Well-Known Member
We're going the week of Xmas... So much stress already being added.. Do we buy Genie+ in advance? Do we buy day by day? If you can buy day by day, why in the world WOULD you buy in advance? We've been there at xmas and had a really bad stretch of weather. I've already paid for the crazy expensive tickets... added hopper... and if I added Genie + (all for four of us) and then decided to miserable to go to the park, I'd probably go bananas.
So far reading... Looks like if you get up early and head to the parks, take a LL if you have an early one, otherwise wait for inventory to open up at 9. And if you accept a late in the day reservation, does that mean you're stuck doing nothing until then?
Just me, or does this seem like the worst of the worst? With the added benefit of now paying for confusion and all day button mashing?
I'd wait. Just show up, check wait times, and ride standby with reasonable wait times. If standby waits look like they're getting too long, decide on whether Genie+ is for you. But you could still hold out for the more popular rides until later in the day when guests start leaving and wait times go down. Good luck!