let us know everything that you love about wdw (this is the all positive thread)


New Member
Walking into the Magic Kingdom, going under the train station, turning the corner on Main Street and seeing the castle - nothing beats that feeling.


New Member
1. The smells
2. The atmosphere
3. The service
4. The food
5. The "show"
6. The entertainment
7. The rides
8. The resorts
9. Everything

That's in no particular order...


Originally posted by disneyman23
how about those great mickey ears ice cream bars......gotta have those.....mmmmmm so messssy...mmmmmmm sooooo good :D

You know thats something I remember *THE MOST* about Disney. Those dang mickey bars. I hate that you can't get them ANYWHERE ELSE!!!!!! DH & I were trying to devise a plan to buy a whole ton and bring some back home to Texas.


New Member
Original Poster
i wish you could find them elsewhere, but after thinking about it im glad they are only in disney cause that way they are super special when you eat them there


Well-Known Member
These are amoung the many things I like at WDW......
1.) Big ol' puppets(Tapestry)
2.) Awe inspiring journies through time and our Imaginations(Just about any Epcot Omnimover plus Haunted Mansion, Dinosaur, Pirates, Buzz Lightyear, and Splash Mountain
3.) Explosions and things flying through the air(Indiana Jones Stunt Show,Fireworks, Fantasmic.)
4.) Wild rides through space, car testing grounds, mountains, and Jolly Old England.(Space Mountain, Test Track, Big Thunder, and Mr. Toad)
5.) Humor(Muppet Vision, HISTA, Tough To Be A Bug.)
6.) Dinosaurs jumping out at you, which is one of my mother's ultimate requirment for an excellent ride(Dinosaur, UoE I guess)
7.) Seeing the Mouse and friends.
8.) Figment
9.) Audio Animatronics
10.) Classic songs(except IASW)
and finally...... Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Sandwiches!


I love how I feel when I'm there...

I love the feeling you get when you are in Disney World. As soon as you walk up to the entrance, and see the park itself (be it the train station at mk, the "big ball" at epcot, the sorceror's hat at mgm, or the tree of life at ak), you feel it, you just breathe and you realize "I'm really here, I can't believe I'm really here." You are breathing in Disney air, which produces a natural high. You exhale all of the troubles and worries from "real life", whatever they may be, and you leave them at the gates. Then you are transported back to your childhood, to that carefree and simpler time. You don't know what to do first.... a ride, a show, grab a bite to eat, run up to the first character you see (an old friend) and tell "I'm here, I'm back!" There is so much to do, to see, to smell, to taste, to feel. It overloads your senses. You think that it's so surreal you may wake up any minute, but you don't care. Because you're there. And you belong there.
Because you're there. And you belong there.

I have to totally agree with that. I admit I was almost moved to tears during my last vacation when I suddenly had the overwhelming feeling of belonging. Love it.

And I have to say I also love sitting back on the TTA as a break, just talking with my brother, as well as doing a little Doombuggie dancing during the graveyard scene of Haunted Mansion :D


New Member
Original Poster
yeah it really is amazing that a theme park can have such an effect so to as actually move you to tears, i def have had that happen, and im betting tons of other people have too :)


New Member
contemporary resort

when i was a cast member in 1990-92 the top of the contemporary resort was called the top of the world, it has now been renamed and im not sure what but it is that absolute best place to go for a terrific view of the magic kingdom.you are basically on the roof of the contemporary resort and can see the castle at mk. it is great for takeing pics or video. everytime i have been since i have taken my guests there and they ahave all been very impressed. its breathtakeing. dont miss it.


Well-Known Member
i have to admit, reading through these posts has brought me to tears. happy ones. I am going to WDW tomorrow and I cant help but get so excited. I have been 10 times, but this time, is super special. This pas august I was reunited with my brother 4 years younger than me after not seeing one another for 12 years, well now we are together, and celebrating in WDW for 9 days. Disney has always been a huge factor in my life, anything from the movies to the theme parks to the little mickey tattooed on my shoulder, its just amazing, the feeling of being in this place where there are no worries or problems, where you can just take a break from being you. Thinking of all the times ive been so overwhelmed with emotions whether it be watching belle and the beast come out during fantasmic or to seeing mickey for the first time or to even just watching the people around you (especially first timers) and how everyone can just be in this one place and have so much in common, i dont know of any other place where this happens. This trip is going to be amazing, and to be able to share it with my little brother, who both of us have missed out on much of each others lives (im 20 he will be 16) its just a great place to somehow kind of make up for our childhood spent apart being able to let the kid inside of us out for a bit. i will be sure to include a trip report when i return :)


New Member
we all know everyone here loves WDW, so let us know all the great things about it that keep you spending the big bucks on everything disney and posting thousands of threads to talk about it !

I'm new to this forum, so I'll give it a try. My first interaction with WDW was in 1999 with my 54 year old friend who was not very ambulatory. The people at WDW were awesome accomadating her needs and they more than lived up to our expectations. Myself, I love the look on the kids faces in their amazement of everything around them. My daughter and I (55 & 34) try to get there every year. The atmosphere, the attractions, the variety in the parks is awesome. I can't say I've noticed the chipping paint etc. I guess if you want to look at the negative side that is what you'll see. Leaving to go back this Saturday and so looking forward to it.


Wow this is difficult but fun!

1. Magic

2. The giggles of my daughter on our endless Tower of Terror rides (ok me to!)

3. Those purple signs telling us that we are home

4. Walking along the river in our best resort French Quarter not to mention the beignets!

I could go on for days! Thanks for the happy thread!


New Member
I love the toffee you can buy on Main Street.

I love the music you hear while walking down Main Street

I love the VERY helpful and VERY welcoming CMs at the guest relations building - or whatever it's called (I'm sure someone will jump at the chance to correct me :lookaroun ...:lol: ) - at the entrance of Main Street.

I love being able to cut through the air-conditioned stores on Main Street to get to the main hub without sweating!

I love skipping down Main Street

(And that's just Main Street!)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Holy thread bump batman!

Anywho, I love the loose slots and looser women at Epcot...

or it it Vegas?


Well-Known Member
I love EVERYTHING about WDW.

The thing I love the most is the fact that knowing ill be back soon everytime keeps my sanity during the rest of the year-better than any "shrink"


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna list what I love about Disney when I'm there but simply the parts I think about when at home that get me REALLY excited.

Getting on the tram/monorail/boat in any of the parks..really builds up my excitement and is so much more exciting than the journey to anyother theme park
Driving under the WDW arch on the first day of your visit...knowing you're on Disney property=magic
Downtown disney-nosying in all the shops, looking at how cute everything is
Typhoon Lagoon, the entrance...when you see the signposts with the story on it, the wave, standing beside the croc...getting my photo taken. :D
Walking around the park with the people you love-nothing like it and although we have our ups and downs disney world erases any problems we have.
Wishes/Fantasmic-Just waiting for them to start and the amazement of the crowd when it does
Not in Disney now but when you drive back to your villa/hotel and talk about the day and what you're gonna do tomorrow.
Stopping at a Walmart and buying some munchies for your villa.

I know the last 2 aren't disney related but as I have such a long way to travel to get their these things make me really excited too! n ireland needs a walmart lol!

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