Latest Social Media 'Experiment'?


Well-Known Member
Oh please, stop sniffing the pixie dust.

Spirit wasn't calling out Ricky. And as for the other one he has, he's spot on.
I like a guy who can call them like they see them and not be apologetic.

This is a Disney message board. That means we're allowed to discuss the good and the bad. There is plenty of both.

True....but what I took from that post was that it was the word that was causing the problem. That is just how I read it. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
this place used to have a more family-friendly vibe... apparently bad language is tolerable here now

last I check the censor works. its not like this forum has devolved into talking about ______, drugs, and violence left and right.

Here's the dictionary definition:

"a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money."

Definitely describes the folks who talk up WDW (along with those who do the same for many other products & industries) in return for getting some pixie dusted products (cruises, trips, backstage passes, etc)

I like Ricky and his podcast (though I prefer WDWfanboys's podcast) However, he definitely gets some perks for talking up WDW.

To me, the folks who only go through WDW's site for this info are the same ones who only get news through one source, only shop from one car dealer, etc. They don't want to do the work that would wield them a better understanding and probably a better bang for their buck. They want instant gratification. Fine with me, but don't be shocked when everything isn't golden like you were told it would be.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Disney can't shut them down. Do you really think they'd let people talk honestly and openly about their product and the workings of their company if they could stop it?

But it is dangerous because many people want to shut their minds off (just take a walk or a drive somewhere and look!) ... and Disney lending legitimacy to 'independent' voices who aren't and who are spinning PR talking points for the Mouse is dangerous. And it will lead, down the road, to sites like this losing members and being harmed ... a place I used to post is damn near dead now. Guess it waited too long to go all Pixie Dust, all the time.:rolleyes::zipit::wave:


Disney was 100% behind SOPA and PIPA, otherwise known as the Internet Censorship Bills... And they are probably 100% behind ACTA, which is global and would affect this site... So, in a way, Disney is trying to stop sites such as this and other Disney fan sites...


Well-Known Member
Disney was 100% behind SOPA and PIPA, otherwise known as the Internet Censorship Bills... And they are probably 100% behind ACTA, which is global and would affect this site... So, in a way, Disney is trying to stop sites such as this and other Disney fan sites...

Were they really? That stinks! Was there a specific site that you found that info? I would like to read up on it.


Well-Known Member
last I check the censor works. its not like this forum has devolved into talking about ______, drugs, and violence left and right.

Here's the dictionary definition:

"a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money."

Definitely describes the folks who talk up WDW (along with those who do the same for many other products & industries) in return for getting some pixie dusted products (cruises, trips, backstage passes, etc)

I like Ricky and his podcast (though I prefer WDWfanboys's podcast) However, he definitely gets some perks for talking up WDW.

To me, the folks who only go through WDW's site for this info are the same ones who only get news through one source, only shop from one car dealer, etc. They don't want to do the work that would wield them a better understanding and probably a better bang for their buck. They want instant gratification. Fine with me, but don't be shocked when everything isn't golden like you were told it would be.

Is your last statement reffering to regular people going on a typical, occasional vacation or the people you mentioned above (industry people)?


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about your non-industry-invested people, regular folk.

I think many average vacationers just think they can get all the info they need from their destination's website. Could they find more (and even better info) elsewhere, like here, yes. But I can see how they would just look at Disney's official website and feel informed. To them it is just a regular vacation. They get their hotel info, tickets, park hours, dining options and fastpass info. That would appear well informed to the average visitor (in my opinion of course).

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Were they really? That stinks! Was there a specific site that you found that info? I would like to read up on it.

All of the major media companies were behind it... I'll try to find where I saw their logo in support for these acts, but I cannot promise I'll locate it again..

EDIT: here is a list of the companies:

Companies Supporting SOPA

here they are listed as Disney Publishing Company on this site:

Another list

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
I think the real problem is that none of the Disney related fans sites are independent and autonomous. All of them are beholden to sponsors, advertisers and have affiliations with the travel industry. Therefore, they can’t be objective and everything they communicate is suspect. Some are much more blatant than others. I recognize that it costs a lot of money to run these websites so I can understand their need for funds. Some of these websites turn a tidy profit as well so it goes both ways. Also, the perks from Disney have already been mentioned. :wave:


Well-Known Member
All of the major media companies were behind it... I'll try to find where I saw their logo in support for these acts, but I cannot promise I'll locate it again..

EDIT: here is a list of the companies:

Companies Supporting SOPA

here they are listed as Disney Publishing Company on this site:

Another list

Thanks for the links.....those lists were very disappointing, for all the companies named on it.

I think the real problem is that none of the Disney related fans sites are independent and autonomous. All of them are beholden to sponsors, advertisers and have affiliations with the travel industry. Therefore, they can’t be objective and everything they communicate is suspect. Some are much more blatant than others. I recognize that it costs a lot of money to run these websites so I can understand their need for funds. Some of these websites turn a tidy profit as well so it goes both ways. Also, the perks from Disney have already been mentioned. :wave:

I am not sure if it is important for a Disney site to be autonomus. These websites are private. In most instances they are fan sites. They are not obligated to provide a balanced and accurate portrayl of anything (not saying that they do not, just saying they are not obligated to). The people that read them are free to go elsewhere if they do not agree with what is portrayed. We are not talking democracy, the government or freedom here. We are discussing Disney. If something is suspect, it is not a huge deal. These are forums about a theme park.


Well-Known Member
I think I definitely missed something defamatory somewhere on here. I had criticized a forum member last week and that forum member asked why I didn't call out others who used defamatory remarks. I think I missed them, but I also trust the moderators on here to do their job and get rid of inappropriate content.

I like Ricky and his podcast (though I prefer WDWfanboys's podcast) However, he definitely gets some perks for talking up WDW.

To me, the folks who only go through WDW's site for this info are the same ones who only get news through one source, only shop from one car dealer, etc. They don't want to do the work that would wield them a better understanding and probably a better bang for their buck. They want instant gratification. Fine with me, but don't be shocked when everything isn't golden like you were told it would be.

Brown noser. Do you know that we met at the D23 Expo? As for Ricky's show - admittedly we joke about his show, but comparing our show to his isn't really fair. We're trying to accomplish different things. Yes we're both Disney shows, but Ricky's show is far more informative than ours (and substantially more professional as well). I really don't think it's fair to Ricky to compare his show to ours, nor do I think it's fair to compare our show to his.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh please, stop sniffing the pixie dust.

Spirit wasn't calling out Ricky. And as for the other one he has, he's spot on.
I like a guy who can call them like they see them and not be apologetic.

This is a Disney message board. That means we're allowed to discuss the good and the bad. There is plenty of both.

I wasn't calling anyone out. Just making a statement about a 'business' that most folks here are pretty aware of.

I do call them as I see them, and I won't apologize unless I feel I've done something to warrant it. Calling a spade a spade just isn't it. And since the word both applies and isn't filtered, I'm going to use it unless we're adding it to some list of 'bad' words. In which case, I have plenty of synonyms handy!

Like I said, unlike most of the whiners who are desperately concerned I might be able to harm their Disney Lifestyle businesses (and I just might!:drevil::cool::king:) as far as I know Ricky hasn't played below the belt to try and silence me or harm me in other ways. That's wise on his part!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I think the real problem is that none of the Disney related fans sites are independent and autonomous. All of them are beholden to sponsors, advertisers and have affiliations with the travel industry. Therefore, they can’t be objective and everything they communicate is suspect. Some are much more blatant than others. I recognize that it costs a lot of money to run these websites so I can understand their need for funds. Some of these websites turn a tidy profit as well so it goes both ways. Also, the perks from Disney have already been mentioned. :wave:

Thanks for the links.....those lists were very disappointing, for all the companies named on it.

I am not sure if it is important for a Disney site to be autonomus. These websites are private. In most instances they are fan sites. They are not obligated to provide a balanced and accurate portrayl of anything (not saying that they do not, just saying they are not obligated to). The people that read them are free to go elsewhere if they do not agree with what is portrayed. We are not talking democracy, the government or freedom here. We are discussing Disney. If something is suspect, it is not a huge deal. These are forums about a theme park.

You are very welcome...

I don't have a problem with a fan site taking sponsorship money as long as the site owner does not bar people from discussing competitors of the sponsor... I was a member of another site, not a Disney fan site, and this site had a sponsor for a particular forum... When a discussion about the sponsor's competitor came up, the thread was deleted and the person banned only because they discussed a sponsor's competitor... I am not sure if other site owners of Disney fansites ever banned anyone from talking about a competitor to a car rental service who may be an affiliate or sponsor of the site...

As for other Disney fan sites, I am a member of a number of them and I have stopped visiting almost all except here and two or three others.. Why??? Cause the owner and mods really give the members a lot of leeway into what we post, as long as we aren't disrespectful to other members, trolling, or spamming... And those members are taken care of... On other sites, the ones I no longer visit, you cannot say one bad word against Disney or else you are attacked by the site owner (the ones who are in bed with Disney) followers, deemed a trouble maker, and shunned out of the community... Unless you speak glowingly of Disney (that youtube video of Splash Mountain would have been removed, you would have been attacked by the drones members, or you would have been accused of trying to portray a perfect Disney in a bad light), you are not truly a part of that community... And yes, you either leave on your own, or you get banned... I couldn't stand being surrounded by Pixie Dust addicts on those other sites...

As for Ricky Brigante, I thought he used to post on here... I listen to Inside the Magic, one of the few Disney podcasts I can listen to and tolerate anymore... I remember he used to always state his opinion, whether it was good or bad... Now, I notice he has been more Disney friendly... Not saying he is kissing Disney's mouse house rear, but I am not sure he is as objective as he used to be... I still think he has a good show.... Better then a certain wdw radio podcast anyway.... I think Lou's show was better when he had his rumor mill... Seems like he is trying to be more of a historian now, which really makes him unlistenable for me...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Disney was 100% behind SOPA and PIPA, otherwise known as the Internet Censorship Bills... And they are probably 100% behind ACTA, which is global and would affect this site... So, in a way, Disney is trying to stop sites such as this and other Disney fan sites...

Excellent point.

Funny how Disney is concerned with being on the side of tech and Silicon Valley until they realize their content might be at stake ... and then, of course, they allow certain folks to steal IP and copyrights and profit off of it while shutting others down with absolutely no standardized policy that is followed.

And while I don't think Disney wants to see sites like this go away -- it is all FREE publicity for its parks and resorts, after all -- I do KNOW they wish a bunch of posters (not just myself no matter what that might mean for my ego :king:) would be silenced. They don't want people posting who are critical and also make you think until your head hurts.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
I am not sure if it is important for a Disney site to be autonomus. These websites are private. In most instances they are fan sites. They are not obligated to provide a balanced and accurate portrayl of anything (not saying that they do not, just saying they are not obligated to). The people that read them are free to go elsewhere if they do not agree with what is portrayed. We are not talking democracy, the government or freedom here. We are discussing Disney. If something is suspect, it is not a huge deal. These are forums about a theme park.

I agree 100%. These sites are private and they can (and do) do as they please. It’s just that they are manipulating their member base with tactics that are hidden. As an example, I remember back when Google did not make a distinction in their search results between a paid advertiser and a legitimate search rank. In the “old days”, an advertiser could pay to have their product returned at the top of Google’s search list and there was no indication that it was not a real search result, but rather, a paid ad. That’s changed now. Google still puts paid ads at the top of the list, but they are clearly marked as paid ads. Google is private too. Also, Google results are more reliable. :wave:


Well-Known Member
You are very welcome...

I don't have a problem with a fan site taking sponsorship money as long as the site owner does not bar people from discussing competitors of the sponsor... I was a member of another site, not a Disney fan site, and this site had a sponsor for a particular forum... When a discussion about the sponsor's competitor came up, the thread was deleted and the person banned only because they discussed a sponsor's competitor... I am not sure if other site owners of Disney fansites ever banned anyone from talking about a competitor to a car rental service who may be an affiliate or sponsor of the site...

As for other Disney fan sites, I am a member of a number of them and I have stopped visiting almost all except here and two or three others.. Why??? Cause the owner and mods really give the members a lot of leeway into what we post, as long as we aren't disrespectful to other members, trolling, or spamming... And those members are taken care of... On other sites, the ones I no longer visit, you cannot say one bad word against Disney or else you are attacked by the site owner (the ones who are in bed with Disney) followers, deemed a trouble maker, and shunned out of the community... Unless you speak glowingly of Disney (that youtube video of Splash Mountain would have been removed, you would have been attacked by the drones members, or you would have been accused of trying to portray a perfect Disney in a bad light), you are not truly a part of that community... And yes, you either leave on your own, or you get banned... I couldn't stand being surrounded by Pixie Dust addicts on those other sites...

As for Ricky Brigante, I thought he used to post on here... I listen to Inside the Magic, one of the few Disney podcasts I can listen to a tolerate anymore... I remember he used to always state his opinion, whether it was good or bad... Now, I notice he has been more Disney friendly... Not saying he is kissing Disney's mouse house rear, but I am not sure he is as objective as he used to be... I still think he has a good show.... Better then a certain wdw radio podcast anyway....

I have to say that this is the only discussion forum I am a part of (Disney or not) so your description of others makes some things more clear. I also really appreciate your post, it was intelligent, insightful and it had a point. I have said this before and I will put it here again. I love vacationing at Disney and have been several times but I could not tell you any major details of who works for the company, what parts of rides should be where, what usually is working and what is not. I thoroughly enjoy my time there when we are on vacation but it is not something I am intense about. I think that is why sometimes I view some posts as extreme. It seems these days the boards are divided amongst those who are passionate about everything that is wrong at WDW being fixed and those who just simply still enjoy their vacation there. Snortin pixie dust and whatever just seem like ridiculous terms especially to someone like me who still enjoys a vacation. I couldn't care less about pixie dust but bet your bottom I will love my vacation :lol: It mostly boils down to passion. I can see the passion that many posters have for WDW and that is why they are intense about the things that are wrong with it. But maybe some people are not as passionate as them and just want to enjoy their vacation? Is there harm in that?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think the real problem is that none of the Disney related fans sites are independent and autonomous. All of them are beholden to sponsors, advertisers and have affiliations with the travel industry. Therefore, they can’t be objective and everything they communicate is suspect. Some are much more blatant than others. I recognize that it costs a lot of money to run these websites so I can understand their need for funds. Some of these websites turn a tidy profit as well so it goes both ways. Also, the perks from Disney have already been mentioned. :wave:

I would agree with that ... to a point. Sites like this one that aren't all glitz and glamour (I haven't seen Steve in heels and feather boa singing show tunes yet!:eek:) are much more about information (putting facts out that help people, mostly fans, better understand what's going on and plan resort visits) AND discussion boards.

So long as the boards allow free, frank and open discussion, Disney isn't going to have control. Now, there are times when Disney will put heat on webmasters when people say things that get legal's attention ... just an FYI, but you probably don't want use words like 'child' endangerment' and 'Disney Social Media experiment' in the same post. :zipit::drevil::king:

But it all remains open until webmasters take things from Disney and I'm not talking about banner ads. I'm talking about cash, tickets, free flights, hotels stays, cruises, meals, party invites, gift cards, swag, access to celebs, Imagineers and execs etc. THAT is when there is a sort of quid pro quo and it often means 'shut those posters up' ... it's not ever put in writing and it hardly ever comes from a bigwig whether in Burbank, Glendale or O-Town, but it is filtered down and the message is delivered.

I believe this site is quite profitable and doesn't (to my knowledge) even take invites to events (one would think it should be given them ... but they aren't offered to Kevin Yee either), so you don't exactly need Disney's seal of approval to do this ... yet. And that's a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I agree 100%. These sites are private and they can (and do) do as they please. It’s just that they are manipulating their member base with tactics that are hidden. As an example, I remember back when Google did not make a distinction in their search results between a paid advertiser and a legitimate search rank. In the “old days”, an advertiser could pay to have their product returned at the top of Google’s search list and there was no indication that it was not a real search result, but rather, a paid ad. That’s changed now. Google still puts paid ads at the top of the list, but they are clearly marked as paid ads. Google is private too. Also, Google results are more reliable. :wave:

I get where you are coming from but I do not see where you are going. Google is a search engine, where this site is about Disney started by a person who likes Disney. As far as the hidden tactics are you reffering to the ads that appear here? I want to make it clear that I am not arguing with you but would just like to further discuss the hidden tactics. If you would rather you can PM me.

Register on WDWMAGIC. This sidebar will go away, and you'll see fewer ads.

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