The complaints themselves are perfectly legitimate. I may not agree with them, but they're clearly coming from a genuine place, and I commend some of our more passionate posters for the strength of their convictions. It's not for me to tell anyone that their experience of WDW is wrong, or that they should stop going if they no longer enjoy themselves as they once did, or that they need to come around to my way of seeing things. Contrary to what was suggested in an earlier post, I have no intention whatsoever of limiting what we discuss or changing anyone's mind. The only thing I take issue with is the notion that those of us who aren't complaining have been hoodwinked and that we must, moreover, be made to see that we've been hoodwinked. I draw the line at being told that I have been tricked into enjoying myself or that I'm being selfish by not privileging others' subjective opinions over my own lived experiences. It really feels like a form of evangelism at times, and I don't fully understand what those proselytising hope to achieve.
If people insist on framing the issue in moral terms, I fail to see why my relationship with Disney is any more detrimental to the common good than that of park-goers who have a much more negative view of the company. At the end of the day, our money is all going to the same place. Complaining doesn't offset one's financial contribution, and I daresay that some of the least satisfied posters here continue to spend far more time and money at WDW than I do.