There is just nothing to like about the Band or the System.
The time it takes the tickets to get into the park is the same with the bands. Card goes through the machine, spits out in 3 second while u get fingerprinted. Bands take 3 seconds to read and you still need a finger print. Plus, bands have the same errors when finger printed as did the cards, so there is no advantage of the switch.
Then to get into the room. Normal people have the card ready as they walk down the hall to get into their room. Swipe your card and your in. The bands offer no convenience and do not save any time.
To dine and use your credits. Swipe the card, swipe the band, again, your not saving any time.
To purchase souvenirs. Whether you link your credit card to the band, or use your credit card in the store, you are not saving yourself anytime. You still have to sign, put in code, swipe the band etc, no time saved.
BUT then there is the fast pass. People are being limited to 3, when they used more in the past.
There is now lines at the fast pass entrance, when there were never any lines before.
People are no longer able to park hop and use fast passes at each park so that is another fan favorite taken away,
The ability to reserve rides in advance absolutely does not exceed the cons of the entire program when you add it all together.
It is a complete waste of 1.5 billion.