At the risk of continuing the thread drift, have you actually seen Super Size Me? I actually thought he was pretty fair. He made a point of saying repeatedly that it was not McDonald's that was bad for you. It was a steady diet of fast food and lack of exercise which he duplicated in his experiment.
He used McDonald's as an example because they are the face of fast food. And he chided them a little for their portions and the "super size" policy they had back then.
Sure, there was a sensationalist element to it. He had to sell tickets just like Mickey D's has gotta sell Big Macs. But the movie itself was reasonably fair, I thought.
To be fair, I only saw segments of it in a college sociology course years ago. I don't recall thinking it was that fair, but perhaps I should review what BS I had to write about it for the course at the time.
Okay, though, enough talk of McDonald's (I still haven't had lunch!