Wilt Dasney
Well-Known Member
Another thing about DL is that even though its so tiny compared to MK, it has way more stuff to do. It was exciting for me because Id been wanting to go since I was about 12 or 13, so I pretty much knew about the superior rides, and extra rides to expect. But I remember several times thinking, "Oh ya, I want to do that." I mean, I still prefer the MK because it's home, but DL is so quaint and it does a better job at making you feel at home. It really feels as though its your land like Walt wanted and more intimate too. Park hopping is nice too, being able to walk back and forth almost feels like your in one big park instead of going back and forth between two. And I also love that you get your bag check once, and you dont have to worry about that if you plan on park hopping.
Good observations here. I know what you mean with the "Oh yeah!" factor. There's so much at DL it's easy to forget about some attractions until they're right in front of you.
I hadn't thought of the "almost like one big park" idea, but I can see where you're coming from on that.
And the single bag check is a huge winner to me.
This week is a year since my last trip. I really, really want to go back. :lol: