seems to be slipping...


Active Member
Never had a problem with CM's, and I just feel some people on here just nitpick WAY too much.

Merlin goat, let me tell you something, trying to say that few are the cause for the trash is ridiculous. I am sorry, but if your going to complain about ALLLLL this trash on the floor then OBVIOUSLY its not just a select few. Guests are getting ruder and more inconsiderate lately, this is a fact. We need to accept that besides the maintenance problems disney is trying and a CM is a HUMAN, not a ROBOT. I dont care who you are, if you have the most patience in the world and are the nicest. Consistent bantering and rudeness will get to you, and you may act incorrectly at the wrong moment, to the wrong person that didnt deserve it.

Now that person will come on here and complain you were rude. Its a horrible cycle, and if a CM is rude to me, I know their is a reason. I will just ignore it and continue with my trip or I will address that CM kindly and you watch their attitude change. Most of you complaining just need to learn to be a little more passive in Disney and enjoy your vacation instead of acting like it was a horrible mess, and their were more negatives then positives. OK IM DONE, I LOVE DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We refused to ride on the same train as one of the groups at BTMRR. The CM there was nice about it. He said " I don't blame you. Just feel lucky you only have to deal with them for a week. We have to deal with them all summer."

It's pretty clear that the CM's don't like the tour groups either, but until management lays down some ground rules (or enforce them), nothing will change.

Hiring a CM from a specific country to help out large parties touring the parks proves nothing but the fact that Disney wants to continue to be a destination resort for those tour groups. It says nothing about a problem with those groups. They are very large and they don't speak our language, so Disney tries to make their experience more enjoyable. That's it.

While on a roller coaster you don't want people clapping and yelling???
I had a 13 year old boy screaming like a little girl at the top of his lungs on Everest, started to cry before he got off, didn't ruin my experience. That's life at Disney, you take the good, you take the bad. Wow, sounds like a TV show I used to watch.

I can see CM's not enjoying the singing, clapping, and what not because they're trapped with it all day, you only have to deal with it for a few minutes, doubt that you were in a 30+ minute standby line if you go as often as you say.


New Member
While I'm sure that rude CM's exist(how could they not in such a large organization?), our experiences have been overwhelmingly positive. The worst interaction we had with a CM was when we were chatting with an older CM who was from a town close to where we live. So we talked about Michigan abit and asked how he liked working for Disney. The short story is that he did not like it very much...
Could it be that CMs haven't gotten ruder but that Disney guests have come to expect WAY more "magic" than Disney could ever provide? The truth is that I don't let one or two bad CM experiences take away from the hundreds of wonderful experiences I have had with CMs.
I dream of moving to Orlando to work at The World but haven't been able to procure a job. That said, with my job search, I know how little CMs get paid. I am suprised that so many CMs are so great with the small paycheck that they take home. The fact is that hundreds of these employees making so little have made my vacations so great. I don't think attitudes are getting any worse. I honestly believe that all of us expect towel animals, free cookies, calls from Goofy, nights in the Castle, etc. on every trip and that just isn't possible.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!


Well-Known Member
Never had a problem with CM's, and I just feel some people on here just nitpick WAY too much.

Merlin goat, let me tell you something, trying to say that few are the cause for the trash is ridiculous. I am sorry, but if your going to complain about ALLLLL this trash on the floor then OBVIOUSLY its not just a select few. Guests are getting ruder and more inconsiderate lately, this is a fact. We need to accept that besides the maintenance problems disney is trying and a CM is a HUMAN, not a ROBOT. I dont care who you are, if you have the most patience in the world and are the nicest. Consistent bantering and rudeness will get to you, and you may act incorrectly at the wrong moment, to the wrong person that didnt deserve it.

Now that person will come on here and complain you were rude. Its a horrible cycle, and if a CM is rude to me, I know their is a reason. I will just ignore it and continue with my trip or I will address that CM kindly and you watch their attitude change. Most of you complaining just need to learn to be a little more passive in Disney and enjoy your vacation instead of acting like it was a horrible mess, and their were more negatives then positives. OK IM DONE, I LOVE DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're seriously short sighted if you think every guest at WDW is a cause of trash around the place, or that they're all mean to the cast members. If everyone littered in the entire park, the place would be so full of garbage you wouldn't even be able to walk (these parks hold thousands and tens of thousands at times). I've seen more people throw their trash away properly than just leave it lying around or throwing it on the ground. You can't generalize and say everyone is a littering rude ______.

A cast member is a human being paid to keep themselves composed in stressful situations. If they don't, and they are rude to you for no reason, you can actually report them for being rude and their bosses can fire them. I've met plenty of rude ones, who were rude for no apparent reason at all. If they're having a bad day, it's not my problem and they have no right to be rude to people that aren't causing their bad day. I believe that both rude cast members and rude guests should be treated equally- kicked out of the parks. Rudeness in general should be banned from the place, either cast member or guest rudeness. But the difference is that cast members are paid to be the "better man" (or woman, whichever). Guests can act like immature morons all they want, they'll eventually be asked to leave if they cause enough trouble. Cast members are supposed to be the better person and do what is needed to maintain the peace and keep the experience magical for the people that DO behave.

My most recent experience at "the world" had at least 3 rude ones, who were rude and behaved improperly for no reason (and without any rudeness on my part). That kind of stuff just happens, and loving disney (as i do) doesn't change the fact that there are some real on the staff. I could go into detail about my experiences, but you would probably try to say i must have caused it. I assure you, nothing i've ever done or said in regards to cast members would ever cause them to be rude. They just are sometimes.

You know, I was going to respond about how blaming Meg Crofton degrades what could be a valid complaint into yet another internet rambling easily dismissed by anyone who could potentially affect change internally at Disney.

Then I realized that "Meg Crofton" is the new "TDO". It's just a vague word into which all complaints go with no real meaning.
Normally, i'd agree with the TDO comment, it's rather narrow due to all the many people working there. Except that Meg Crofton is a pretty specific and accurate target of the complaints. She IS the head and it's her responsibility to oversee the way the entirety of WDW is run. Management, and all the other aspects of park upkeep (and even subordinate cast members) are her responsibility. Whether you want to get more specific or not is your own affair, she is just the highest up and it lies in her hands to make sure everything is running the way it should be and people are doing what they need to be doing.

I've seen people use pretty broad and vague statements about Disney hate in the past, but Mrs Crofton is a very accurate direction of comments. The blame lies with her. Even though subordinates are to blame as well, she is responsible for not doing anything about it or turning a blind eye (she has the power to change things and she usually chooses not to).

If you can find me some more specific people with her level of power that are responsible, i'd be happy to spread around some blame. It seems fair to give her the blame for her specific area of jurisdiction. I'd be interested in being proven wrong though. I'm always willing to accept alternative ideas. I'm also giving her the benefit of the doubt for the next year or so and seeing how the rest of the worldwide parks end up being managed before finalizing my opinion of her. I actually like her as a person, she just seems like a bad choice to run the parks due to all the stuff that has happened on her watch. We'll see whether WDW gets any better with her in a more powerful position.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure which lights you're referring to, do you have a picture?

No I don't unfortunately, but I assure you that the white lights that outline the rooftops of the GF are out and it's quite a few. It's very noticeable. It's a shame that they will build a new DVC at the GF but they can't even replace some light bulbs!? It's really very sad. Thanks Meg crofton for letting WDW get to this sad state. If people think she's not responsible for this and other maintenance issues around WDW then you need to wake up.


Well-Known Member
No I don't unfortunately, but I assure you that the white lights that outline the rooftops of the GF are out and it's quite a few. It's very noticeable. It's a shame that they will build a new DVC at the GF but they can't even replace some light bulbs!? It's really very sad. Thanks Meg crofton for letting WDW get to this sad state. If people think she's not responsible for this and other maintenance issues around WDW then you need to wake up.

Ah, the accent lights on the edges of the buildings? Those have been a problem for a while. Maybe not at GF, but at the Boardwalk area I've seen huge sections of them not working for years now.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even notice there was lights not working and I was just there. :shrug: I'm beginning to think some members here just pick on Disney too much. I mean, I completely understand some things are just unacceptable and its a message board so everyone should be able to come on here to vent but sometimes it's just ridiculous. Maybe it's because I don't get to go to WDW as often as some people here, but honestly I read about things that are not working, or need repair on here (so I'm aware of them) and I don't even notice these things when I'm in WDW because I'm too busy enjoying myself. Even if I have to stand behind a huge, screaming, tour group it's not going to make my trip any less magical because I'm happy enough just to be there. A rude CM is not enough to ruin my trip, I think the magic is still there regardless.


Well-Known Member
We go to WDW because of the difference that wonderful CMs make and because of the great experiences we have. We still have great experiences each trip and I'm already mentally planning our trip in 2013.

I hate to join in on beating the horse.... but....

1) On our last trip we saw very unengaged (but not rude) Cast Members for the first time. We saw more than a handful of ride attendants talking about what they were going to do after their shift was over while and many more who simply looked bored and unhappy. I get that they're underpaid, hot, etc., but its not an excuse. What I find interesting is that we've never noticed this on previous trips. Either we've changed or something at WDW has changed. :shrug:

2) As everyone else said, the rides are simply not in top shape. Maybe I've just ridden them enough times to notice? It does dim the magic.

I hate to say that I am bothered by the inattentiveness of some CMs recently. I only hope that something has changed by our next trip.


Well-Known Member
We go to WDW because of the difference that wonderful CMs make and because of the great experiences we have. We still have great experiences each trip and I'm already mentally planning our trip in 2013.

I hate to join in on beating the horse.... but....

1) On our last trip we saw very unengaged (but not rude) Cast Members for the first time. We saw more than a handful of ride attendants talking about what they were going to do after their shift was over while and many more who simply looked bored and unhappy. I get that they're underpaid, hot, etc., but its not an excuse. What I find interesting is that we've never noticed this on previous trips. Either we've changed or something at WDW has changed. :shrug:

2) As everyone else said, the rides are simply not in top shape. Maybe I've just ridden them enough times to notice? It does dim the magic.

I hate to say that I am bothered by the inattentiveness of some CMs recently. I only hope that something has changed by our next trip.
I don't know if CMs talking about what they're doing after their shift would really bother me. If they seemed completely bored and unengaged then that could be quite bothersome, but I don't see anything wrong with talking to their coworkers like that during downtime.

I really didn't even see rides that were in rough shape when I was there either. But then again I probably don't go enough to notice, unless its THAT bad. I can see that if you've ridden the rides enough times to notice it must be disappointing to see things not working though. =/


Well-Known Member
I didn't even notice there was lights not working and I was just there. :shrug: I'm beginning to think some members here just pick on Disney too much. I mean, I completely understand some things are just unacceptable and its a message board so everyone should be able to come on here to vent but sometimes it's just ridiculous. Maybe it's because I don't get to go to WDW as often as some people here, but honestly I read about things that are not working, or need repair on here (so I'm aware of them) and I don't even notice these things when I'm in WDW because I'm too busy enjoying myself. Even if I have to stand behind a huge, screaming, tour group it's not going to make my trip any less magical because I'm happy enough just to be there. A rude CM is not enough to ruin my trip, I think the magic is still there regardless.

I'm an annual passholder and visit all the time I assure you the lightbulbs are out on the GF rooftops as well as the giant square light bulbs on the Contemporary. Just because your not observant doesn't mean people come on here and make stuff up to complain about. For us frequent visitors and locals it's a shame to see our parks in the current states they are in. Some Disney fan boys are in such denial.


Well-Known Member
I'm an annual passholder and visit all the time I assure you the lightbulbs are out on the GF rooftops as well as the giant square light bulbs on the Contemporary. Just because your not observant doesn't mean people come on here and make stuff up to complain about. For us frequent visitors and locals it's a shame to see our parks in the current states they are in. Some Disney fan boys are in such denial.
I'm relatively observant I just don't go enough to realize little things like this. I'm sure if I was there enough it would be noticeable and I would be thinking the same thing you are. I never said, nor do I think that people make things up to complain about on here. =/ I'm just saying that for me personally, I don't go enough to notice things like this unless its extremely noticeable. I've only been in WDW for 3 days in the past 6 years, I'm not in denial I just don't spend the little time I have in WDW paying attention to things like this.


Well-Known Member
I'm relatively observant I just don't go enough to realize little things like this. I'm sure if I was there enough it would be noticeable and I would be thinking the same thing you are. I never said, nor do I think that people make things up to complain about on here. =/ I'm just saying that for me personally, I don't go enough to notice things like this unless its extremely noticeable. I've only been in WDW for 3 days in the past 6 years, I'm not in denial I just don't spend the little time I have in WDW paying attention to things like this.

Totally understandable then. I didn't mean to come off as rude if i did.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even notice there was lights not working and I was just there. :shrug: I'm beginning to think some members here just pick on Disney too much. I mean, I completely understand some things are just unacceptable and its a message board so everyone should be able to come on here to vent but sometimes it's just ridiculous. Maybe it's because I don't get to go to WDW as often as some people here, but honestly I read about things that are not working, or need repair on here (so I'm aware of them) and I don't even notice these things when I'm in WDW because I'm too busy enjoying myself. Even if I have to stand behind a huge, screaming, tour group it's not going to make my trip any less magical because I'm happy enough just to be there. A rude CM is not enough to ruin my trip, I think the magic is still there regardless.

I'm an annual passholder and visit all the time I assure you the lightbulbs are out on the GF rooftops as well as the giant square light bulbs on the Contemporary. Just because your not observant doesn't mean people come on here and make stuff up to complain about. For us frequent visitors and locals it's a shame to see our parks in the current states they are in. Some Disney fan boys are in such denial.

The lights that outline the rooftops of the Grand Floridian are pretty Iconic to the resort. Without them the place looks eriely dark and spooky. :lookaroun And it looks pretty bad when some strands are working and others are not, or one or two buildings are lit up while the bulk are not. I think this one falls into the valid complaint box, as well as the squared areas of lights that Scuttle mentions that TDO has decided to start turning off at a certain time (though he makes it sound like they might be perminently turned off). These have been iconic to the Contemp since Day 1 and I think it's a bad decision to decide to not turn them on anymore.


Well-Known Member
Normally, i'd agree with the TDO comment, it's rather narrow due to all the many people working there. Except that Meg Crofton is a pretty specific and accurate target of the complaints. She IS the head and it's her responsibility to oversee the way the entirety of WDW is run. Management, and all the other aspects of park upkeep (and even subordinate cast members) are her responsibility. Whether you want to get more specific or not is your own affair, she is just the highest up and it lies in her hands to make sure everything is running the way it should be and people are doing what they need to be doing.

I've seen people use pretty broad and vague statements about Disney hate in the past, but Mrs Crofton is a very accurate direction of comments. The blame lies with her. Even though subordinates are to blame as well, she is responsible for not doing anything about it or turning a blind eye (she has the power to change things and she usually chooses not to).

If you can find me some more specific people with her level of power that are responsible, i'd be happy to spread around some blame. It seems fair to give her the blame for her specific area of jurisdiction. I'd be interested in being proven wrong though. I'm always willing to accept alternative ideas. I'm also giving her the benefit of the doubt for the next year or so and seeing how the rest of the worldwide parks end up being managed before finalizing my opinion of her. I actually like her as a person, she just seems like a bad choice to run the parks due to all the stuff that has happened on her watch. We'll see whether WDW gets any better with her in a more powerful position.
Using your logic of blaming the highest level person in the organization wouldn't it be Bob Iger?

Meg Crofton is nothing but a pair of words now, just like TDO, walmarting, and "management".

It's nothing more than unoriginal, bandwagon, group think. In a few months everyone will be using some other buzzword that they feel represents everything that is wrong with Disney.

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