Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback guys, this is great. I know that Southern California is a tourist trap to begin with so the amount of things to do there goes beyond DL but no doubt about it a huge motivating factor for me to go to SoCal is to see DL for the first time.
A couple more things:
I constantly hear how superior the Haunted Mansion is at MK as opposed to DL. I love the Haunted Mansion to death so how much better is the one at MK compared to DL?
And how much better is Pirates at DL? A lot? A little? No difference?
Also thanks for the heads up about the signage en route to DL. I'm so used to seeing a billion signs in Orlando all the time so it's nice to know I'll need to be a little more alert.
Lastly, I hear a lot about "locals" being the majority of the crowd at DL. This is not the case in WDW obviously. So here is my question. SoCal is a huge tourist trap, how can Disneyland - probably the biggest thing to do there - not be filled with people from all over the country and world? MK had 17 million visitors in 2009. DL had 14 million. It isn't that different. Do the locals really make up a big chunk of that 14 million?
I didn't get to do HM while I was there so I can't help there. But as far as Pirates is concerned, I'm sure I'm not in the minority when I say that it is wayyyyyyyyy better than the one in MK. DL's Pirate's is the book/novel, where MK's Pirate's is the bullet point cliff notes.
As far as locals are concerned, I came across people that I would assume were locals because they seemed to know a bit about the place, but I did come across a few people who I also assumed to be out of state tourist. Our second day there when walking down main st. another man said to his family, "Look, it's small" referring to the tiny castle, so I can only assume he didn't live there and ofcourse has been to WDW.