Well-Known Member
Hi Steph!
I haven't talked to you in awhile! (or anyone for that matter... sorry guys, been very busy at work with Year-end)
How was Mexico? (it did end up being Mexico... right? I feel like a jerk if I'm wrong)
How's the pregnancy going, doing alright with it and your increased workload?

Mexico was great! Weather was gorgeous and it was so nice to relax. I think 7 days would've been plenty given that we weren't able to do all of the excursions we'd wanted/planned on doing (given me be pregnant), but it was still nice to relax in the sun. I will say it was quite interesting being on the other side of a language barrier. And if you ever go to Mexico, may I strongly advise against EVER going to a Wal-Mart there. :lookaroun
Pregnancy is going well. Got to see the little chipmunk before we left which was really cool. Still waiting for my 2nd trimester "energy burst" that everyone talks about. Any day now would work out fine for me for that to kick in.

How are YOU doing??? How was your Christmas/New Years?