

New Member
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Just got back from my honeymoon in WDW! We had a great time, everything was awsome!

The lovebugs were out in full force. I haven't seen that many since I lived in Louisiana! It didn't bother me because I am from the south so I am used to them but we saw lots of people from the north and from other countires that were totaly freaking out about it.

I had to explane what they were to one family that was worried about touring the parks because they didn't want to get bit by them. (love bugs don't bite)

Anybody else see this?


New Member
I was there on saturday, and you're right there are quite alot this season. This season is the busiest lovebug season I remember since 1999.


Well-Known Member
Yes :lol: We had them outside our room and in the one under the pillow. I didn't really worry about them, but they were a nuisance more than anything. Our car was full of them and we saw other cars that were worse :lol:
What always shocks me living in florida is the amount of people that drive around with bug guts all over their windows untill its like a inch thick layer and then try to use their wipers to clean them off. Its like "HELLO McFLY" clean your windows more often and you won't be weaving all over the road and about to hit me cus you cant see out it.


Well-Known Member
There's like an infestation now. Worse than Louisiana, even!

I actually overheard a family behind me on a parking lot tram say they didn't know what they were they had never seen them before. :brick:


Well-Known Member
There's like an infestation now. Worse than Louisiana, even!

I actually overheard a family behind me on a parking lot tram say they didn't know what they were they had never seen them before. :brick:
To be honest, had it not been for all of you, I wouldn't have known the name. We don't get many of those in Miami that I have seen. *shrug*


I think has been the worst year that I can remember... Driving home on the turnpike you could actually see clouds of them before they smashed into the windshield. It woke up my wife.:lol: The first thing I did was try to clean them off....of course you almost need a scraper.


Well-Known Member
Yea, theres been quite a few over here in Daytona Beach for the last month-ish. Like others have said, they aren't that big of a deal just annoying, especially when they constantly insist on landing on you. :lol:


New Member
When im speiling on th eback of a tram and we are parked in the Pluto/Goofy lot the back tram car along with the speiling platform gets covered in Lovebugs, then when im in Mickeys Gift Station there are always bugs flying in they are so annoying!



Well-Known Member
They seem to really enjoy the sun-warmed concrete walkways outside the rooms at Pop Century. It was practically carpeted in Lovebugs. As for the cleanup, yep, nearly impossible. About the only way I'm able to fully clean them off my windshield is to wait till I get home, then scrape them off with windex and a flat razorblade. I always get a chuckle when I pull off of I-75 to fill up the truck. I'll wash off the worst from the windshield but I know it's futile to completely clean it. I see folks sitting there for ten minutes cleaning the winshield until it's perfect -- and I know they'll run full-splat into another swarm in five minutes.


New Member
Lovely Love Bugs

We have these lovely bugs:rolleyes: in South Mississippi, my husband carries a can of spray in the trunk, I think it is called Gunk, so when we travel and we stop for gas, he pulls out the Gunk and paper towels and cleans off the windshield. Even though they don't bite, they have been known to ruin the paint on your car if you don't clean them off.

226 Days until WDW:sohappy:


There's like an infestation now. Worse than Louisiana, even!

I actually overheard a family behind me on a parking lot tram say they didn't know what they were they had never seen them before. :brick:

We're from the Midwest and don't have Love bugs, so we didn't know what they were until a local told us. Now we can educate the "newbies".


Well-Known Member
Being from Boston, we never even heard of Lovebugs until we experienced them on our Honeymoon in 2000. We thought the worst spot was at the water parks. We had to leave Blizzard Beach after only a couple hours because they were all over every shady spot as well as all over our towels. It was just annoying.


Well-Known Member
I was down at the world last week and the Love Bugs were not too bad. But on Tuesday they were a nightmare at Magic Kingdom. Every other day it was fine but boy were they annoying that day.

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