Alright...wanted to stay out of this one...but won't.
I am an active IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) union member. I fully 100% support my brothers in the Local One strike in New York, even though it has nothing to do with me, as I live in Florida. The labor problems don't exist just in NY, but all over. Local One is just strong enough to actually do something about it.
For those of you that don't know what we do...we work blood, sweat, and tears all hours of the day much of the time to put on the high quality entertainment and presentations that the world enjoys on a regular basis. We work HARDLY a 9-5 schedule (never) , sometimes working up to 48 hours straight, rigging, lighting, costuming, designing and building sets, rigging audio equipment...etc etc etc so that the show WILL go on. You think I exaggerate? Welcome to "my" world. Think about it next time you walk into Walt Disney World and who puts on and maintains the world class shows...IATSE members.
It's everywhere...just look at the end of EVERY movie you watch...and you'll see the IATSE logo. We work hard so you can be entertained.
Saying that...because of our hard work and dedication to put qualilty shows on around the country, we, as professional theatrical stage employees, do demand that we recieve proper (not over-the-top, but proper) compensation in well as proper care taken to our needs.
SERIOUSLY...when is the last time you've heard of a stagehand strike that affected million of dollars? A VERY long time. We don't threaten it often, we take what we are given, and make the show happen. In 121 years, IATSE has NEVER affected Broadway. There MUST be problems.
However...when producers and GREEDY people (this country is full of them) want to take-take-take, and not give any in return to the people that took care of them in the first place...the union steps in. For those of you that do NOT know, our International President did step in to mediate negotiations, made progress, and then walked out to deal with other union business. Upon him leaving, the League of American Theatres and Producers changed their minds, and began bargaining in a regressive manner. IATSE, then authorized a strike.
These negotiations are NOT only about money either, they are about hours of work, staffing needs, etc etc etc. True the arguments in question are based on years-old practices. But it is the skillset of a professional stagehand that is the pricetag. WE make THEM look good.
It is the LATP that will hurt...greed gets someone nowhere. Sometimes people need to do what they need to do to open the world's eyes and get something accomplished. It's occasionally a step back, to step forward. Only way to get ahead in today's society is to open your mouth and say something.
And for those that think I have nothing to lose by supporting them?
I just spent hundreds of dollars on "over" face-value tickets for The Little Mermaid, for the end of the month. I would only be able to recieve face value back on them. I have a lot to lose. Do I hope its better by then? Sure. But if not...I support their cause. Life goes'd do the same if you were in their position.
The actors and musicians of these shows support my brothers in New York...perhaps others should as well recognize GREED in its finest.
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