Let’s Get Down to Business, to Defeat… the Run: A Wine & Dine Half Marathon TR

What can I say? I’ve been more than just a little obsessed with naming my reports after Disney songs as of late!

Things have been quite crazy in our lives since the last trip report was posted. We spent the better parts of October and November house hunting and then found our “dream” home just before Thanksgiving. Our fabulous realtor got us in to see it the very same day and we put an offer on it that night! Crazy, I know. But smart because it turned out that multiple other offers came in the very next day. We took another Disney trip over Thanksgiving and then upon returning, we closed on our house. Moved in right before Christmas and we’ve spent the last month trying to get situated. All excuses for why this trip report is incredibly late and also the reason why I’ve been MIA on the trip report forum as of late. Not only do I need to get my reports posted, but I need to catch up on so many of your fabulous reports, as well – my apologies, as I’ve been reading, but not responding!

So on to this trip report…

When: September 29th – October 3rd
Where: Disney’s All-Star Music Resort
Why: Wine & Dine Half Marathon
Who: Mr. and Mrs. Hollybelle


Yep, that’s us, after miraculously surviving the 2009 marathon - all the gory details here: Going the Distance from Mile 1 to 26.2!

Let’s back up a bit – like, to the middle of last year. :lol: June 2011 rolled around and I started getting the bug to do another Disney race. It hit me that we had participated in Disney races in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Surely we couldn’t let 2011 go by without lacing up the running shoes. There was only one rule – NO half-a$$ training. For real, this time. We both vowed to find a training schedule and stick to it like white on rice.

This time around it was about so much more than finishing the race. You see, we managed to accomplish that when we finished the Princess Half on no more than a couple of two or three mile runs – I won’t even pretend to call those training runs. And if I’m being honest, finishing that race didn’t really feel like much of an accomplishment because I knew so much more could have been accomplished if I’d only put forth the effort. No, the purpose of this race was not to finish it, but to train for it. The battle was not fought on the day of the race, but in the three months prior to it. For me, it was about goal setting and follow-through. For Brett it was about redemption. He claimed that this was a “business” trip... and he meant it.

With that we spent the month of July building up a base with some short 2-3 mile runs around the neighborhood. At the beginning of August we scoped out a local park/trail to do our long runs on and we found a very basic training plan that required a total of three runs per week over the course of eight weeks. Why did we choose a training schedule with a mere three runs per week? Because we don’t like to run. :eek: :lol: No really, I found that while training for the 2009 Marathon, I burned out long before I reached the halfway point in my training – and I attribute it in part to the fact that I was running five days a week.

The most basic of training schedules: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/clubs/triathlon/training/Half_Marathon.htm

I’m proud to say we didn’t miss a single run, and believe me when I tell you that there were quite a few days when I really, really, did not want to suit up and hit the pavement. I feel like I’m constantly reading about people who love to run – folks who are itching to get outside and lose themselves in the steady rhythm of a good run. As much as I may wish it to be true - that is NOT me. And that’s okay. Throughout this experience, I found that what got me out the door was dedication to my goal, not the lure of the run itself. Don't get me wrong, the endorphin high that came after finishing a difficult run was addicting, but not the run itself.

A bit more specificity about our goals – Brett’s redemption goal was a two-hour finish time. Aside from not missing a training run, mine was to simply run all 13.1 miles (no walking) with the hopes of coming in under two and a half hours. From the very beginning, we split up. We went out to do our runs at the same time each day, but unlike all our runs of the past, we didn’t run together. Instead, we found ourselves passing by one another, high fiving, as we each moved along to our own beat. This allowed Brett to move at a more challenging pace, and it allowed me to find my own personal motivation to keep going.

Unfortunately, when he was about 5 miles into our last long run, a piercing pain shot up Brett’s calf. I remember coming around the edge of the running path to grab a gel at mile 4, only to find Brett leaning against the car, looking a bit distraught. He did the smart thing and bailed on the run. I offered to stop with him, but he wouldn’t hear of it. So he spent the time stretching at a picnic table while I finished the final 6 miles of my last long run. He put in a solid two miles for our last easy run the Tuesday before departure and we both hoped upon hope that all his prior training would be enough to carry him through race day.

An instagram Brett snapped as he waited for me to finish a long run – I’m not sure what it is about this picture, but I love it. It reminds me of all our training:


With that, it was time to put our training to the test, and get down to business... Shang-style! :lol:



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Day 1 – Thursday, September 29, 2011: Arrival day

I bailed on work around noon on Thursday to finish packing and make sure everything was ready to go as soon as Brett walked in from work at the end of the day. We didn’t leave until 6pm, putting our arrival at the All-Stars around 2am. We had a standard room booked and when the CM directed us to the Country Boots, neither one of us could contain our laughter. On the way down we had joked about our possible fate. It never fails – every time we have ever stayed at Music, we’ve been given a room in the Country Boots. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. :lol:

Hello, All-Star Music!


Ahh yes… the instagram. This will be a new addition to my trip reports from here on out – Brett’s a bit of an instagramming fool. He loves that app. I’m not gonna lie, I’m a big fan, as well, but I didn’t get my iPhone until Christmas, so all the instagram shots you see are from Brett.

We made our way to the room where I took a grand total of two pictures before crashing into bed! If you’ve seen one All-Star room, you’ve seen ‘em all!




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Day 2 – Friday, September 30, 2011: DHS/MNSSHP

We nabbed an extra 30-45 minutes of sleep, in lieu of a table service breakfast Friday morning, but we still managed to make it to the Studios for rope drop. My precious mornings in the parks are always worth getting up for!








TSMM was crazy, and we didn’t feel like getting fastpasses that we likely wouldn’t be around to use later anyway. Instead, we made our way over to Star Tours 2.0. We passed this intergalactic being on the way.




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After picking up our fastpasses, we grabbed some breakfast at one of my favorite little places, the Writer’s Stop. I always find the CMs in here to be exceptionally friendly. There was a young girl earning her ears and the manager was praising us for our patience. It really wasn’t a big deal at all, but she gave us Mickey stickers anyway. It reminded me of those long ago days at the doctor’s office when you would get a sucker at the end of your visit if you were good. :lol:




After breakfast we made our way over to the Muppet Courtyard. The plan was to meet Phineas and Ferb (although, I must admit, I’m not too familiar with the characters), but it wasn’t quite time for their set yet, so we decided to hit up MuppetVision 3D.







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We exited the show, expecting to hop in a fairly short line for Phineas and Ferb, seeing as they weren’t due yet for another 10 minutes or so and the line was already snaking through the queue. Hmmm… maybe next time. Instead, we went back to Star Tours to cash in our fastpasses. It really is too bad that the new version of this ride hasn’t put even the tiniest of dents in the TSMM fracas every morning. Sigh. What will it take?!

Before queueing up we noticed that one of the little boys at the Jedi Training Academy chose to bow to Vader rather than fight him. The crowd ate it up!


On our last trip together (May 2011), we caught a soft opening of Star Tours and weren’t allowed to take pictures. Luckily this time around, that wasn’t a problem.







I can’t really recall, but my notes say we saw Yoda, so yeah, I’ll go with that… we saw Yoda this time around. :lookaroun


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We left Sunset Boulevard behind and headed back toward the front gates… we had a lunch date to get to! That’s right, we had plans to meet Karen (MillerPoppins) and her man, Tim, over at Beaches & Cream! I was super excited – Karen has not only become a friend through these forums, but she’s also one of my roomies for the upcoming Unofficial WDWmagic Girls Cruise! Woohoo. Shoutout to Shannon (Ariel484), our other roomie - we missed you and Will during lunch, but I can now officially vouch for Karen… she’s not an axe murderer, so we’re safe. :lookaroun :lol:

When the CM told us it would be approximately 30 minutes until a table would be available, we decided to head over to Hurricane Hannah’s and get some tasty adult beverages. And wouldn’t you know, we were still in the process of ordering our drinks when our buzzer went off, signaling lunch 5 minutes later.

I adore Beaches & Cream, and I’m hoping that Tim and Karen enjoyed it, as well. This was their first visit. From the moment we met up, we started jabbering away… and didn’t stop until we split ways. So much so, that I didn’t take many pictures during lunch. :eek: I know, right?! Karen and Tim, we had a blast and we’ll have to do it again soon.

No pictures during lunch, but we did get some good ones before parting ways!



The plan after lunch was to stop by the Expo to pick up our race packets and then hit up one of the water parks for a couple of hours. Unfortunately, we never made it to the water park – getting in and out of the Expo took way longer than we had anticipated. Parking over there rivals the Marketplace at Downtown Disney, and that is sayin’ something!



The tech shirts they gave out for the race were ugly. Wait, that’s not entirely true – they had a really cool design; however, they were a horrible shade of burgundy – definitely not my color. The worst part is that they were huge. I swear, every year runDisney must use a different vendor for the shirts. Because every year I think I’ve finally figured out the sizing and I end up with a shirt that doesn’t fit properly. The only one that has ever fit right was the marathon one; maybe it had something to do with the long sleeves, I don't know.

I got excited when I saw the colors and the graphic on the signage for the Official (read – you have to pay MORE for it) merchandise. But I was completely underwhelmed by the actual merch. It was all lacking the cool Mickey/wine graphic and purple and green colors. I did find one tech shirt that I liked from afar. It was a shot of Spaceship Earth with icons representing the countries around the circumference. Of course, when I got up close to it, the glitter nearly blinded me. Seriously?! Seriously – the idea of being all sweaty and covered in glitter is not appealing. It makes me itch just thinking about it.

Oh well... no event merch for us.




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Since we didn’t have time for a water park when we left the Expo, we headed off to DTD to kill a little bit of time before MNSSHP.




Brett picked up a new Lego keychain… Yar!


And I grabbed our first plush of the trip… Tramp! Lady needed him. :kiss:



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Back at the resort I wandered around taking a few pictures before getting ready for the party.


Those stinkin’ Country Boots!







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We dropped off our stuff in the room and then headed out the door for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.

Okay, so… you know how you sometimes have those days that are just completely “off?” Like, things happen and you just can’t seem to shake the funk? No? Just me?! :animwink: Well… this was one of those nights for us. We had just an okay time at the party, certainly not the experience we were looking for when we initially bought the tickets though.

I think what started everything off on the wrong foot is that we didn’t dress up. We had elaborate plans for our Halloween costumes (and good ones at that), but in the weeks leading up to the trip and training for the run; the costumes just didn’t come together. And I’ll be honest… I’m not a fan of pre-made, store bought Halloween costumes – the fun is in the creativity of making them. I kind of had a sour attitude of “all or nothing” about it. So… here we were going to the party without the appropriate ensemble and that just made me feel weird. So that was the first thing.

Second, when we arrived at the TTC to pick our tickets up at will call, the CM could not find our reservation. Now, normally I come to the rescue in these situations with my handy cheat sheet of confirmation numbers and such, but no dice. Oh the irony – the first time we actually needed this; we didn’t have it with us. After ten minutes of searching through various email accounts, Brett finally found it. Hurrray for smartphones, because the CM wasn’t able to find it by any other means than the confirmation number. FINALLY… tickets in hand, we were off to the Magic Kingdom.


Issue number three… we were hungry when we arrived, and we’re really not fans of any of the counter service options at the MK. Why we didn’t grab something at DTD is beyond me. I think, at the time, we thought it was too early to eat. So we were a bit cranky from lack of food, and couldn’t decide on dinner. While we mulled it over, we jumped in line for Mickey and Minnie at Exposition Hall, figuring we could knock them out as soon as the party began and then go and find something quick to eat. Well, we waited approximately 15 minutes before the party officially started and then it was time to be led into the hall with all the velvet ropes. I pulled out my flash, only to find that I hadn’t recharged the batteries. :rolleyes: Brett hopped out of line to go find some exorbitantly priced batteries for my flash, and told me to go ahead without him. I wasn’t too keen on this and eventually hopped out of line and wandered off to the Emporium myself, where I found Brett standing in the longest checkout line EVER. By the time we had the batteries, the queue for Mickey and Minnie was out on the street, so we hastily decided to find something, anything, to eat.

We ended up at Cosmic Rays, eating typical “theme park fare.” Ugh. I’m NOT a fan of Cosmic Rays. Brett’s burger was truly cold by the time we sat down with our food. Add to that, the place was a zoo – we even had trouble finding a table. I think there were still quite a few families milling about that didn’t have party tickets. By the time we scarfed down our food and got back outside, it was 7:30pm. Somewhere between leaving our room at ASM and that moment, we had lost 2 ½ hours. Sigh.

I guess you could say that was the end of the “issues” we dealt with that night, but I had trouble shaking off the frustrations and I’m sad to say it affected my usual sunny disposition! :lol:

Sooooo… finally, on to the party! The Villains Mix & Mingle was about to start so we sidled up to the castle, keeping our eyes peeled to see which side of the forecourt stage Dr. Facilier was nearest at the end. He was probably at the top of Brett’s character list for the evening.

The show aspect of the Mix & Mingle was surprisingly short. Within minutes the villains were making there way into the crowd. We kept a line of sight on Facilier and made our way to his area fairly quickly.



Hooray for a great villain meet and greet!


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After our brush with the voodoo man, we started asking various CMs where we could find Gaston. I mean, after all, I’ve been whining for a Gaston meet and greet since what feels like the beginning of time. And rumor had it that he was milling about the MK… where oh where could he be? The few CMs we asked, checked their fancy schmancy spreadsheets and told me he wasn’t on them. Waaaahhh. The fact that he wasn’t on the spreadsheet didn’t deter me though, I figured he was in a state of flux and not “officially” on the roster. I mean, really, who’s gonna tie that man down? :animwink:

As we were making our way out of the hub and into Adventureland, I heard a booming voice and lots of giggles. Tell me it isn’t so?! Gaston was hanging out with the Tremaine’s. And what’s even better… they were harassing Ariel from afar. :lol:


But wait, it gets better. I know, you’re thinking, how could it get better than that?! Some gaggle of chicks comes sauntering up in their “turn Halloween into an opportunity to be a slutty _____ (insert animal of choice here)” costumes and one of the girls yells out “Gaston! Take a picture with me.” To which he responds by pausing, looking at her and her girls, and then snerks and says “Maybe next time.” :lol: :lookaroun To add insult to injury, Anastasia and Drizella began cackling! :ROFLOL: And then the three of them, along with Lady Tremaine, sauntered across the bridge. Talk about maintaining the integrity of the character!


We took a quick detour on Main Street to meet Duffy because he had no line. He earned some love from me when his handler mentioned that the Headless Horseman would be there soon and he made like he was slicing his own neck open and keeled over.



We wandered over to Exposition Hall to catch Mickey and Minnie in their Halloween garb, only to find that they were dressed as pirates. Boooo. What happened to the fun purple costumes?


I’m really not a fan of the backdrop/setup for these meet and greets. They’re definitely designed to work with the photopass gear and nothing else, and the space feels so incredibly cramped and poorly designed.


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So, early on in the night we noticed something… Mario and Luigi were everywhere. EVERYWHERE, I tell you. What, did they have a super sale on Mario gear at the pop-up Halloween shops in everyone’s hometown this year or something? Back out on Main Street we made a game of identifying Mario’s. Unfortunately we didn’t think to do this sooner, as we probably saw 6-8 before we started snapping away. The majority of these shots are poor quality, due to settings, shooting from the hip, etc. but I figure that’s not the point.

Incognito Mario - Although, I feel certain he wasn’t chatting up Princess Peach!


Crying Luigi:


Highwater Mario and neon-laced Luigi:


The whole crew: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toadette, and Yoshi. By far the best of the Marios...



Mario pre-mushroom:


And post-mushroom:


Apparently, Mario and Luigi also saved Princess Belle that night:


And mistook Frollo for Bowser:


And last, but not least, a Spandex Mario:



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Tomorrowland was ablaze with an intergalactic dance party. Surprise. Although, I am pretty stoked that a little bit of patience scored me this photo with my favorite alien… 626!


Determined to get my own picture with the ever-charming Gaston, we found ourselves back at the hub at some point in the night. The man was full of the best one-liners, which is exactly what I was hoping for out of a Gaston meet and greet. I’m assuming they were testing the character to see how he’d go over before giving him permanent residence at his tavern in Fantasyland. Hopefully, the powers that be were happy with the results. I know, I was. Curious to see what kind of reaction I’d get, I asked him where he’d been all my life. His response, “If I had a nickel…” as he smoothed out his hair, not giving me the time of day. Swoooon.



Then he told Brett they should flex, and as an afterthought, he quipped “They won’t be as big as mine, but you can try!” :lol:


After that, I believe we rode Big Thunder and then met Abu – a favorite of ours at all the various parties.





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Then we wandered aimlessly for a bit… I don’t even know what we were doing at this point. I think we were looking for Pooh and the gang, but when we didn’t find them in Fantasyland, we were at a loss as to where they could be. Yeah, yeah, we could’ve probably picked up a times guide or even asked somebody, but like I said, we were having an off night.




We were both starting to get a little concerned about the fact that we were running a night race the following evening and we knew we needed to get a good night’s sleep. So we started making our way up Main Street. When we arrived in Town Square, we saw these guys…


They had just closed out their set before the last parade of the night. Sadness. I believe Piglet was fearing that the Headless Horseman might get a hold of him.


We contemplated staying for the parade but threw in the towel instead. I know, we’re pathetic.




Blatant advertising on the treat bag:


Gone are the days when the treat bags actually had a party logo on them. Also gone are the special ticket designs for the individual parties. While these things might be minor on some level, I think it speaks volumes about the direction Disney is moving in… and I don’t like it.

Okay, so I promise, my telling of the following evening’s festivities are much more upbeat.


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Day 3 – Saturday, October 1, 2011: Animal Kingdom/Epcot/Wine & Dine Half Marathon

Oh, hey… did I forget to mention that this was also the weekend of the 40th?! That’s probably because, unlike everyone else in the near vicinity, we actually avoided the Magic Kingdom on October 1st. Many folks may denounce us as true Disney fans, but we just weren’t interested in fighting the crowds so early in the morning (especially the same day we needed fresh legs to carry us 13.1 miles) to stand on Main Street and listen to Disney execs give a speech. The only thing we feared is that we may be missing some random character meets, but after a little internetting we felt safe that the characters would be in original attire and they wouldn’t be doing meets with such a crowd.

Honestly, am I sorry we skipped it? No, not really. I love Disney, don’t get me wrong, but I guess I’m just a different kind of fan.

Instead, we took off for the serenity of an empty Animal Kingdom that morning. The plan was to take it slow and leisurely. From the little bit of research I’d done about night races, it appeared that we should be active in the morning while being sure to take some time to sit down and get off our feet every hour or two. The common thread I kept finding though, was to actually take a sizeable break in the afternoon to rest and relax. We intended to do just this.

Rather than rush into the empty park, we decided to start our morning with breakfast at the Rainforest. I’d been here once before for breakfast and wasn’t too impressed, but it was actually pretty good on this particular morning.







How about a CoronaRita for breakfast?


Really though? This seems like a bad combo to me. I’m more than just a little bit in love with a good margarita, and Corona’s aren’t so bad either. But the marriage of the two?! I’m thinking, no, not a good idea. Just give me an extra shot of tequila, mkay!

No steroid induced margaritas for us, instead, boring people that we are, I had the Belgian style waffle and Brett had some French toast.




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We settled the bill and then strolled back to the Oasis.



Expedition Everest, here we come! I really can’t remember the last time we actually stood in the standby line for EE – the level of detail is beyond impressive. I much prefer this queue to the newer, more interactive queues, like the one found over at the Haunted Mansion.










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Well, hello there Mushu… don’t remember picking you up, but apparently, I did.


A leisurely stroll through Asia, led us right into Africa.








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It was almost 11am and Kilimanjaro was walk-on…









After our two week safari was cut short, we decided to begin making our way out of the park and over to Epcot for lunch.



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At Epcot, we caught sight of the Food and Wine Festival in all its glory. Unfortunately though, we wouldn’t be partaking in the festivities quite yet. Getting tipsy BEFORE the run = probably not the greatest idea.

I just wanted to stand up front and take it all in. October is my absolute favorite time of year at Disney World, and that is mostly due in part to my love for this particular festival. It’s a foodie’s dream. For awhile there, we had a streak going. We made it to the festival three years running, but due to work constraints this was our first trip since 2008. So to say I was excited was an understatement. A lot has changed since our last visit, most notably, they no longer have the free wine tastings. That, and I don’t remember our visits to previous festivals being nearly as packed with people. But that may very well be attributed to all the events taking place over the course of this particular weekend. Regardless, I was super excited to be back, breathing it all in!





We passed up quite a few kiosks, whose lines were growing steadily, on the quest for our traditional pre-race meal at Nine Dragons.






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Heyyyy pretty girl, I'm sad you didn't seem to have the best luck with runDisney merch or MNSSHP, but your pictures of both made me smile (a small consolation, I'm sure). Also, your Halloween colours did not go unnoticed - definitely a good second option to costumes, don't fret!

I wish I was in a room with you and Karen =( Still bemoaning my lack of availability for that cruise, whein!

The Gaston stories/pictures are making me swoon.. what a guy. Definitely can't wait to get some Fantasyland action going on - I would not mind waiting in a long line for that meet and greet! And Lauren would just die.. he's her boii.

Very proud of you guys for your running goals! I'm a terrible runner, but I have a lot of respect for people who A) love it or B) do it despite the fact that it's not their favourite thing. I can't wait to hear how the race went =)

Can I just say: fabulous, fabulous thread title.. second Mulan thing I saw today, I really need to watch that movie before the cruise.

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