Local girl injured at TL

People will sue for anything lately. When my 8 year old was 2, my husband and I took him for his first Disney visit. While walking through the stores on main street to avoid the crowds, we smelled something really really stinky in the back of the crystal store and looked down to discover poo all over one of the stroller wheels and the bottom of my sandal, which, unfortunately was a pair of Dr Martens (huge tread).
I went to the bathroom with some baby wipes to try and eradicate the problem, and while I was in there, the cleaning lady asked me what happened and went and got a CM to come in and she offered me everything from a pair of free shoes to dinner. We did accept her voucher for ice cream and happily went on our way... well, happily but grossed out, because when I asked her if the horses had been out earlier that day she sheepishly said no, they don't run on whatever day it was we were there... so that was gross, lol.
Perhaps I should have sued for mental distress? lmao...


Well-Known Member
Oh this thread brings back painful memories!
In TL, many years ago (I was 7 maybe :shrug:), we were in teh wavepool and my mum and dad were holding my younger brother when the wave came. Being scared of it I ran away but got knocked down by it and dragged along the grip-spikes at the bottom. My back got cut up and had the scars for years!

I think its all in the reaction of the company. (awaits flaming) my family did sue Universal Studios about 14years ago. I broke my leg on the flume ride in Fivels playground and my family were not treated well by them. We had real troble getting my stroller back and Universal didnt want to know. I think they were so worried about being sued they automatically went into withdrawl mode. It wouldnt have taken much to do a little extra


We have a Crush and Gusher in Britain too, at Alton Towers and I've never heard of any accidents concerning that either!

I wonder if she tried to rock it when going round a corner? That might make it flip over sideways but I'm not sure about it flipping over backwards!

Unfortunately, there are some people who just don't know how to enjoy a ride properly. People mess about, they stand up, they unfasten seatbelts and stick their arms out and are continually surprised when they get hurt! Then the rides get closed down or "made safer".

Rules are in places for a reason!
The tests seem a bit OTT actually

She only suffered cuts and bruises yet they suspect internal bleeding? Wouldnt she be like...dead if they didnt sort out the internal bleeding pretty quick (if major at all)?


Active Member
i went on tht ride laste year and yes it was powerful but it was not too powerful.

and i might b wrong but im sure tht there was not a single rideit, they r in two's or threes??


Well-Known Member
I might get a little flamed for this one but oh well....
Mmmm.....somone can't afford health insurance but they can go to theme/water parks? I would personally invest in health insurance for my children before taking them to theme/water parks.

I agree. I know people who drive very nice vehicles with very high payments who go on one vacation after another and who shops like crazy buying things that they don't need that also have no health insurance. They rely on state provided ins like "AllKids" for their children. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that the Gov/State offers this but it should be for the ones who really can't afford Ins., not those spending over 1100.00 a month for car payments. :zipit:


New Member
How irresponsible. Your logic makes no sense. If you didn't have insurance you would splurge on a trip? How about splurging on the health and safety of your family?

Most people pitch in something from their paycheck on insurance, so in reality you would be bringing home more if you had no insurance, so what splurge are you talking about.

This would be more correctly stated "most people who work for large corporations that still offer health coverage pitch in from their paycheck." The millions of Americans that work for small companies may or may not have that option. The millions of Americans who are self employed do not have that option. If you're in the latter 2 groups, it's likely you have to pay for health insurance in it's entirety, which for a family can cost as much as 2 or 3 car payments.

I do agree that health insurance for your family is more important than expensive vactions. I think some posters are making having health insurance sound easier than it actually is for a lot of people. And to say that people that can't afford health insurance shouldn't go to Disney World, I'm not sure I would go quite that far.


Well-Known Member
While I dont know how she could have flipped out I will say that CnG kind of scared me a bit and I thought I was going to fly out. The rush of the surging water always hurt my butt like crazy when we went over it even though I held it up as high as I could. Personal problem I guess. :lookaroun :lol:

I also was another one to be terrified of TL's wave pool. When I was younger too I was sitting in the shallow end playing with my siblings and the wave came and knock my right over scraping my back and ruining my bathing suit - put all those little "pulls" in the butt part. We went back for the first time on our honeymoon and I made sure to not sit in the shallow part!! :lol:


Active Member
Cynderella,may i first say that that is in my opinion, the best and sweetest way to be proposed to. Congratulations and good luck in the future.

Second of all, I scapedmy back aswell when I was little and itcut it quite deep, but I dont blame disney for it. its common sense really that a strong wave will knock you down. :p


Active Member

I would think that Disney would already have insurance for this type of thing. When we go to summer camp (hardly a multi-billion dollar operation) they have an insurance policy to supplement any extra costs NOT covered by our insurance in case of injury. Even if it's just a silly accident, like tripping and falling, as long as it's on property, they will cover the medical expenses. If we were uninsured, they would cover everything related to that injury. I think this kind of thing is pretty standard.

I would be surprised if Disney did not have this kind of coverage for its water parks, or at least a standard in place to cover these kinds of situations. Therefore, there really shouldn't be a reason to sue--just make a claim. Sounds like they rushed to the lawyer before they really had to.

On the other hand, if this is not Disney policy, or the park is not insured, I think it is reasonable for the family to ask for help with the medical costs related to the injuries. Disney does not have to claim any liability for this. Accidents happen. It would be relatively cheap for them to cover this compared to a court case.


Well-Known Member
Cynderella,may i first say that that is in my opinion, the best and sweetest way to be proposed to. Congratulations and good luck in the future.

Second of all, I scapedmy back aswell when I was little and itcut it quite deep, but I dont blame disney for it. its common sense really that a strong wave will knock you down. :p

Thank you very much! I certainly thought it was too! :D:wave:


New Member
I am a member on another forum and do know of another incident where a guest was flipped out of CG.

As the story goes, it was 2 guests, wt. 250ish each. They asked the CM about a weight limit for a double tube and were told that there wasnt a weight limit. In the process of the ride, the tube flipped, they continued down the ride and had scrapes and bruises. No lawsuit filed. The original CM who told them that there wasnt a weight limit said "that has never happened before" and "if there is a malfunction" that the ride should automatically shut down. The persons involved just took it as a learning experience and chose a single rider route next time.


Well-Known Member
This may be a bit off topic, but still related in a way, here in Massachusetts we are required to have health insurance. As of December 31st, 2007 - every resident in Massachusetts had to have coverage, whether it be through a company we are employed by, therefor getting it deducted from our paycheck every week, or by paying monthly. I just wasn't sure if there were any other states who have this law???


New Member
Getting flipped off an inner tube is alot different than falling 28 feet off a ladder.

I dont understand either checking for internal bleeding from a tube flip, maybe a CT of the head if she banged her head or had loss of conciousness because then you are looking for concussion which is essentially "internal bleeding in the brain"

But for the person with the family member who fell 28 feet. Say the distance out loud - 28 feet.... scrapes and bruises are obvious, broken bones are obvious, internal bleeding is not obvious and can be life threatening. Even a small bleed inside somewhere. You may have no symptoms initially or for days and then all of a sudden you do and it may be too late and it can kill you- so it seems reasonable that after a 28 foot fall a CT to rule out internal injury is prudent.


New Member
On my first trip (age 4-5) I suffered many scratches on the floor of TL's wave pool, amazingly we didn't check for internal hemorrhaging or sue!!!!

Besides taking Disney to court in Orlando (their home ground) is one hell of a task. (considering Disney is essentially the reason Orlando is so successful.)


Active Member
I really don't understand how you can even flip one of those tubes backwards without trying your hardest to sit at the complete rear edge (and you'd probably still have to be rather......heavy)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I really don't understand how you can even flip one of those tubes backwards without trying your hardest to sit at the complete rear edge (and you'd probably still have to be rather......heavy)

trust me Im heavy (despite most of it being forward facing) when your jaxi goes into that hoop you are stuck!

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