Latest Social Media 'Experiment'?


Well-Known Member
My guess is that Disney is trying to marginalize forums like this one even more in favor of one where the company can control the message. Obviously, that is not a good thing. Sure, this forum and Disboards will still have their existing userbases, but I'd bet this new "forum" will suck a lot of new growth from the other major forums.

As the OP knows, I've defended Disney's social media moves to some degree, but I don't like this.

(Although I will concede that I think it's a smart move from Disney's perspective--if the message is predominantly a bad one on the unofficial forums, why not try to control the message yourself by marginalizing the unofficial forums? Of course, the best solution is to fix the things that cause the message to be negative in the first place...)

One interesting thing will be seeing how much Disney is going to monitor things posted on there! I am sure the moderators here know what a difficult job moderating a discussion forum is. Not sure whether Disney really wants to spend the resources to read every single post before it becomes readable?

Just think how much man-power one would need to read every single post on a forum like the DISboards? With the money they would need to spend on that they could easily refurbish Splash Mountain I would guess.

And I also think whether Disney might not underestimate the nature of discussion forums. While most people come to talk about Disney, a lot of people are also here for the social interaction and it is only human nature to start talking about other things as well. There is a "Chit Chat" forum here and people write trip reports and stuff like that. I think it is features like this which make a lot of people feel that they belong to an online community. Not sure whether Disney wants that happening on their official forum.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have nothing to add other than many of the InsidEARs' profiles would make great material for that book you're going to write one day, Spirit. ;)

For example:

"I reference everything to Disney - my family thinks that I love it too much. But one thing that made sense to me that my husband said one day...he thinks that I love Disney so much because it has never dissapointed me and you know....he is right!"

Shocking thing is, that person's only been to "Disney Parks" 10-15 times.

Sounds like she only knows the stagnating parks of the last ten years -- probably something the Disney Social Media Gods find very attractive.

If work doesn't pick up soon, then I might be writing that book soon just to keep busy!

But, yeah, interesting that you have two regulars here that I know of that have visited every Disney park on the planet and cruised with them ... you have Kevin Yee who is sorta a regular here and writes for another site that certainly qualifies ... and you have a couple of others here that are true insiders and have visited all the Disney resorts not in Asia ... yet none of us would ever be considered for anything like this.

They want folks conditioned to the lower quality post-late 90s WDW, not the place they love to toss out on blog posts while tweeting fanbois up for inane suggestions on where to grab a snack at EPCOT.

But what would my bio say: been to WDW hundreds and hundreds of times since there was only one park and no one would put their shoes on the furniture in the Poly lobby and have often been terribly disappointed since the turn of the century by a decade-plus of decline also coined Walmarting?

I think I need to make a 'fake' profile for fun here ... :ROFLOL:

~Jenn, most of them like boys ... even if you can pretend to have liked Horizons!~


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Agreed, just looks like another Disney run forum site to me, except that certain people were invited first to seed the community - which - if you ever tried to start a forum site, is much needed.

Sure it is.

Because you know something ... WDW HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER ...



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What does it mean that Splash Mountain is ghetto? Is an animatronic of Snoop Dog greeting you on the first lift? Does Nicky Minaj rap on the boat in the last scene?


It means the attraction looks like it belongs on the wrong side of town because it is scary and in disrepair and no one seems to care.

~Stop Picking on Snoop~


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I haven't heard it discussed here, but I saw a lot of people complaining very loudly on Twitter about it when it was first announced. Although, honestly, I think most of those complaints were along the lines of "WHY DIDN'T I GET AN INVITE, I AM A SUPER-FAN?!?! I DESERVED ONE!!!"

That must have been hillarious.:ROFLOL:

Will someone wake me when the whining starts regarding the Fantasy launch ... and especially for the DCA 2.0 party time? I can't wait to hear who gets freebies from Disney for their fair and balanced coverage and value to Disney's consumer base.

But I really would love a thread where we put their whines out for people to see in order because I'm not sure many casual fans have any idea what these folks are like or how they respond to perceived slights from the Mouse.

My guess is that Disney is trying to marginalize forums like this one even more in favor of one where the company can control the message. Obviously, that is not a good thing. Sure, this forum and Disboards will still have their existing userbases, but I'd bet this new "forum" will suck a lot of new growth from the other major forums.

DING-DING-DING. We have a winner.

Despite some folks (like old pal Merfie) talking smack about this site and its owner, it's pretty obvious by the content of these boards that Disney in no way controls what is discussed and how it is.

So, what can Disney do when we start talking about Splash Mountain Ghetto Edition, Disco Yeti, LessThanFantasmic etc? Well, they can just drown us out ... Duncan Wardle doesn't care about legit complaints from guests/fans. He has said for every negative WDW comment online there are 18 positive ones (whether those metrics are true or how he came up with them -- or Voce did -- is another matter). Now, in the past ... back when Disney cared about you know ... being Disney, someone like Duncan wouldn't have been hired and if he had been, he'd have been fired for comments like his becoming public.

But now? Now, it is how WDW Co operates in 21st century America. Ignore, discredit, shout down your biggest critics (even if they happen to be your biggest fans and know the most about your product) and then co-opt some weak-minded others, who wish to make a buck or many off your company and live Disney Lifestyles, to join a Pixie Dust Brigade and make sure when folks want Disney talk, they head over there ... no thinking allowed. Just pure MAGIC.:hurl:

As the OP knows, I've defended Disney's social media moves to some degree, but I don't like this.

Ah, Tom, but in the end it is all so dangerous because the point is to simply make propaganda the only voice that matters. PR Spin 24/7. That's the goal of the Celebration Place Cabal.

And they are paying obscene amounts of money to consultants who tell them this is the wave of the future. Like an Orwellian world where only one viewpoint is heard.

(Although I will concede that I think it's a smart move from Disney's perspective--if the message is predominantly a bad one on the unofficial forums, why not try to control the message yourself by marginalizing the unofficial forums? Of course, the best solution is to fix the things that cause the message to be negative in the first place...)

Why not spend billions on soda cup chips, interactive queues, datamining from guests and consultants who push all of the above instead of simply providing the best immersive themed family entertainment in Orlando ... you know ... like UNI. Funny how they don't try and play by Disney's Social Media playbook. Look at the Potter opening ... look how many online whores were invited to the opening, to the parties, given access to the creators and celebs from the films.

Now ... wait for Disney's party invites. Not all, but largely a group of dysfunctional, disturbed individuals who are trying to relive a childhood that never was and never will be.

It would be simply sad if the whole thing wasn't helping to drag WDW down along with it.

~How come they flew your entire family in and gave you five nights at the Grand when they told me I couldn't bring anyone and put me at POP for two nights? OH WHHHYYYYYY!?!??!!?~


Well-Known Member
That must have been hillarious.:ROFLOL:

Will someone wake me when the whining starts regarding the Fantasy launch ... and especially for the DCA 2.0 party time? I can't wait to hear who gets freebies from Disney for their fair and balanced coverage and value to Disney's consumer base.

But I really would love a thread where we put their whines out for people to see in order because I'm not sure many casual fans have any idea what these folks are like or how they respond to perceived slights from the Mouse.

DING-DING-DING. We have a winner.

Despite some folks (like old pal Merfie) talking smack about this site and its owner, it's pretty obvious by the content of these boards that Disney in no way controls what is discussed and how it is.

So, what can Disney do when we start talking about Splash Mountain Ghetto Edition, Disco Yeti, LessThanFantasmic etc? Well, they can just drown us out ... Duncan Wardle doesn't care about legit complaints from guests/fans. He has said for every negative WDW comment online there are 18 positive ones (whether those metrics are true or how he came up with them -- or Voce did -- is another matter). Now, in the past ... back when Disney cared about you know ... being Disney, someone like Duncan wouldn't have been hired and if he had been, he'd have been fired for comments like his becoming public.

But now? Now, it is how WDW Co operates in 21st century America. Ignore, discredit, shout down your biggest critics (even if they happen to be your biggest fans and know the most about your product) and then co-opt some weak-minded others, who wish to make a buck or many off your company and live Disney Lifestyles, to join a Pixie Dust Brigade and make sure when folks want Disney talk, they head over there ... no thinking allowed. Just pure MAGIC.:hurl:

Ah, Tom, but in the end it is all so dangerous because the point is to simply make propaganda the only voice that matters. PR Spin 24/7. That's the goal of the Celebration Place Cabal.

And they are paying obscene amounts of money to consultants who tell them this is the wave of the future. Like an Orwellian world where only one viewpoint is heard.

Why not spend billions on soda cup chips, interactive queues, datamining from guests and consultants who push all of the above instead of simply providing the best immersive themed family entertainment in Orlando ... you know ... like UNI. Funny how they don't try and play by Disney's Social Media playbook. Look at the Potter opening ... look how many online whores were invited to the opening, to the parties, given access to the creators and celebs from the films.

Now ... wait for Disney's party invites. Not all, but largely a group of dysfunctional, disturbed individuals who are trying to relive a childhood that never was and never will be.
It would be simply sad if the whole thing wasn't helping to drag WDW down along with it.

~How come they flew your entire family in and gave you five nights at the Grand when they told me I couldn't bring anyone and put me at POP for two nights? OH WHHHYYYYYY!?!??!!?~

Ouch :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
One interesting thing will be seeing how much Disney is going to monitor things posted on there! I am sure the moderators here know what a difficult job moderating a discussion forum is. Not sure whether Disney really wants to spend the resources to read every single post before it becomes readable?

Just think how much man-power one would need to read every single post on a forum like the DISboards? With the money they would need to spend on that they could easily refurbish Splash Mountain I would guess.

And I also think whether Disney might not underestimate the nature of discussion forums. While most people come to talk about Disney, a lot of people are also here for the social interaction and it is only human nature to start talking about other things as well. There is a "Chit Chat" forum here and people write trip reports and stuff like that. I think it is features like this which make a lot of people feel that they belong to an online community. Not sure whether Disney wants that happening on their official forum.

Disney gets into trouble as is when something big happens or is posted on the Disney Parks Spinning Propaganda Blog. They can't keep up and comments slip on through.

I wonder what will happen when one of the social media whores who isn't included starts attacking someone for spinning for Disney (I could see old pal Merfie, and some of the former group that left MAGIC for the DK experiment too, doing so for fun!)

It's likely gonna be a total trainwreck, but amusing as well.

~How do you think I'd do on the DISBOARDS?~


Well-Known Member
I wonder how much they spend trying to control the message vs what it would cost to actually enhance the guest experience to the point they wouldnt have to. Sounds like a good job for one of the sharp pencil boys.


Well-Known Member
Until Disney starts taking action which results in the shutting down of other websites, I fail to see how this is in any way unexpected, much less dangerous. The desire to control the message is as old as marketing. It is no different than Disney's old in-house and public publications and productions which offered up information but always in a pro-Disney manner.


Well-Known Member
Just looking through the site - was this by invitation only? Where was my invite? Probably in the same place as my pin codes.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Until Disney starts taking action which results in the shutting down of other websites, I fail to see how this is in any way unexpected, much less dangerous. The desire to control the message is as old as marketing. It is no different than Disney's old in-house and public publications and productions which offered up information but always in a pro-Disney manner.

Disney can't shut them down. Do you really think they'd let people talk honestly and openly about their product and the workings of their company if they could stop it?

But it is dangerous because many people want to shut their minds off (just take a walk or a drive somewhere and look!) ... and Disney lending legitimacy to 'independent' voices who aren't and who are spinning PR talking points for the Mouse is dangerous. And it will lead, down the road, to sites like this losing members and being harmed ... a place I used to post is damn near dead now. Guess it waited too long to go all Pixie Dust, all the time.:rolleyes::zipit::wave:



Well-Known Member
But it is dangerous because many people want to shut their minds off (just take a walk or a drive somewhere and look!) ... and Disney lending legitimacy to 'independent' voices who aren't and who are spinning PR talking points for the Mouse is dangerous. And it will lead, down the road, to sites like this losing members and being harmed ... a place I used to post is damn near dead now. Guess it waited too long to go all Pixie Dust, all the time.:rolleyes::zipit::wave:
Even before Disney stepped into the game, there were plenty of third party places for people to just revel in the Pixie Dust. The people who will be attracted would not be attracted to a place this for long, because they are so committed to maintaining the complete Disney illusion.

Fan sites rose and fell before Disney got involved. If I am right in assuming the other community to which you speak, I think it just being a complete, antiquated pain to use is a contributing factor. Lack of content is a factor. Rules and moderation are a factor. Just the correlation is not enough to prove causation. There is also Disney themselves. People will not seek out outlets for discussion if the product no longer ignites an emotional response.


Active Member
Oh please, stop sniffing the pixie dust.

Spirit wasn't calling out Ricky. And as for the other one he has, he's spot on.
I like a guy who can call them like they see them and not be apologetic.

This is a Disney message board. That means we're allowed to discuss the good and the bad. There is plenty of both.

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