Okay, this might sound like a stupid question, but everyone around here is saying that there is no room to expand MGM. That you need to build a parking garage or bridge over World Drive. Looking at a Map, I think there is room. Unless they can't build there for some environmental reason. Take a look:
There is a huge space between TOT and RnR. Not that it is smart to build there. There is already enough people in that side of the park. But nonetheless, they could.
There is also a space between B&B and TOT. Not a huge space, but it can be a small attraction. Again, not the best idea to build here either.
Now, what suprises me that no one has mentioned (and if someone did, I'm sorry I missed it), is that the simplest cure to solve MGM's land space is to rebuild the main entrance road. As you can see in the map, MGM is bordered by a canal. They can reroute the road along the canal and they will have a huge space to work with next to Muppet vision/ the new stunt show and the indy show. The space is about 1/3 of the size of the existing park. They can easily tear down the backstage restaurant and put the new Indy ride there, keeping both stunt shows and expanding the park. And there wouldn't be a need for parking garages.
Anyways, maybe they cant build here due to environmental issues, but I doubt it. Look how the existing parking lots reach that canal.
What do you all think?
Ps. Lets not forget all the wasted space where the AMC theater is. And of course, the old animation building. It would be costly to tear it down and redo the animation attraction, but they could do that too. Disney can do anything.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v430/fuentesalex/mgmexpansion.gif" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">