then pretends to be falling...only saw him on the 2004 visit) came over and propped up his stilt right next to the boy so the kid could see it better. It was sweet that both performers recognized how enthralled the boy was.


New Member
My 5 year old is a huge Snow White fan. She has dolls of Snow White, has dressed as Snow White for holloween, you get the idea. On our first day there she wanted to ride Snow White first but was out voted by her sisters and Pan was first and Snow White second. On our second day we had Breakfast at Cindy's Royal Table. When Snow White came to our table my 5 year old looked up at her and said "I love you Snow White" in the cutest little voice. Snow White gave her a big hug and for a little while we had the happiest 5 yr old on the planet.


Le Meh
Premium Member
sillyspook13 said:
Tonight I did something that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even now after the bad weather......

Tonight I was working an extra shift at Fantasmic (as I've been doing a lot recently). Shortly after opening the theatre a huge storm started building. lightning was so close that the line was cut and guests inside the theatre were told to wait in the back courtyard until either the storm passed or the show was canceled. Unfortunately, about 15 minutes to show, it was canceled and guests were cleared out of the theatre.

When there were only a few guests left a woman approached me with a problem. Her son (maybe age 7-8) was terrified of walking outside in thunderstorms. She asked where the nearest place was that they could take shelter (they had been in the restroom most of the time because the lightning was non stop). She was concerned that her son, already panicy, wouldn't make it back to Sunset Blvd.

At this point I made a quick decision. I could have just the two go on there way and wondered later if they made it ok, but no. I walked with them, with the boy between his mom and myself. I asked the boy questions about what he had done in the park that day, told jokes, and did anything else I could to distract him from the storm. I took them all the way back out in front of Tower of Terror with no worries. I even saw that they made it to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster ok. :) :) :)

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

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