Well-Known Member
I am not personally insulted by anything you or others have said. Nor did I mean to suggest that anyone here is maladjusted, and I apologise for using language that lent itself to such an interpretation.You really want to be the offended party, don’t you? Posters let this whole thing drop and you dredge it up again. This started because I made a general point - line-skipping software ultimately makes things worse for everyone but Disney - and you and Chi decided to take personal offense instead of debating the effects of such systems on the parks as built. For one thing, apparently, you don’t mind huge, pressing crowds, so saying they make the parks worse doesn’t respect your perspective.
You tried to shut down debate and stated or implied implied other posters were dogmatic zealots (has anyone on the other side of the argument made similar accusations about you?) and eventually, explicitly did the thing you accuse others of doing, devaluing the opinions as the product of maladjustment. When this was pointed out, you responded with a “sorry you’re offended” pseudo-apology.
If this is misleading, show me the specific offensive passages from me or other posters you took as personal insults.
Not once have I tried to shut down debate. That is a gross mischaracterisation of everything I've posted.
To set the record straight:
- I enjoy WDW as it currently stands but realise that others do not. I have no interest in changing anyone's mind.
- It doesn't bother me in the slightest if people wish to complain about the parks. Have at it.
- I do not go in for retorts of the "If you don't like it, stop going" variety. It's not for me to tell others how to spend their time and money.
- I'm perfectly willing to be challenged on my perception of phenomena and situations that lie beyond myself as an individual. Whatever views I hold on things like capacity, the general utility of FP+, attraction quality, etc., are fair game as far as debate is concerned.
Now, as to what does irk (not to say offend) me:
- Being told that my own feelings about WDW are ill-founded or the result of some sort of spell that Disney must have me under. It's as if one can't be allowed to be a self-possessed, intelligent person who enjoys today's Disney.
- Being preached at for giving Disney my money by those who are doing the very same thing. It's uncalled for, not to mention hypocritical.
The last two behaviours I've listed do come across as dogmatic and zealous. I choose the words deliberately because it often feels as if some posters here consider it an article of faith that no reasonable person can hold a different view of Disney from their own. It needn't be that way, and shouldn't.