Magical Moment of the Day


New Member
In Oct 2005, we had dinner at Park Fare with Cinderella. When we met the FG, she gushed all over Kirsta (almost 5 at the time) and her special dress. I made her a dress with a Cinderlla print. She had white patten shoes with Cinderella on the side. During dinner, Prince Charming told her a secret about Cinderella. She would not tell us the whole week. She'd give us this blank look and shrug her shoulders. And believe me, we tried to get her to tell us. She finally told MM when she got home (Cinderella sneezes). When we were leaving, the FG practically came running after us to ask about Kirsta's dress. She really felt like a Princess.

An entire week later, we went to have lunch with the Princesses in Norway. Cinderella got to our table and she asked Kirsta if they met before. Kirsta just looked at her. Cinderella said "I remember, you had dinner with me and you wore that special dress your Fairy Godmother made for you!" OMG!! How many kids had she met in that week!! And she remembered Kirsta! She will tell you that Dinner with Cinderella is her favorite thing in Disney and second is meeting all the Princesses. It really was magical.


Tircucus, Kristamouse, and Kymie;

Those are exactly the type of stories that get printed in "The Main Street Diary". Meg Crofton puts out a cheerleader/newsletter of sorts for all of WDW. Much of it is dedicated to letters from guests that she uses to highlight certain "Disney Qualities". The stories you told would easily have gone into the "Diary". Next time, if you remember, jot down the cast member's name and write a note to Meg. Actually, it turns out there are a lot of stories that are written that don't even make it into the Main Street Diary. But they are forwarded to the cast member along with a pin that says something like "you are a super star".

How can we get in touch with Meg? My wife and I made of list of CMs during that trip that really went out of their way to make us feel special (like the CM at the Living Seas who announced our arrival into the holding area before the movie, or our waiter at The Brown Derby who was the best waiter we've ever had anywhere), but we didn't know what to do with the information after we got home. Also, is it too late to contact Meg about that trip? It's been 2 years ago now.


I have a great one. It was like they were filming a Disney commercial. In Sept. '04 we were there with our kids who were 8 and 4. We had breakfast with the princesses in Norway. My 4 year old daughter had wanted to meet Belle the entire trip as she was her favorite princess and I kept telling her we'd see her for breakfast. She dressed up in her full Belle princess costume and we went to breakfast. That day happened to be a day Belle was off. My daughter still had a great time but was crushed to have not seen Belle. A CM (God love him) told us the Beast would be in France in a few minutes. We high tailed it over there and then when of those rain storms hit and we were the only people in France. We thought the Beast wouldn't come out as it was raining but he did. We were the only people in the library and when he saw my "Belle" he acted as if she were Belle. He bowed to her and danced with her for at least 10 minutes. She was beaming. I was crying like an idiot (I'm tearing up as I write this). It was truly a magical moment I will never forget. I have some amazing photos of the experience and a video with no sound on our camera. That is why I love Disney and can't wait to go back in 21days!!!!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Finding a screwed up $10 note in the bottom of your pocket just before the outdoor bar closes in Germany, now that is real magic.


Well-Known Member
During our 2005 trip we headed over to AK for the rope drop. As we were standing there waiting there was a CM walking up and down looking at people. He asked us if our party was all together. It's me,DH and DD 8 (now 10) we said yes and he said to follow him. I had no clue where we were going. Well, we ended up being the "First Family" and we got to be the first family of the day to ride the safari. It was really great. When we were all done we got a certificate and a fast pass to ride as many times as we wanted.

And I believe it was the same trip (my memory is fading:lookaroun ) but we were waiting for the next showing of FOTLK and struck up a convo with the CM. That poor lady was sweating up a storm in her little booth. I asked her if I could run and get her something to drink or an ice cream and she politely declined. Then I noticed that she was on the phone. After a couple of minutes she told us to walk around to the side entrance and wait there. As we were waiting, Chip and Dale came out and played hide and seek with all the kids and danced with my DD. Played the hokey pokey with some adults. So much fun!!! When they brought us in, they sat us on bleachers that were floor level!! It was so exciting.:sohappy: The CM came over after a bit and asked how we were and we told how wonderful she was and how thankful we were. My DD was picked to dance around with the "animals" and the monkees came over and picked "bugs" out of my DH hair. We had the most fun.


New Member
We've had several through the years, but the one that comes to mind is "way back when" the backlot still had the facads of the homes and that is where the Osbourne Lights were done. We hurried back only to find out they had just closed for the night. The security person was there and said "come with me". We walked leisurely through the whole display, music still playing..we were the ONLY people there. It was SO....amazing and one we will never forget!


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Original Poster
The best I can come up with is an email address for Meg:

I just don't know if I'm allowed to publish it. I doubt this is proprietary information ... but just to be safe.

I'll keep searching for an address.


Well-Known Member
On our past trip in November, a CM made our day while in Epcot. My parents went to World Showcase to walk around before dinner at Teppanyaki. My brother, sister, and I wanted to go on Mission: Space before dinner. While in line, I noticed we still had a long way to go and weren't going to make it to dinner on time. We were about to step out of line when a CM asked us if we would like to go in the "control room." I was about to say "no thanks" when she said she could take us to the front of the line after spending a few minutes pushing some buttons. I was so happy! I had never been on the ride before, and this was our last chance to do it. We went into the control room, pushed some buttons, got a certificate, took a picture, walked right onto the ride, and made our dinner reservation on time! :D


Well-Known Member
Guys, these stories are fantastic but the point is moot if the people you are talking about aren't recognized! CM's don't get much for all they do, so recognition is all they have. Letters, comment-cards, etc. go further than anything else in a CM's career. These help them get raises, promotions, and always go on their permanent record.
Do what I do and take a small slip of paper with you when you go to the parks and jot down the names of fabulous CMs you encounter. For immediate recognition, head to the Guest Relations location of any park. For an even greater recognition (and even more help for the CM), take 5 minutes to drop a letter to Disney via 'snail' mail or e-mail. But, alas, if you forget the name of a CM - no problem! Just say the location, date, the approximate time, and a small description of the CM and the management will research schedules to see who was where when. This goes the same for characters. Say the name of the character and location and that character surely will appreciate it. ;)
It's never too late to recognize a CM. Records of schedules are kept for years, so write that letter about that experience you had 3 years ago! You may really make someone's day and help them really work harder and harder to create more magic. Every CM likes to be recognized.

To contact the Executive Offices via Guest Communications, mail to:

Walt Disney World Guest Communications
PO Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0040

Otherwise, e-mail them at:
Make sure you include your name, where you're from, your telephone/e-mail, and when you visited.

To contact WDW President Meg Crofton directly, you can mail to:

Meg Crofton
The Walt Disney World Resort
PO Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

She does not have an external e-mail address. And like folks said above, she weekly publishes letters written by guests about CMs. The CM receives a big recognition in their local area, a notation on their permanent record, a special pin and thank-you letter from Meg, and a whole lot of congratulations.

...and keep the magical stories coming!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great post Disney Saint. One addition: check with the cast member that the name on their name tag is actually their name. If you forget your name tag, you have to put someone else's on. It doesn't matter if it isn't your name.

One fellow cast member was actually given a "Guest Service Fanatic" card (a card that acknowleges great service. It is given to you by guests or other cast members) for doing a great job turning a guest's bad experience into a good one. The problem was, they used the wrong name on the card because he had forgotten his name tag that day. Fortunately, I saw him performing the "guest recovery" and also saw the "Guest Service Fanatic" card posted on the wall. I was able to inform the manager that the wrong name was on the card and the correct cast member was able to receive credit.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That is correct, but if I as a cast member choose to recognize another cm, and I fill out a GSF card, but I can't find the cast member to give it to, I can drop it off at their department's base of operations. How am I to know that I didn't have the correct name. How are the managers to know who I am talking about besides a name if I am not specific in the exact time and place I noticed great behavior.

I have filled a GSF card out with the wrong name before. Thankfully the manager did a search for who was working at the location and time I mentioned.

In the case I mentioned in a previous post, it was a Guest Relations cast member that dropped the card off at the photopass base. The card wasn't specific in time so the card sat there till I noticed it was addressed to the wrong person. There are currently 3 cards that are hanging up there that we can't assign to anyone because the names are incorrect.

Once correctly assigned, yes, it then goes by personel numbers.


Well-Known Member
Guys, these stories are fantastic but the point is moot if the people you are talking about aren't recognized! CM's don't get much for all they do, so recognition is all they have. Letters, comment-cards, etc. go further than anything else in a CM's career. These help them get raises, promotions, and always go on their permanent record.
Do what I do and take a small slip of paper with you when you go to the parks and jot down the names of fabulous CMs you encounter. For immediate recognition, head to the Guest Relations location of any park. For an even greater recognition (and even more help for the CM), take 5 minutes to drop a letter to Disney via 'snail' mail or e-mail. But, alas, if you forget the name of a CM - no problem! Just say the location, date, the approximate time, and a small description of the CM and the management will research schedules to see who was where when. This goes the same for characters. Say the name of the character and location and that character surely will appreciate it. ;)
It's never too late to recognize a CM. Records of schedules are kept for years, so write that letter about that experience you had 3 years ago! You may really make someone's day and help them really work harder and harder to create more magic. Every CM likes to be recognized.

To contact the Executive Offices via Guest Communications, mail to:

Walt Disney World Guest Communications
PO Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0040

Otherwise, e-mail them at:
Make sure you include your name, where you're from, your telephone/e-mail, and when you visited.

To contact WDW President Meg Crofton directly, you can mail to:

Meg Crofton
The Walt Disney World Resort
PO Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

She does not have an external e-mail address. And like folks said above, she weekly publishes letters written by guests about CMs. The CM receives a big recognition in their local area, a notation on their permanent record, a special pin and thank-you letter from Meg, and a whole lot of congratulations.

...and keep the magical stories coming!

We did send notes when we got home. But in retelling the stories now, I just can't remember their names. :lookaroun I still have them written down so eventually I can get them into scrapbooks.


Thanks for the info DisneySaint!!! It's great to know that it's not too late to recognize the great CMs from a couple years ago.


New Member
DisneySaint - my DH and I did write down the names and approach Guest Relations on our way out of the park. For us, EPCOT has always seemed to have the best CMs (please don't flame me) - but I think this is because we choose to talk to the CMs about their countries and such.

Our most remembered magical moment from last April - my children saw Belle and the Beast by the tree bordering the lagoon in France. The hightailed it to the line (I do have the best kids - waiting paitently! :) ) only to be told that Belle and Beast needed to take a break. I asked the CM when (or even if) they would be returning and she said we were welcome to stay in the line (so we could be first) when Belle and Beast returned in 20 minutes. I looked at DH - we were under shade and in the WS - what more could we ask for? After our wait, Belle and Beast came out to thunderous applause. Each of the kids took a turn with their autograph book and to pose for a picture (we do each separately to avoid fights) and then the handler asked if DH and I would like to be in a picture with the kids. We said no, that there were other people waiting in line and we did not want to monopolize Belle and Beast. The CM from before appeared all of the sudden and said "Posh - you waited for your turn - now get in there and give me your camera!". It was great! Belle and Beast were very animated and the handlers were just wonderful.

The CMs really do make magical moments when they don't intend to and that's part of the draw for us to WDW. We appreciate that you go out of your way for families like us.

So, thank you (if any of you prowl the boards) - I have a wonderful momento with all of us in the picture to remind of that great day!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have a feeling this story might be one of those "you had to be there" stories, but it set me giggling. And it may just be a visual thing where you had to see it or perhaps an audio thing where you had to hear the voice inflections, however...

At the end of the evening in the Princess Room, there were 2 families left. Aurora had left to see Prince Philip. Cinderella was on the second to last family. Belle, who had finished with the guests she was with, was waiting for the families to finish with Cinderella. While waiting, one of the character attendants wished to speak with her and called her away from her alcove closer to the door where the guests enter. They were conversing quietly. Cinderella was finishing with the family she was greeting and the little girl inquired to Cinderella about visiting with Belle. Normally Belle has fabulous hearing and immediately responds when her name is mentioned. This time she didn't, so Cinderella, who was in a playful mood, stepped in. She took the young girl, about 5, by the hand and walked her over to where Belle was. She demonstrated: "This is how you do it. Take your hand (Cinderella reaches out her hand), grab the bottom of her dress (Cinderella grabs hold of a rose on the skirt portion of Belle's dress halfway between the floor and the waist) and pull (Cinderella tugs a few times on Belle's dress just as a child would do to get an adults attention). Belle, of course, turns around and immediately greets the child and begins her session.

Again, this may have been one of those "you had to be there" moments, but it just struck me funny with the visual of Cinderella tugging on Belle's dress to get her attention. And the tone of her voice being playful yet still in character for Cinderella.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I was going to say that the most magical moment is getting your shoes off and being ableto slip into the pool for a post park dip.


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