seems to be slipping...

I would rather have them fix parts of rides while leaving the ride operating then shutting them down for a month or more to fix them. I just got back on Monday and several things were being fixed on different rides, but at least I could still enjoy the ride. Splash has many things being fixed. One Brer Rabbit animatronic had no face. The spot lights had been turned off so it was not easy to tell unless you had been through the rides several times in the past. As I said though, would I rather go to WDW and not get to ride Splash, happened during the lap bar refurb and I was disappointed.
Sometimes it's nice to take a break from these forums or the negativity begins to make you think Disney sucks. Take a week or two off before your next trip and you wont be so critical. They still do a good job, but it's never going to be good enough for most of the people on this forum.
We refused to ride on the same train as one of the groups at BTMRR. The CM there was nice about it. He said " I don't blame you. Just feel lucky you only have to deal with them for a week. We have to deal with them all summer."

It's pretty clear that the CM's don't like the tour groups either, but until management lays down some ground rules (or enforce them), nothing will change.

There were about 15 huge tour groups from Brazil there last week. We saw very few problems with them, biggest issue is that they tend to block paths while standing around waiting to get together. Only thing I dont like about them is if you get behind one in line expect your wait to go up by 15-30 minutes. They didn't seem rude, most are teenagers, can't imagine a group of American high school kids nat acting the same way. Brazilian tour groups are not going anywhere, and Disney is not going to limit their actions in any way, everything will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Give Disney credit for hiring Brazilian CM's to specifically communicate with the groups. Lumping all Brazilians in the hate is just that, HATE.


Well-Known Member
Apparently Meg crofton is blind. The white lights on the grand floridian that are out look horrible and it's a crying shame that they haven't been replaced yet. It's not like it's just a couple of lights are out. It's hundreds. But even I have hopes still and am thinking it is because of the recession maintenance cuts they made a few years back.

I'm not sure which lights you're referring to, do you have a picture?


Well-Known Member
I have to say that in eight trips to the world, I have never run into rude CMs. I think that if we had that would ruin some of the magic for us. We have many memories of fantastic CMs that have gone above and beyond for us. The one that stands out he most was a couple of years back while waiting for AK to open a CM approached us and asked if we had ever ridden EE. We had not, and he asked if we wanted to be the first ride of the day. My son was younger then, and he wouldn't go on. We ran into the same CM while walking by EE later in the day. He asked if we had ridden yet, and when we told him no, he walked us all up to the boarding area and put me and DW on the ride, while he took our son to control room. When we got off the ride they were waiting for us, and my son had a certificate saying he was certified to run the ride. I will never forget how nice he was, and the fact we gave our son to a complete stranger. I guess only at Disney.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Why would we leave someone out of a conversation who happens to be responsible for overseeing all maintenance and cast member affairs? She is the president of the Walt Disney World resort (and now has even more responsibility as president of the worldwide park and resorts operations). She is at the very top of maintenance approval or disapproval and it lies in her hands to decide whether to fix broken things or leave them broken (not to mention make sure cast members are doing their job properly).

I still don't get what your issue is with people who put the blame on Meg- the person who is in fact responsible for the upkeep of the parks. While she doesn't directly sweep, paint, and fix it herself (physically), she is responsible for telling the maintenance crews to do so and enforcing such maintenance. It's as simple as that, people are pointing fingers at the people directly responsible for all that goes wrong at WDW. They're also not blaming YOU for the issues either, so i dunno why you're so adamant to defend her actions (which are legendary for being poor). What's your motive for defending someone that doesn't have anything to do with you and doesn't even care about what you think or whether you defend her (unless you have some connection to her)?
You know, I was going to respond about how blaming Meg Crofton degrades what could be a valid complaint into yet another internet rambling easily dismissed by anyone who could potentially affect change internally at Disney.

Then I realized that "Meg Crofton" is the new "TDO". It's just a vague word into which all complaints go with no real meaning.


Well-Known Member
There were about 15 huge tour groups from Brazil there last week. We saw very few problems with them, biggest issue is that they tend to block paths while standing around waiting to get together. Only thing I dont like about them is if you get behind one in line expect your wait to go up by 15-30 minutes. They didn't seem rude, most are teenagers, can't imagine a group of American high school kids nat acting the same way. Brazilian tour groups are not going anywhere, and Disney is not going to limit their actions in any way, everything will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Give Disney credit for hiring Brazilian CM's to specifically communicate with the groups. Lumping all Brazilians in the hate is just that, HATE.

I'm not lumping them all together. In fact, in my trip report I stated that some of the groups were well behaved. I'm speaking now about this particular groups at BTMRR. They were chanting, singing, clapping - All the crap I can't stand. I just wasn't about to ruin my ride experience by listening to that stuff.

And yes, I give Disney TONS of credit for the CM's they've hired to deal with the groups. But again, this only proves the point, that clearly this is a problem with some of them.


Active Member
I've been to WDW the past 4 years and 9x in the past 15. This problem isn't a Disney problem, it's a society problem.

SOME guests have an entitlement complex. SOME CM's have an entitlement complex. These attitudes lead to rudeness. On whole, my experience has been < 1% rude CM's and ~10% rude guests. These numbers are FAR lower than spending a week on vacation anywhere else.

I believe it's a testament to the great work of Team Disney and guests that Disney properties are great places to visit.


Active Member
Here we go

The exact same post, and almost every reply could have been written every year since the Internet and this site have existed.

That should tell you all you need to know.

10 years ago, there were people saying CM's are getting rude and the magic is gone. If it were truly "slipping" that fast, and for so long, WDW would look like Great Adventure here in NJ. It doesn't.

Rude CM's exist. Some rides have AA's that aren't working (at the moment you ride them, FWIW). Sorry folks, this is just a Giant waste of all our times.


New Member
SOME guests have an entitlement complex. SOME CM's have an entitlement complex. These attitudes lead to rudeness. On whole, my experience has been < 1% rude CM's and ~10% rude guests. These numbers are FAR lower than spending a week on vacation anywhere else.

I completely agree, except I'd say it's more like 25% rude guests. Like the parents who use their children as human hostages or battering rams to get to the front of the parade route. We don't have or want children, but it doesn't mean we're not respectful of the little ones when we go, so I'll urge them to stand in font of me, but no "thank you" from the parents, just an elbow to the chest and curse words. My biggest issue has been the kids on the heely shoes, or whatever they're called, zooming all over the place. Haven't been to the parks in a few years so not sure if that fad has passed yet.
Far too many tourists it seems feel "entitled" to make all employees, and even guests around them bend to their will because it's "THEIR" vacation, no matter how rudely they behave. And it's like that all family destinations, not just Disney. I think it's just noticed more at Disney because it's such a targeted and popular destination.


Well-Known Member
Flawed and narrow minded argument. Guests are certainly a cause of trash, but you group ALL guests into the same category. The simple fact is that not all guest are causing this trouble, only a few are. The flawed part is that cast members can lash out and attack guests who are behaving themselves. My family ALWAYS behaves itself, never litters, and is always very friendly and pleasant to both cast members and other guests. The problem here is that we've met more bad tempered cast members than you can imagine (and have complained to managements about it). They were that way for no reason. And trust me, i don't tolerate that sort of behavior unless i deserved it (and i never give them a valid reason to be rude, i always treat them with respect even when they don't deserve it).

Cast members aren't supposed to be unpleasant to anyone at any time. If they've got a short fuse, they shouldn't be working there. At the same time, Disney's cast members SHOULD crack down on bad guest behavior, but the cast members should always be well behaved and polite. Especially to guests who aren't even causing trouble.

In the end, we're paying for their paychecks, regardless of how guests act. If guests are acting bad, they should be told to leave or whatnot. But CM's should always behave and control their temper.

You're right, and I'm by no means saying you're wrong but having been there, it takes an incredible amount of patience to deal with the volume of guests in the parks, especially during the summer. Coupled with the heat (record breaking or not), incredibly long hours, giant obnoxious tour groups (and obnoxious guests in general) and you are going to get some people that are just cranky. In the long run Disney has a history of hiring people that have a very high tolerance for dealing with this stuff but with 50,000+ CMs, you're bound to get a handful that aren't so good at it. And unfortunately, Disney red tape forces you to bite your tongue more often than you would like and it does come out on the wrong people.

Again, I'm not saying you're wrong because I agree that it shouldn't happen. Just trying to put you in their shoes so you (and others in this thread) understand where it comes from. Sorry you've had such a bad experience.


I agree that between the crowds, and tour groups July is the hardest month for CM's and disney fans. But there is always going to be problems when that many people visit a park in one span of time.

For CM's- hours are long, work is hot, and you have to deal with a larger percentage of PIA's (Pains in the ***es) (and yes, I worked at the parks as a CP in Adventureland Merchandise)

For guests -- it's hot, it's crowded and you want to get the best vacation you can in that time.

Honestly, I am shocked by the amount of negativity on this site in the message boards. In years past, I would come here for rumors and other infomation for you guys. Lately, all I read is, this is broken, this is not being fixed, How dare Disney slack like this. You know, it makes it me wonder who really changed, the parks or the fans holding an incredible standard that no one not even Disney can reach for. Just my two cents.


Active Member
Honestly, I am shocked by the amount of negativity on this site in the message boards. In years past, I would come here for rumors and other infomation for you guys. Lately, all I read is, this is broken, this is not being fixed, How dare Disney slack like this. You know, it makes it me wonder who really changed, the parks or the fans holding an incredible standard that no one not even Disney can reach for. Just my two cents.

I am not shocked, just sick of it. It has driven me off some sites for other stuff (sports teams). However, someone had a good point recently, in that most people don't run to a message board to post about how good something is. Before the internet, most people who were negative were more vocal than people who were positive, and that has translated here. I will repeat what I wrote in the immediate aftermath of the Crofton promotion:
I am sick of people telling me how crappy something they are supposed to love is, and won't let it affect my enjoyment of it.


Well-Known Member
I have rarely encountered a rude CM. But I think that life happens and people have bad days...yes, even a Disney employee can have a bad day or not even like their job. I think some people have the ideas that a Disney CM has to create magic for every person all of the time. Reality is that some of these CMs are minimum wage earners and may/may not want to be there. I am always friendly to any worker...whether in Disney or a supermarket. Some are nice back and some aren't. Would I prefer them to be polite back and overly chipper...sure. But I think we need to cut them some slack. Do you have a good moment of every day?? Probably not. On one given Disney trip we will encounter many employees from ride operators, bus drivers, hotel attendants, gardeners, food service workers, etc....not all of them can be perfect.:)


Well-Known Member
I have rarely encountered a rude CM. But I think that life happens and people have bad days...yes, even a Disney employee can have a bad day or not even like their job. I think some people have the ideas that a Disney CM has to create magic for every person all of the time. Reality is that some of these CMs are minimum wage earners and may/may not want to be there. I am always friendly to any worker...whether in Disney or a supermarket. Some are nice back and some aren't. Would I prefer them to be polite back and overly chipper...sure. But I think we need to cut them some slack. Do you have a good moment of every day?? Probably not. On one given Disney trip we will encounter many employees from ride operators, bus drivers, hotel attendants, gardeners, food service workers, etc....not all of them can be perfect.:)

Very well said. Thank you for cutting us some slack.


Well-Known Member
I think rude guests are the problem rather than rude CMs. I rarely encounter rude CMs, but rude guests is a whole different issue. If anything makes a trip to WDW less magical its guests who leave trash all over the park, push/shove and just have no sense of manners or respect for others.


July is a very tough month for Disney when it comes to maintanance. So many people are coming to Disney World, that the staff just gets a little overwhelmed. A little bit of trash and a couple lights out isn't enough to get me too worried. Especially when its during the busiest season.

When it comes to rude employees, that is just bad. Hopefully it was just a couple of unfortunate instances that you happened to see...


Well-Known Member
I am not shocked, just sick of it. It has driven me off some sites for other stuff (sports teams). However, someone had a good point recently, in that most people don't run to a message board to post about how good something is. Before the internet, most people who were negative were more vocal than people who were positive, and that has translated here. I will repeat what I wrote in the immediate aftermath of the Crofton promotion:
I am sick of people telling me how crappy something they are supposed to love is, and won't let it affect my enjoyment of it.

That's fine and dandy, but if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to read it or be involved.

I love Disney, but the problems I expressed in my trip report were legitimate to me and soured some of my vacation. This is a Disney message board. If all you want to do is discuss all the cheery and wonderful things about Disney, the DIS is probably the better place for you. This site is much more honest and to the point.


Well-Known Member
I have rarely encountered a rude CM. But I think that life happens and people have bad days...yes, even a Disney employee can have a bad day or not even like their job. I think some people have the ideas that a Disney CM has to create magic for every person all of the time. Reality is that some of these CMs are minimum wage earners and may/may not want to be there. I am always friendly to any worker...whether in Disney or a supermarket. Some are nice back and some aren't. Would I prefer them to be polite back and overly chipper...sure. But I think we need to cut them some slack. Do you have a good moment of every day?? Probably not. On one given Disney trip we will encounter many employees from ride operators, bus drivers, hotel attendants, gardeners, food service workers, etc....not all of them can be perfect.:)

I don't expect Joe Blow working for minimum wage at the Pecos Bills register to be all smiley and full of magic. But when the hotel's front desk, that I'm shelling out over $400 a night to stay at treats me with an ounce of disrespect, that's where I draw the line.


Well-Known Member
I don't expect Joe Blow working for minimum wage at the Pecos Bills register to be all smiley and full of magic. But when the hotel's front desk, that I'm shelling out over $400 a night to stay at treats me with an ounce of disrespect, that's where I draw the line.

Those front desk CMs aren't making much over minimum wage either...

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