Living With Food Allergies/Warning Labels


Well-Known Member
Fantasmic!329 said:
I have a friend who is allergic to celery, peanuts, and apple skins. Is anyone else allergic to the celery and apple skins? I have defintley heard of people allergic to peanuts, but never anyone to celery or apple skins.
i COULD be alergic to apple skins...
something funny happens in my mouth when I eat a raw apple
i can eat apple pie, apple sauce, drink apple juice and cider, but if its a raw apple, no thanks for me

I'm also SEVERELY alergic to all kinds of nuts
different nuts give me different reactions

Walnuts close my throat
while almonds give me horrible asthma attacks
There is no scarier feeling than biting into something and realizing "oh crap"
cuz sometimes there are no labels to read, or you're at someones house.

once i ate a cookie that was GAURENTEED to be nut free by the person who baked it...
she failed to mention she was eating nuts while she was making the other cookies :)rolleyes: )


Well-Known Member
lamarvenoy said:
My son is very allergic to peanuts and one big one that blindsided us was "Ritz cheese and crackers" Regular crackers....regular cheese...for some reason the 3rd ingredient is peanut butter.We learned that one the hard way.

im a professional label reader now


Well-Known Member
I used to throw up (also a lot)
now that i'm older I go into anaphylaxis
i think its because the more you are exposed to an alergin, the more alergic you become (i learned that in one of my nursing classes...:( )

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:
once i ate a cookie that was GAURENTEED to be nut free by the person who baked it...
she failed to mention she was eating nuts while she was making the other cookies :)rolleyes: )

Unless you live with the allergies every day, you can't understand the contamination issue.

I would have told you the same thing: these cookies do not have nuts in them. It would never have occurred to me that if there were nuts out on the counter that the nut-free stuff may have minute traces of nuts.

If you don't have a peanut allergy, it's hard to imagine that a peanut butter sandwich is a deadly weapon.


Well-Known Member
I'm a school teacher. I had a severe peanut allergic kid in my class a few years ago.
We sent home papers after papers telling the parents do's and don'ts. It was hard because I had to check every birhday treat and give the peanut allergic kid something from a box his mom brought in just in case. There was a peanut free lunch table for him, etc. It was hard. The kids knew how allergic he was (2nd grade) but so they didn't blame him for not getting certain kinds of candy treats or whatever, I told them I too was allergic to peanuts. (which was true, but i'm just not severe like others.) That was hard - to check all the kids' snacks daily for peanut stuff, etc. I felt so bad for the boy!!!!


Well-Known Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:

im a professional label reader now

I can't imagine just eating food with out reading a label or quizing people about it. I am so sick of it. I feel like a pain in the butt for my friends and family. Often they will make a meal tying to be dairy free, and forget the whole butter thing, or to read the label for the spagettie sause, and there is cheese in it. I feel bad, but what can you do. Most friends have gotten better and leave out wrappers for me. After my best freind had to dig through the garbage at a party, she only did that once. :lol:

This Thanksgiving we did an mostly dairy and egg free meal and it was great for us, but I did most of the cooking and it was at my house. I don't trust my MIL for being dairy free, she thinks milk, not butter, cheese, sour cream ect..... :confused:

I love the labels that clearly state the top 8 allergens. For me if it says contains wheat and soy that is great because it means it doesn't have eggs and milk.

I can't tell you how many labels I have read 5 or 6 times trying to figure it out. There has been a few times when I have bought stuff, only to get it home and read the label better, opps, does have milk in it. :rolleyes:

I thought I read all the food labels had to start doing that after Jan 1 2006, but I haven't noticed much of a change. Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
lunalovegoddess said:
"Let's try giving her some Nutramigen."
After the bottle, she calmed down and fell asleep on my shoulder. They diagnosed it as a milk protein allergy and sent me home with a week's supply and instructions for the pediatrician and for WIC, which covers the cost of the formula. It was $27 a can at the time and we went through 6 cans a month.

My girlfriend had to do the Nutramigen for two of her daughters. I sent her a case of the RTF (the one where you just pop the can open and pour straight into the bottle). She said it was the first time the baby slept all nite long. The powder just didn't fill her up. It's so expensive; I don't know how a parent could afford Nutramigen without WIC.
Her next daughter needed some kind of formula that you have to ask the pharmacist for. She said it's like pancake batter.........
After reading about all of these food allergies; I'm grateful my gang can eat anything that won't eat them first.......A shellfish allergy would be mighty hard to live with here since it's a staple of our diet.


Well-Known Member
TiggerBW said:
It is very hard. I won't have sesame seeds, shellfish, or cabbage, but at times I eat peanuts in things, dairy (too much), garlic QUOTE]

What would an allergic symptom to garlic entail? I find myself running to the bathroom within 30 minutes of ingesting anything containing garlic powder.


Well-Known Member
DisneyPhD said:
I can't imagine just eating food with out reading a label or quizing people about it. I am so sick of it. I feel like a pain in the butt for my friends and family. Often they will make a meal tying to be dairy free, and forget the whole butter thing, or to read the label for the spagettie sause, and there is cheese in it. I feel bad, but what can you do. Most friends have gotten better and leave out wrappers for me. After my best freind had to dig through the garbage at a party, she only did that once. :lol:

This Thanksgiving we did an mostly dairy and egg free meal and it was great for us, but I did most of the cooking and it was at my house. I don't trust my MIL for being dairy free, she thinks milk, not butter, cheese, sour cream ect..... :confused:

I love the labels that clearly state the top 8 allergens. For me if it says contains wheat and soy that is great because it means it doesn't have eggs and milk.

I can't tell you how many labels I have read 5 or 6 times trying to figure it out. There has been a few times when I have bought stuff, only to get it home and read the label better, opps, does have milk in it. :rolleyes:

I thought I read all the food labels had to start doing that after Jan 1 2006, but I haven't noticed much of a change. Anyone know?
i dont know about laws but a lot of lables are now BOLDING major alergic foods


New Member
I am allergic to MSG and other preservatives, but not fatally as all that happens is that when I eat, specially at restaurants, my nose gets stuffed up and sometimes i get post nasal drip.:(


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
DisneyPhD said:
I thought I read all the food labels had to start doing that after Jan 1 2006, but I haven't noticed much of a change. Anyone know?

Actually, I got the email from Jolly Time popcorn last night, and they mentioned what part of the problem is:

(excerpt from my email)

The reason for the discrepancy in listings on the carton and bags is that we are complying with the new government regulation that went into effect January 1, 2006 and listing all ingredients. The bag is correct. We are currently using up our old stock of cartons and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this caused you.

So, this may be something that happens with other companies as well. It takes time to phase out the products that are already on the shelves, and they have been in contact with the nation-wide chain supermarkets to make sure that by the end of the month there will be no more discrepencies. All they really have to do is to return the packages and then the company will replace them in newer boxes.


Well-Known Member
Debbie said:
TiggerBW said:
It is very hard. I won't have sesame seeds, shellfish, or cabbage, but at times I eat peanuts in things, dairy (too much), garlic QUOTE]

What would an allergic symptom to garlic entail? I find myself running to the bathroom within 30 minutes of ingesting anything containing garlic powder.

well, usually when i have garlic i have cheese too so i'm not positive, but......I get an upset stomache "the big D" as I call it......runny nose, and that's about it I think.


Well-Known Member
I remember somebody... may have even been one of you guys... saying that a boyfriend of a family member had said he was allergic to onions. Well, someone assumed he was just ssaying it because he didn't like them, and put them in a dish. :rolleyes: Bet that was a fun apology to listen to. :lol:

Which reminds me.. I recall Susan Powter (remember her? white blonde flat top hair, the diet lady for 10 years ago or so?) but she suggested telling people in restaurants that you're "allergic" to fat, so they don't add extra oil to your food. :rolleyes: :mad: Let's not make it any harder than it is to get these allergies taken seriously. If you don't like something, or don't want something, then make sure they listen, or cook at home, but don't trivialize food allergies.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I remember somebody... may have even been one of you guys... saying that a boyfriend of a family member had said he was allergic to onions. Well, someone assumed he was just ssaying it because he didn't like them, and put them in a dish. :rolleyes: Bet that was a fun apology to listen to. :lol:

Which reminds me.. I recall Susan Powter (remember her? white blonde flat top hair, the diet lady for 10 years ago or so?) but she suggested telling people in restaurants that you're "allergic" to fat, so they don't add extra oil to your food. :rolleyes: :mad: Let's not make it any harder than it is to get these allergies taken seriously. If you don't like something, or don't want something, then make sure they listen, or cook at home, but don't trivialize food allergies.

I tottally agree. Having dealt with a real allergy am starting to get ticked with people saying they are allergic, because they don't like something. Especailly since this allergy means giving up things I LOVE! I was out to dinner last night with a friend who always said she was allergic to seafood. I asked her how she found out, if she never ate it. She said she really didn't, just every time she ever had a little it didn't sit well with her.

I totally understand not likeing something, but it isn't the same as it not liking you!


New Member
MouseMadness said:
Not doubting you, but are ya sure? :lol: I just went and checked... I had gotten some for my daughter, who is also allergic to peanuts, for snacks at school, and there's no peanut product listed anywhere. It says it is manufactured on equipment that also processes peanut products, but no peanuts are in the ingredient list. Maybe it was a different brand? (Thanks for the heads up :) , it never occured to me to check the labels on cheese crackers!)

Does your son go into anaphylaxis? The worst that has happened with my daughter, thank God, is she throws up. A lot. :lol: And she breaks out into HUGE welts. In fact, when we got her tested at the allergist, you know where they poke them and put the stuff on their skin to see how they react, she was so tiny they had to use her back. Well, the nurse took a dry cotton ball to wipe it off, and I was looking and thinking, omg, she is going to break out soooooooo badly, and I tried to tell them, but what do I know :rolleyes: . Sure enough, the doctor came back in and her back was like one huge welt. His face just went :eek: :lol: I've never seen a Dr look like that. :lol: She has thankfully outgrown the soy and eggs that she used to have, but peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish will always be out, I'm afraid. :(

I checked with my wife and she said they were the "ritz snack minis" which are quarter sized crackers sandwhiched with cheese in the middle. He was given those at snack time at school and everytime he would throw-up within a couple of minutes. Although we explained to them very explicitly NO PEANUTS OR PRODUCTS MADE WITH PEANUTS OR PEANUT OIL, thsy kinda missed that one.He is 3 1/2 and his symtoms are getting better but peanuts are like the devil to him.I ran into one of the parents who volunteers at the school while shopping and although we never met before she saw my son and asked "Is that no peanut Jimmy?" Apparently, he is very quick to tell people he can't eat peanuts:lol: He's always asking servers and people food related "Does that have peanuts-cause I'm lergic and I can't eat peanuts"


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll have to see what it is that I got. I read the label 3 or 4 times to make sure I hadn't missed anything, and never saw any peanut products.

Another question... what did your allergists say about peanut oil? I know most with peanut allergies avoid it, but our allergist said oil was not a problem. I never stopped to ask if this was just for Mallory or for all children. I suppose it would help to know what exactly it is that causes the reaction. If it is a protein then it would make sense that oil is okay, since none of the proteins go into the oil.


Well-Known Member
My daughter has severe eczema that is caused by allergies. At 3 months old, we found out she was allergic to rice. Her stomach would go into convulsions and she's start throwing up when she had rice cereal (they had me put some in her bottle because her reflux was so bad). When she was a bit older, she was allergy tested. She had both several food and enviromental allergies and they've changed each time she's been tested. She no longer has any food restrictions, but here's just a few of her allergies she's had. (I can't even start to remember them all).

rice, tomato, slight peanut, slight chicken, dust, grass, oak, maple, cat...the list goes on and on.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Ok, I'll have to see what it is that I got. I read the label 3 or 4 times to make sure I hadn't missed anything, and never saw any peanut products.

Another question... what did your allergists say about peanut oil? I know most with peanut allergies avoid it, but our allergist said oil was not a problem. I never stopped to ask if this was just for Mallory or for all children. I suppose it would help to know what exactly it is that causes the reaction. If it is a protein then it would make sense that oil is okay, since none of the proteins go into the oil.
I have a student with a severe peanut allergy. He even has to wear the medi bracelt and necklace. I know he is able to eat Chick-fil-a though and it's fried in peanut oil.


Well-Known Member
pinkrose said:
I have a student with a severe peanut allergy. He even has to wear the medi bracelt and necklace. I know he is able to eat Chick-fil-a though and it's fried in peanut oil.
Yeah about the peanut oil thing
I've never tried it
but then, I've never had the desire to...

I stay away from everything with "nut" in the name


New Member
MouseMadness said:
Ok, I'll have to see what it is that I got. I read the label 3 or 4 times to make sure I hadn't missed anything, and never saw any peanut products.

Another question... what did your allergists say about peanut oil? I know most with peanut allergies avoid it, but our allergist said oil was not a problem. I never stopped to ask if this was just for Mallory or for all children. I suppose it would help to know what exactly it is that causes the reaction. If it is a protein then it would make sense that oil is okay, since none of the proteins go into the oil.

His allergist recommended taking baby steps when trying anything with a tree nut/ She was not specific about the oil but I don't really like taking chances! About a year ago my wife was shopping ay Publix and like every visit she goes to the bakery for a free cookie(keeps him quiet and occupied).The lady gave him a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie instead of regular and he only took 2 bites then started whining and getting fidgity. About 3 minutes later he was violently throwing up and screaming in pain.She had to leave the cart full of food and go immediately to the ER. They were able to confirm it was infact peanut butter in the cookie.We keep Epipens everywhere but haven't used them yet.Strange as it sounds he can eat shellfish with no problem but he is deathly allergic to fire ants which is difficult here in Florida.

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