Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!


Well-Known Member
I made a new design for buttons and shirts.


I'm posting yours and mine both in the Facebook group.


Well-Known Member
Before this, I was always an activist against, as Kevin Yee puts it, "Declining by Degrees", seeing little details of WDW going downhill or everything not being as top notch as it was in years past.

Sure, my posts here on the forum have gone down a lot due to the fact of so much bickering and arguing here for the stupidest of reasons and not wanting to put myself into the middle of those arguments. But this...I'm glad to see to the forums are back in a united front again, something we can all agree on.

As much as I didn't really care for Lights of Winter myself, I have always seen them since I was little and I know how much joy it has brought to others. It's always a display that is full beauty and an abundance of the Christmas spirit. To see this being removed due to simple's pathetic. It's sad, it's pathetic, it goes against all the principles Walt himself put into place. Sure, I might not have cared for them too much personally, but to see it ripped out like that and taken away from so many's absolutely putrid: to have this handled with such excuses, to have this come down as it's the lowest of the low.

It's funny you know...I'm a CM myself and so is my father and together we went to a CM only event a few years back, where, by total coincidence, we sat next to Ms. Crofton and Mr. Weiss, and while he wasn't at the same table, Mr. Rasulo was also there. This was around the time SSE started doing soft previews and the civil war of the Descent was going on. We talked for quite a while, to both Ms. Crofton and Mr. Weiss. I even at one point talked to Ms. Crofton about the Descent personally, how there has been some backlash about it and not many are satisfied with it, to which I recieved an high eyebrow and a look of nervousness came down her face; but I assured her, no, I have trust in all of you, there's probably more to come, and she smiled wary, in a face looking like, "Wow, I just dodged a bullet."

After the past few years and hearing and seeing how many cutbacks they have done, how the Fantasyland rehab wasn't even their idea, how they interfered with so much, with THIS breaking the camel's back...I can see now my trust was completely and utterly misplaced. This has gone TOO FAR and it MUST end here.

To think I met them then and they seemed like good now honestly disgusts me to see what they've done. It's disgusts me to see how I even KNEW them. If I had known what I know now...I know I definitely wouldn't even feel remotely wanting to sit next to them or if I did, to keep quiet about all of this.

If anyone is keeping record, I think we can all agree the past several years are unfortunately WDW's Pressler-Harris era. I guess we know who's names to put in this time.


Active Member
Yep you have to wonder about the people who don't visit websites. They are going to be heading into Epcot expecting to see them - why wouldn't they? The Lights of Winter are always there - it's an Epcot staple. Feel sorry for the Epcot guest relations - not their fault, but they are going to get some very angry people in there.

I know a lot of people here say "How can you go without doing research," but I cant imagine how my mom would react if she went to DHS this year and there were no osbourne lights.

And you're right, I do feel bad for the EPCOT CMs who will have to deal with this :(


New Member
Personally, I'm giving Thomas Smith a little credit in this. The fact that he hasn't instantly replied back with the party line tells me that it's entirely possible he wants answers as much as we do. (I'm assuming he works out of Burbank and not Orlando.)

Or, could be he just doesn't care, but I'm not getting that vibe.


Well-Known Member
I suppose something could have come up between last year and this year that would not allow them to put the lights up, technology wise, be it soft ware, hardware or light bulbs. But if that is the case and Disney was not able to put something togethar since the discovery they could actually just tell the truth and say so ....and that this year we will have the gospel choir but look for some great new lighting experience to debut in 2010 0r 2011. Instead of creating ill will they could have created some excitement for next year. There were so many better ways to handle this IF it truly was something that HAD to be cut toward the last minute.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'm giving Thomas Smith a little credit in this. The fact that he hasn't instantly replied back with the party line tells me that it's entirely possible he wants answers as much as we do. (I'm assuming he works out of Burbank and not Orlando.)

Or, could be he just doesn't care, but I'm not getting that vibe.

Indeed, it's really giving off that vibe. Who knows...maybe this just opened up a can of worms for the company. With the comments made on the blog, now the CM's who operate the blog know as much and confront head on the comment made by us fans. This could be the incident that creates CM's who run that blog to wonder what TWDC or more specifically TDO is up to.


Well-Known Member
There are going to be a LOT of upset people, I was thinking about that. I know many friends/family who use the internet just casually, and would otherwise not know about the LOW if I didn't tell them. There will be tons of locals coming in for the holidays with no clue. I feel bad for the guest relations, and the gospel choir too.

Yeah, I hope Guests are responsive to the choir. It isn't their fault that Disney is pawing them off as a replacement instead of an enhancement.


So obviously the lights were a very recent cut, then. This is just getting more and more confusing for the average guest. (If they buy a guide, of course.)

Not necessarily a recent cut - I'd say it's more likely that one arm of the company has no clue what the other is doing.


Active Member
You have to understand Epcot's management view on things also, does LOW bring in any extra money? Is there any LOW food? or any LOW merchandise? So it is just window dressing to them, it is an expense that maybe was going to receive an upgrade, but when they found out the price, they just decided to get rid of it all together. It is not a moneymaker, just a crowd pleaser, but just like the tree lighting ceremony performed in the same area previously.

So what does bring it extra money during the holidays at Epcot? Candlelight Processional Dinner Packages, it makes the restaurants happy and Epcot management happy to make that extra money, and they more than half way sold out and the seating arrangement is geared toward dinner packages, conventions, VIP's, and guests. Standby seating is only going to be about 200 - 400 seats a show. So they will be long lines for people who want a seat without buying a dinner package.

Also, personalized Christmas ornaments, they can make some extra money on that also, so that is where their focus is, where they can cut costs and make more profit in other places.

Take Food and Wine for an instance, they made a lot of cuts, and didn't have have as many as offerings as they did in previous years and were preparing for lower numbers, but lo and behold they actually made a profit of an extra 10% over their projections. So now they think we can make more cuts and make bigger profits and hope nobody will notice.


Well-Known Member
Technology obsolete? Ha! What the heck ever happened to the "it's kind of fun to do the impossible" mentality at this company? Even if this is the truth, which sounds so silly, doesn't it sound ridiculously embarassing that a company like Disney can't figure out how to turn on some lights?

Thankfully, out here in LA we know how to turn on light bulbs and have the annual Griffith Park Light Festival coming up. You're all more than welcome to come out and enjoy it! :)


Well-Known Member
You have to understand Epcot's management view on things also, does LOW bring in any extra money? Is there any LOW food? or any LOW merchandise? So it is just window dressing to them, it is an expense that maybe was going to receive an upgrade, but when they found out the price, they just decided to get rid of it all together. It is not a moneymaker, just a crowd pleaser, but just like the tree lighting ceremony performed in the same area previously.

Couldn't you say the same for the Osborne lights? Yet they received a massive upgrade.


Active Member
I just wanted to jump in and add my own sob story.

One of the things on my "to do before I die list" has been to spend the Christmas - New Years in Disney World at least once. I have now crossed that dream off my list. Unless they make some serious possitive changes in the next few years, I just don't think a trip like that would be worth it.


has anyone driven past the storage area in the last day or so to see if anything has been done to the frames, at least some weed-wacking. this could be a way to see if our efforts have had any impact on their decision.

I bet someone is saying "we better clean them up quick just in case they change their minds"

I bet there is large-scale butt covering going on right now at TDO.

Epic Fail.

I would check it out myself, but I am 900 miles away right now.


has anyone driven past the storage area in the last day or so to see if anything has been done to the frames, at least some weed-wacking. this could be a way to see if our efforts have had any impact on their decision.

I bet someone is saying "we better clean them up quick just in case they change their minds"

I bet there is large-scale butt covering going on right now at TDO.

Epic Fail.

I would check it out myself, but I am 900 miles away right now.
I'm making a trip tomorrow since I only have 1 early morning class (Yay!) tomorrow. Also I'm planning on making a trip into guest relations. Does anyone know if I should just say something or drop off a letter as well?


You have to understand Epcot's management view on things also, does LOW bring in any extra money? Is there any LOW food? or any LOW merchandise?

Why isn't there LOW merchandise? I would have bought something.

I personally was surprised the Food and Wine did as well as it did - I found the samples I did get (just a few) small and overpriced. I used to love the Food and Wine Festival, but I bought much less this year than ever before.

It is short-sighted to say that everything Disney does has to have a sponsor or show revenue. I passed by the Holy Land the other day and it looks like they are doing more than Epcot this year.

Bah Humbug.

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