Long Line Memories and Line Etiquette, Your Worst Line Experiences

Hank Hill

Well-Known Member
I forget the ride, but this lady with a rental stroller would just not stop clipping my ankles while waiting in line at Animal Kingdom. Once, twice, thrice, fine... just accidents so I no-sold it. Fourth and fifth times I started selling and looking at my ankle. Somehow it continued, even when the line was not moving. I went full turn around and gave the stink eye. Not a word of apology. What must have been around the ninth time or so it happens again, I turn around about to speak and she finally mumbles a quick sorry and switches places with her husband. I still cant believe it.

It's hard to get me mad, especially at DW, but she was trying her best.

We had a stroller at Epcot. It was about 3 PM and we are trying to walk to a specific country but it's crowded so while moving with purpose, we were not in a rush and going with the crowd. Unfortunately we got stuck behind a couple in front of us who were already drunk. Weaving back and forth, going really slow, then speed up when I tried to pass. We finally had a shot to pass and he weaved in front of the stroller my wife was pushing and she clipped him. She just kept walking and didn't say anything. He gets y and calls my wife a , I just said sober up as*hole and continued to walk while he said some other stuff.

Point is, it's not always the stroller pusher that is the issue. Situation awareness is almost non existent these days. Same thing if you just come to a dead stop in the middle of the walkway, yes you are going to get people who have to pass you and might not be able to do it without bumping you. Grocery store people take up the whole isle and don't care someone wants to pass, driving seems to get worse and worse, so it's not just at Disney. Or i'm just grumpy today.


Well-Known Member
We had a stroller at Epcot. It was about 3 PM and we are trying to walk to a specific country but it's crowded so while moving with purpose, we were not in a rush and going with the crowd. Unfortunately we got stuck behind a couple in front of us who were already drunk. Weaving back and forth, going really slow, then speed up when I tried to pass. We finally had a shot to pass and he weaved in front of the stroller my wife was pushing and she clipped him. She just kept walking and didn't say anything. He gets ****y and calls my wife a *****, I just said sober up as*hole and continued to walk while he said some other stuff.

Point is, it's not always the stroller pusher that is the issue. Situation awareness is almost non existent these days. Same thing if you just come to a dead stop in the middle of the walkway, yes you are going to get people who have to pass you and might not be able to do it without bumping you. Grocery store people take up the whole isle and don't care someone wants to pass, driving seems to get worse and worse, so it's not just at Disney. Or i'm just grumpy today.

I hear your point but we were in a non-moving queue, and it happened repeatedly, and I assure you I am not wealthy enough to get drunk in Animal Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
FP line at RnRC and here comes 1 kid out of the stand-by line, then another across into the FP line. Then a group of 5 (3 adults, 2 kids) follow them "We had to go to the bathroom." I rolled my eyes as the pushed past and got the "who the hell do you think you are?" look and the stare down from the father

In line for FoP and a woman pushing her handicapped son in a wheel chair got passed by a pretty obnoxious younger mother and her equally obnoxious daughters. The older woman said "I don't appreciate you cutting in front of me, this has happened twice" and before she could even finish her sentence, the obnoxious woman cut her off and said "Then move faster, this is done." Made my eye twitch.


Well-Known Member
We had an entire family try and sit in front of us waiting for the MSEP years back - Five minutes before it was due to arrive. Funny thing was we were already sat on the kerb. I launched a verbal volley at the parents and a CM explained the error of their ways.

For attractions we had a large enough group in Paris Pirates to form a human chain across the interior queue. It has parts that are quite wide, wide enough for people to push past. Sure enough a family tried to. They didn't get far.

Years back we saw fisticuffs on the TTA ramp. Less than 30 seconds and two or three suits arrived - before uniformed security - and politely but forcibly suggested the two men follow them. A minute later and you wouldn’t know anything had happened.

Not queue related, but I’ll leave this one here

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A few years ago my wife and sons (twins who were probably 12 or so at the time) got a spot at the curb for the Star Wars parade in Hollywood Studios. Grabbed it early and sat/stood there for an hour or more.
I stood back, because - I'm tallish - not really tall, but at 5'11" I'm aware that if I am standing that I am blocking children and many woman.
Well, right as the parade begins a woman with a kid or two walks up in stands right in front of my wife.
Other people muttered and complained, but my wife (who only stands 5 feet tall) did not accept it.
She told this woman that she had to go.
And when my wife opened her mouth - others, now feeling more brave - joined in.


Park History nut
Premium Member
A few years ago my wife and sons (twins who were probably 12 or so at the time) got a spot at the curb for the Star Wars parade in Hollywood Studios. Grabbed it early and sat/stood there for an hour or more.
I stood back, because - I'm tallish - not really tall, but at 5'11" I'm aware that if I am standing that I am blocking children and many woman.
Well, right as the parade begins a woman with a kid or two walks up in stands right in front of my wife.
Other people muttered and complained, but my wife (who only stands 5 feet tall) did not accept it.
She told this woman that she had to go.
And when my wife opened her mouth - others, now feeling more brave - joined in.
Good on your wife. The parks seem to be a cross section of all parts of society from the good to the bad. Being adults, if we’re standing we usually let kids in to the rope in front of us but more than once the rest of the family try to think it’s an open invitation for all of them. Like we’ve stood there for 45 minutes to reserve the spot for them.


Well-Known Member
Hollywood Studios - they were showing the video Star Wars movie montage thing before the fireworks. I walked up with a friend and stood at the back of the pack along the walkway they keep open. It wasn't crowded at all. People behind us, on the other side of the walkway (in front of the projection buildings), were sitting on the ground watching. One lady got up and walked up to me to begin to berate me for standing in front of them. However, before she could get a few words out a CM, who apparently had heard her tell her family that she was going to speak to me, intercepted her and firmly told her:

"No, sorry this is a standing show and they (meaning me and my friend) can stand there and do not need to sit or move. As a courtesy we are letting you remain seated during the movie part but you will have to stand during the fireworks."

That CM was my hero.
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Well-Known Member
90+ degree day at DW. Lines were long....everywhere. It was midday so the sun was baking. We were walking towards the Buzz Lightyear standby line which snaked around the side of the building. It was one of those days where you were dodging people left and right every two feet. All of a sudden I almost got taken down by a force that took my legs out from my blind left side. It was a young woman on a jazzy scooter who was texting on her cell phone and managed to ram me. She gave me a look like I was wrong. I was in the Happiest Place on Earth so I held back on what I really wanted to say. I watched her drive to the stroller area, park her scooter, and quite normally, walk to the fast pass line to meet her party.
Criticizing scooter users?! Oh boy - now we’re in for it. Shhhhhhhhh...always watching....


Well-Known Member
Good on your wife. The parks seem to be a cross section of all parts of society from the good to the bad. Being adults, if we’re standing we usually let kids in to the rope in front of us but more than once the rest of the family try to think it’s an open invitation for all of them. Like we’ve stood there for 45 minutes to reserve the spot for them.

Yes, you put it perfectly: "Like we've stood for 45 minutes to reserve a spot for them."


Well-Known Member
When the Frozen ride opened several years ago at Epcot, the wait was approx 4-5 hours to ride. I wasn't there but I found out that guests were given free ice cream by cast members.

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Good on your wife. The parks seem to be a cross section of all parts of society from the good to the bad. Being adults, if we’re standing we usually let kids in to the rope in front of us but more than once the rest of the family try to think it’s an open invitation for all of them. Like we’ve stood there for 45 minutes to reserve the spot for them.

I've started saying, "That'll be $100, which is a bargain here."


This Christmas we were surprised when we got to Orlando airport and went up to the desks for the Magical Express. There was a family behind a family being served at one desk, then two other desks that were just serving someone and had no line. We went up to queue behind one of the other desks and the woman in the family who were queuing said very loudly 'there's a line', we started to explain that there were three lines but she was having none of it and told us to get behind them. We did, stupidly, because we didn't want to make a scene. Then it was their turn and as they went up to the desk, more people went to all the other desks and it turns out this family hadn't got any of their paperwork ready, couldn't find their ID, were just generally making it as difficult as possible for the CM trying to sort it out. We moved to another desk as soon as one was free and ended up getting on the coach just as it was about to leave, while that family were still searching through their bags for their things.


Park History nut
Premium Member
This Christmas we were surprised when we got to Orlando airport and went up to the desks for the Magical Express. There was a family behind a family being served at one desk, then two other desks that were just serving someone and had no line. We went up to queue behind one of the other desks and the woman in the family who were queuing said very loudly 'there's a line', we started to explain that there were three lines but she was having none of it and told us to get behind them. We did, stupidly, because we didn't want to make a scene. Then it was their turn and as they went up to the desk, more people went to all the other desks and it turns out this family hadn't got any of their paperwork ready, couldn't find their ID, were just generally making it as difficult as possible for the CM trying to sort it out. We moved to another desk as soon as one was free and ended up getting on the coach just as it was about to leave, while that family were still searching through their bags for their things.
Karma 😊


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
My weirdest line experience was actually at MCO last spring! We (Mom, sister, and I) were on our way home after the Star Wars Rival Run weekend. Security was super backed up (the one time we were actually thankful to be dropped by the ME so early) and we were in the furthest left line of the higher numbered gates. I don't think we'd moved at all in 20ish minutes? Eventually a man came up and said they were opening up this VIP lane (I think that's what it was, it's between the two main security entrances but I don't remember the name). No one had used it the entire time in line and the man said they might as well help out. So we, along with the rest of the folks around us, move over to this line. The TSA worker starts working on this new line- we ended up behind just a couple of people. Right before we walk up the woman behind us, decked in full runDisney merch, starts complaining that we were behind her in the other line and that she needed to be able to go ahead of us. We didn't really say anything because no one had moved to this new line in their original order, nor had I seen this woman prior to this point. The TSA workers waved us up anyway and ignored her but she just kept complaining and saying that it was fair. Keep in mind, she was directly behind us! The time she was arguing for was minimal. My Mom finally told her that we had just done as told and moved over with everyone else. It was super awkward but the TSA worker was super nice to us!

The fun part was she was right behind us for all of security, then showed up at our gate, and then ended up being in the row ahead of us on our flight! Which as soon as we landed back home she promptly called someone on her phone and began tearing them a new one over the phone, so I guess that is just who she is? It was just such a weird experience!


Well-Known Member
We had been waiting forever staked out for the MSEP and at the last minute this man comes and stands right in front of us with his huge kid, i mean pushing teen kid sitting on his shoulders, when everyone who had been sitting there for almost an hour started t complain he gave a sob story about the kid having been lost. So because you managed to lose your kid that gives you the riht to block the view of people who had been waiting almost an hour? We got a cast members attention who escorted them out, not just out from in front of everyone, out of the park.


Well-Known Member
in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't happen much. The line jumpers are few and far between.

its the snack grabbers that annoy me. you can usually remember when somebody walks past you to leave the queue, however when they appear in the queue looking for their family with a load of a snacks. that annoys me. Its Blatant line jumping/saving and the family should be removed from line.
That would be something that wouldn't even make me blink. One person went and got snacks. Not a big deal even if that person didn't initially join the line. If he or she hadn't done that they would be in front of you anyway. There is no difference other then timing. They wouldn't miss their place in line to have everyone leave and get something so they still would have been in front of you no matter what. They have gained nothing and you have lost nothing in the process.

The bigger problems are the situations where one or two people hold a place in line for many others that is wrong on many levels. I think if we are going to prevent ourselves from getting ulcers we need to evaluate every situation and logically think about whether or not their action really affected you all that much. People just blatantly working their way up a line, cutting corners short and getting in front of you if you so much as stumble, should be taken out into the middle of Main Street, stripped naked and covered with French Fries.


Well-Known Member
While waiting to get on an elevator, I am standing a few feet back from the doors, not because I am reserving room for people to cut in front of me, but because I am being respectful to those who are going to get off the elevator. I once had to wait a several cycles at the contemporary from all the people (and 2 people on scooters) who kept barging in front of me, only to add to the congestion for those trying to get out. It amazes me that people think elevators are always empty, ready just for them.


Premium Member
In the Parks
I hesitate to mention this long queue-line jumping experience, but several visits ago my DH and I were in line at BTMRR. Both sides of the queues were filled to capacity due to large crowds. When we had finally advanced to the ramp leading down to the trains, we chose side A. Shortly after making the turn, a group of about 20 (from a South American country) who were still at the top of the ramp climbed over the railing and fed into the queue with their country mates. There was nothing that could be done, short of a full-fledged brawl.


Active Member
My worst line experience was a 2-1/2 hour wait for Jungle Cruise in August 1974.

On our 2011 trip, we went to the standby line for TSMM, which was about an hour. Not knowing any better, I got on line while my husband headed to the restroom. When he came back to join me, everyone in line let him through except the group right behind me. We gave up the argument, and I let them go ahead of me. After we had all been in line for 45 minutes, the ride broke down and we were all dismissed, no FPS for our time and trouble. I now know I was wrong, and I should have waited for my husband so we could get on line together.

Last Sunday we were at AK, on line for FOP.

Back on January 4th the ER told me I had the flu and pneumonia, and it’s been one cold after another since, wreaking havoc with my asthma. Thus, I could barely walk. We tried using a manual wheelchair, and almost crashed into a group of people innocently standing at the bottom of the bridge to Discovery Island. A CM got us safely back to the rental shop so I could get an ECV. This is why one person on a scooter is able to park it and then walk seemingly normally.

Back to that line for FOP. In the outside queue a woman in a manual wheelchair had decided to leave the line. The queue was too narrow for her to pass, and I didn’t see a wide spot to try to get to. She was able to get up and walk past me, and the three guys in front of us, who I believe were from a South American non-Spanish speaking country, lifted her chair up and over so she could be on her way!

i apologize for all the paint I must have chipped and scuffed when I couldn’t maneuver the scooter around the u-turns in the queues 😱

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