Love Bugs??


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I've read about the lovebugs several times. However, I do not have a clue as to what they look like. Any pics?



WDW Lover

New Member
I was in the World last September, from about the 19th to the 29th. They weren't that bad at first, but the numbers grew steadily and were still in effect towards the end. I've been there in May in the past and have seen them at that time as well. As has been said, they come out twice a year, usually when you go from winter to spring, late April early May, and when you change from summer to fall, September-ish. To see them now seems early. I think that they usually last about two weeks. Last September seemed very bad. They don't bite, but are just a nuisance by their sheer numbers. It's like the locust. :eek:

They are attracted to anything white, clothing, beach chairs, etc. They like the exhaust from cars and people movers in the parking lot, which also have white seats. As has been said, they can damage your paint if let to sit for a long time smashed up against your car's hood. They can get in the engine compartment too, which is a whole other story. I drove from Orlando to Miami during one love bug season and you have to see how quickly your windshield is covered. They highway rest stops have automated pressure washers that shoot about 500psi of water onto your windshield.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I was in the World last September, from about the 19th to the 29th. They weren't that bad at first, but the numbers grew steadily and were still in effect towards the end. I've been there in May in the past and have seen them at that time as well. As has been said, they come out twice a year, usually when you go from winter to spring, late April early May, and when you change from summer to fall, September-ish. To see them now seems early. I think that they usually last about two weeks. Last September seemed very bad. They don't bite, but are just a nuisance by their sheer numbers. It's like the locust. :eek:

They are attracted to anything white, clothing, beach chairs, etc. They like the exhaust from cars and people movers in the parking lot, which also have white seats. As has been said, they can damage your paint if let to sit for a long time smashed up against your car's hood. They can get in the engine compartment too, which is a whole other story. I drove from Orlando to Miami during one love bug season and you have to see how quickly your windshield is covered. They highway rest stops have automated pressure washers that shoot about 500psi of water onto your windshield.:ROFLOL:

So does this mean if they're out now they'll be gone in two weeks time?


Well-Known Member those are quite possibly some of the nastiest looking bugs ever. Yuck! I'm glad we don't travel to the World when those guys are visiting.

WDW Lover

New Member
So does this mean if they're out now they'll be gone in two weeks time?

The two week thing is just what I've heard and is an estimate. The actual length of time depends on the number of love bugs. From what I remember, love bugs are dormant all but two times per year when they come out to mate. Hence the name, since they are always conjoined. Again, from what I remember, their lifespan isn't more than a few days with the male probably dying shortly after mating. The females do whatever they do with the eggs/larvae? and then die themselves. Then when the next season comes, those eggs/larvae come out and repeat the cycle.

Long story short, the length of their stay depends on how many bugs have to come out to mate. But the sooner they come out the sooner they should all mate and die, right. :veryconfu Maybe the recent tropical storms has caused them to come out a week or two earlier than last year.

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