1) I don't get number 1!!!1) You only have 6 rides in one park and 5 in another, I think you need more to draw any type of crowds esspcially since you have no iconic draw. also not sure you can sue sleeping beauty or not it was created by the Walt Disney company, it is not the title of the orginal Fairytale it had tow goign names one was Briar Rose and I think the other was Princess Auroa.
2) It isn't Sleeping Beauty's Castle, it is Snow White's Castle
3) If it was Sleeping Beauty's Castle it most likely would get sued because of Disneyland's castle.
1) Don's understand a word you are saying!!!2)This relates to the number of rides but the ride diversity is really bad, partilally from the lack of rides but you have really poor diversification of a number of types of rides, for instance you only have water rides in one park.
1) Many of Disney's Fantasy themed rides can not be copyrighted except for the design and names. They are also not Disney's fairytales, most of them, so they have only authority over the names and design. Snow White's Adventures, I think I calledd it that, will be much different from Snow White's Scary Adventures in DL and WDW.3) For claiming not to be a Disney park you have many, many simulatiries thorugh out, in many cases you seem to almost comlelty rip-off already established rides, the themes are general enough for you to do somehting compllety different with, so do so
2) Some of my rides are new, "never-before-seen" rides
4) Millenium Central is still a terrible name, don't mean to be harsh but I already tried to help you with it and you didn't do a thing to the name, Millenium imples some sort of time restraint and Central is is too vauge of a definition is it meant geographically or idealogically, and the whole name in no way give any sort of clue to the theme, which honestly even from your ride descprtions I have no idea what it is, it seems like a mix between Sci-Fi and an Technology musuem.
1) I REALLY AGREE!!! I just cant think of a name. It is kinda hard because it is Technology, the Future, and astromomy so it is kinda hard for me. You might mhelp me there!
5) Sports company does not thrill me but that is just me personally, the only thing I have to say is look at how Wide World of Sports barley operates at a giaganitc meca of torusim then think how it might work at some new start up........
1) DO WHAT?!?!?!:lol: