Longest Disny drought


New Member
My first trip was when I was around 3-4 yrs old. Then we didn't go again until I was 15-16!!! :cry: I dont ever remember wanting to go and not going though?! I dont know! We traveled a lot but not there. And now my family are Disney Fanatics! My uncle got time share and has become Mr Disney! He is our go to guy! We are on our 3 rd in the past 5 years! 87 days! :sohappy:

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
As an adult, it's been the two years I was in graduate school.

Between paying for that and the amount of work it required...there was no time or money for a trip!

But, the week after my graduation I treated myself to a trip as a reward!


Well-Known Member
I'm in the middle of it, last visit 2009. We were all set for a 2011 family trip when my dear wife's schedule changed and we won't be able to go this summer and so we had to delay until 2012.

I have to arrange a business trip to Orlando soon!


My longest is now. It has been almost 3 yrs and unless plans (and finances) change it will be another 2 years . Between 1981 and now I had never gone more then 2 and a half years.


Longest drought?

1974 to 2007.

The parents took us as kids and I didn't get back until I had my own kids.

Now we go at least once every year, usually twice.

Gotta make up for lost time.


Active Member
I am currently in my longest drought ever. Last time I went was September of last year (2010). But I'm going in less than 2 weeks, so my Disney thirst will be quenched.


Well-Known Member
Yes vacations are starting to get a bit expensive these days and it's ashamed that families can't take them like they want to. Well let's see for me it was back in the 80's with my parents and i worked there in MK 90 to 91 (only a year). Then me and wife along with the kids in 07 and we just went this past week of April of 2011. I had like a 15 or 16 year drought..... uhhhhh. It kills you too see other people having fun there especially when you can't go. I know i will not be back will after 2013, i have to wait for the new Fantasyland!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's funny because during my drought I wasn't even worried about it. I was a teenager and then after I turned 18 I had the military thing going and then got married. I totally "forgot" about Disney(did I really say that).

It was early 2008 when I saw the commercial for California with Vanessa Williams at DL and I looked at my wife and I said "we're going to Disney, you choose if it's Florida or California."

I went back into Disney mode doing the planning and her and the kids were cool with it but hadn't been hooked yet. My wife hadn't been since she was 2. Then we had the threat of a hurricane that was headed for the coast of Florida but turned right before we got there.

Now I have them all hooked and the enjoy it just as much as I do. Disney is what gets me through my work days. No matter how much overtime I get each day I keep telling myself it's only money in the bank for our trip.


First Disney trip was DL in CA in 1971- 2 years later, visited WDW with family at age 7. 11 years went by until HS graduation trip in '84. Skipped 9 more years until DH took me for a day trip to MK for my 27th birthday. 4 years later, went for 2 days, and 4 years after that, went with 3 year old DD and her Grammy. Since then, we haven't let more than a year and a half go by without a trip. This past November was our last visit, and I am itching to start planning another one.

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