My question would be this, who cares? The story is there, at this point it doesn't matter who manufactured it. It's there and being talked about by major sites, not just the hate mongering echo chamber culture war instigators you keep talking about. Sites like usa today, newsweek, Forbes... Even the nbc today show site had a story, and they are left as can be. The real question is what is Disney doing about it? Because no matter where it came from, it's a real thing.
Of course it matters that there’s an incredibly widespread and well-funded network of media outlets without even the pretense of journalistic ethics fabricating stories to incite hate against perceived ideological opponents. It’s one of the biggest issues facing the country today, exponentially more significant then anything Zegler has ever said.
Newsweek is a zombie magazine publishing culture war garbage behind the facade of a once-respected name. The other mainstream sources are covering the furious backlash - what USA Today calls the “racist backlash” - not Zegler’s words. Should they be giving this nonsense exposure? Probably not, but the media loves controversy.
Over and over, posters ask, lips aquiver with innocence, what Disney should do about such organic backlash? The desired answer seems to be that they need to stop emphasizing minority representation and particularly stop casting minority actresses in adaptations of their classics. Oh, the posters are quick to interject, the representation doesn’t bother me PERSONALLY, but look at all THOSE offended people, and after all Disney’s a business and this is hurting the box office. Maybe they can just have minority characters in NEW IPs… which will be attacked by the same culture warriors. And then the posters will say, well, it didn’t offend ME, but look at the box office, another woke bomb, whatever should Disney do?
The fact is that Disney has no good options. They will be targeted by the culture war network no matter what they do. As a general rule, giving into threats is a terrible idea. In this case, it would mean openly spiting young, emerging markets in favor of catering to and being associated with old, diminishing ones. It’s bad business and bad ethics. Sadly, the only way forward is through. Given the myriad challenges plaguing Hollywood right now, I truly hope Disney as we know it makes it through.