Latest Indy Rumor from Screamscape


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Master Yoda said:
Why not? Shows are more along the lines of what Walt had intended, attractions that keep the family together. I love thrill rides but my three year old can’t get on them yet and I love going on rides with her. Part of the reason that we don’t get US AP is because there is very little she can do.

I completely agree with you. This would not be for the whole family.

I have been blasted on these boards for suggesting that there aren't enough rides in MGM and AK for the little kids. I'll be going next year with my 2 1/2 yr. old and it is a shame that there aren't as many kid friendly dark rides in the other parks as ther are in MK. The shows are great for families. But when I think back to my first few trips... Ir emember IASW, Mr. Toad, and Pirates. A couple of thes in the other parks I would take over either IJ idea any day.

And I don't mean to sound like I dislike the IJ stunt show. I just wish the two stunt shows could be in sepreate parks for a different day's adventure. If you spread out the rides and the shows more evenly, I think it makes for a all around better experience.

They should have out the Motor Stunt show in Epcot near test track or something. That would have benefited the diversity at Epcot a bit and left room for a brnd new ride at MGM.


Well-Known Member
BrerVeritas said:
I completely agree with you. This would not be for the whole family.

I have been blasted on these boards for suggesting that there aren't enough rides in MGM and AK for the little kids. I'll be going next year with my 2 1/2 yr. old and it is a shame that there aren't as many kid friendly dark rides in the other parks as ther are in MK. The shows are great for families. But when I think back to my first few trips... Ir emember IASW, Mr. Toad, and Pirates. A couple of thes in the other parks I would take over either IJ idea any day.

And I don't mean to sound like I dislike the IJ stunt show. I just wish the two stunt shows could be in sepreate parks for a different day's adventure. If you spread out the rides and the shows more evenly, I think it makes for a all around better experience.

They should have out the Motor Stunt show in Epcot near test track or something. That would have benefited the diversity at Epcot a bit and left room for a brnd new ride at MGM.

MGM is a park about movies and film making. A children's ride would kinda have to be along the lines of something from Playhouse Disney. MK is entirely kid-friendly. Epcot is more adult savy. MGM and AK are between the two but MGM has always been about action, adventure, drama, comedy and other aspects of films and TV.

The bad part about MGM is there isn't really a lot of room to sprawl the way the park is configured now. They would need to remove something or take away parking, the later part I don't see them doing.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
BrerVeritas said:
I completely agree with you. This would not be for the whole family.

I have been blasted on these boards for suggesting that there aren't enough rides in MGM and AK for the little kids. I'll be going next year with my 2 1/2 yr. old and it is a shame that there aren't as many kid friendly dark rides in the other parks as ther are in MK. The shows are great for families. But when I think back to my first few trips... Ir emember IASW, Mr. Toad, and Pirates. A couple of thes in the other parks I would take over either IJ idea any day.

And I don't mean to sound like I dislike the IJ stunt show. I just wish the two stunt shows could be in sepreate parks for a different day's adventure. If you spread out the rides and the shows more evenly, I think it makes for a all around better experience.

They should have out the Motor Stunt show in Epcot near test track or something. That would have benefited the diversity at Epcot a bit and left room for a brnd new ride at MGM.
I to would love more AA dark rides. To this day PoTC is still my favorite ride in WDW.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
raven said:
MGM is a park about movies and film making. A children's ride would kinda have to be along the lines of something from Playhouse Disney. MK is entirely kid-friendly. Epcot is more adult savy. MGM and AK are between the two but MGM has always been about action, adventure, drama, comedy and other aspects of films and TV.

The bad part about MGM is there isn't really a lot of room to sprawl the way the park is configured now. They would need to remove something or take away parking, the later part I don't see them doing.
The way to solve the parking problem is to build a parking garage like they have at US. Then you free up space to expand.


New Member
BrerVeritas said:
I completely agree with you. This would not be for the whole family.

I have been blasted on these boards for suggesting that there aren't enough rides in MGM and AK for the little kids. I'll be going next year with my 2 1/2 yr. old and it is a shame that there aren't as many kid friendly dark rides in the other parks as ther are in MK. The shows are great for families. But when I think back to my first few trips... Ir emember IASW, Mr. Toad, and Pirates. A couple of thes in the other parks I would take over either IJ idea any day.

And I don't mean to sound like I dislike the IJ stunt show. I just wish the two stunt shows could be in sepreate parks for a different day's adventure. If you spread out the rides and the shows more evenly, I think it makes for a all around better experience.

They should have out the Motor Stunt show in Epcot near test track or something. That would have benefited the diversity at Epcot a bit and left room for a brnd new ride at MGM.

I don't mean to be negative but not everything has always been about the entire family, a majority, yes but not all. My point, a stunt show is based more around action; a ride puts you in the action. A family can only stay young for so long.... eventually the young ones will want to come back and do things with a little more adult like. Then one day then may want to bring their kids.... and so on.... This gives Disney the ability to grow the brand from generation to generation. I say some things have to go in order to make room for the future.


New Member
raven said:
MGM is a park about movies and film making. A children's ride would kinda have to be along the lines of something from Playhouse Disney. MK is entirely kid-friendly. Epcot is more adult savy. MGM and AK are between the two but MGM has always been about action, adventure, drama, comedy and other aspects of films and TV.

The bad part about MGM is there isn't really a lot of room to sprawl the way the park is configured now. They would need to remove something or take away parking, the later part I don't see them doing.

What about the long rumored Muppet Movie ride. That would be a great kids ride.

What about the long fought for ROger Rabbitt ride.(Copyright issues aside)

Point is that there a plenty of places to go with a good dark ride, without delving into the duldrums of Playhouse disney.(No offense to the PD supporters...but Disney Channel has gone drasticaly downhill. My kid won't even watch it...he makes us watch Noggin. It feels sacriligious, but it is truly better programming than disney)

As far as parking is cocerned, I have to agree with Master Yoda. A well designed parking garage with good secrity can give you twice the parking with a quarter of the space.


Account Suspended
Yes... and have the monorail come over too... and expand the park with bridges across World Drive. Heck, they'd have enough room to build a brand new animation dept! :)


New Member
casualrdt said:
I don't mean to be negative but not everything has always been about the entire family, a majority, yes but not all. My point, a stunt show is based more around action; a ride puts you in the action. A family can only stay young for so long.... eventually the young ones will want to come back and do things with a little more adult like. Then one day then may want to bring their kids.... and so on.... This gives Disney the ability to grow the brand from generation to generation. I say some things have to go in order to make room for the future.
I'm not talking about kiddie rides taking over the entire park. Just one. And the thrill junkies will still have ToT RnR and ST, and maybe even cram in IJ too. That sounds great to me. I still go on the kiddie rides and I'm 26. I still love Peter Pan and IASW. Maybe I'm an exception. I'm just saying I wish we could have a balance of rides at each park, like there is at keep everyone happy.


New Member
BrerVeritas said:
I'm not talking about kiddie rides taking over the entire park. Just one. And the thrill junkies will still have ToT RnR and ST, and maybe even cram in IJ too. That sounds great to me. I still go on the kiddie rides and I'm 26. I still love Peter Pan and IASW. Maybe I'm an exception. I'm just saying I wish we could have a balance of rides at each park, like there is at keep everyone happy.

Agreed... I still ride them all and I am 35 but what does age have to do with it. :hammer: My point is the balance we would all like to see is going to be in some state of flux forever. The MK was created to be the main family attraction and is the most developed with that in mind. The other parks where created to offer different style attractions for a reason, to attract a different customer. Getting way to off topic. The stunt show can go.... bring in the rides for now.


New Member
The Indy ride, I feel, is like a good "in between" ride. Yes, its definetely not kiddie due to the height restrictions, buts its also not a thrill in comparison to ToT and RnR. I HATE rollercoasters (like RnR, not talking about Space Mtn or Thunder) and ToT is way to intense for me, and I know I'm not the only one.

The indy ride is a thrill ride thats not too intense, so people like me (yes Im a baby) and the older kids can ride. Its thrilling enough, but not over the top. Most people can handle it. I'm not saying that Disney needs to cater to me (or anyone else for that matter), but it would be nice to have more options at MGM. The only "thrill" ride available to those with weaker stomachs is Star Tours. Dont get me wrong, I love love love Dark rides and shows, but sometimes you want something a little more thrilling than that. You know what I mean?


I'm still skeptical about an Indy ride in MGM, and only for one reason: I'm afraid the theming will be comprimised and half-a__ed, with the excuse that it'll be a "movie-set", like Star Tours.

Think about it. If they can get away without theming the exterior, and just putting it in a big boring studio building, and using the excuse of a "movie studio park", I think they'll take the opportunity to do so (which means saving money). Whereas putting Indy in Magic Kingdom or Animal Kingdom (even though I know Dinosaur is a clone) would force Disney to theme the ride to the max.


Active Member
Master Yoda said:
The way to solve the parking problem is to build a parking garage like they have at US. Then you free up space to expand.

You will probably never see that, because of one problem: COST.

Building a parking garage is a costly endeavor. Just to build a parking LOT for a medium size church building costs $400,000 in St. Louis. A disney sized lot would run in the millions.

Plus, a parking garage has to be built to handle the weight of all those vehicles, making the price go up exponentially. You could easily see a min. price of $10million just for a new midsize parking garage. Who knows how much for disneyfied version.

Good idea, but I don't think a solution

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
stewdog1 said:
You will probably never see that, because of one problem: COST.

Building a parking garage is a costly endeavor. Just to build a parking LOT for a medium size church building costs $400,000 in St. Louis. A disney sized lot would run in the millions.

Plus, a parking garage has to be built to handle the weight of all those vehicles, making the price go up exponentially. You could easily see a min. price of $10million just for a new midsize parking garage. Who knows how much for disneyfied version.

Good idea, but I don't think a solution
Unfortunately if they wish to expand MGM it is one of only two solutions. The other is to build a bridge across a highway and begin expanding on the other side. Given a choice between the two a parking garage would be the lesser of two evils. But like you I don’t seeing either anytime soon.


New Member
I am all for an Indy attraction, as long as it has different ride system then the others.

As far as expanding out into the parking lot, their is enough room on the eastern side of the parking lot to expanded the parking lot towards CBR.


Well-Known Member
Lynx04 said:
I am all for an Indy attraction, as long as it has different ride system then the others.

As far as expanding out into the parking lot, their is enough room on the eastern side of the parking lot to expanded the parking lot towards CBR.
What do you have against the EMV?


New Member
I agree with the folks who said there are rooms for 2 different stunt shows. I may be an outlier here, but Indiana Jones is just as high on my "MUST SEE" list as any of the thrill rides there I flock to first thing in the morning. My hubby and I have seen it (and been in it!) a couple times and love it! It's still impressive if you think about what it takes to do those stunts. IMHO, people are "desensatized" by digital effects and the like, leaving true stuntmen and thier work generally underappericiated now-a-days. Being a performer myself, I have a little bit of an inside view on how tough that show is to pull off day after day, a couple times a day, etc. Those guys are really talented!

THAT SAID - I would be a tad dissappointed if they cloned the DL IJA ride BUT only because I go to Disneyworld and look forward to seeing the Indy show. I'm a PAP at DL. I ride IJA all the time. So basically I would be dissappointed because I'm spoiled. ;)

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