No idea what's going on - I don't see anything in the local media.
Heading to Epcot around 5:30pm today, we saw five marked (three with lights flashing) and one unmarked Sheriff's vehicles and one WDW Security vehicle. Didn't see any civilian cars.
They were parked on the westbound side of World Drive between 192 and Osceola Parkway. Numerous deputies hiking into the woods.
Just drove by again at 9:15 and there were three marked still there, lights flashing, one unmarked with his lights shining into the woods.
Not much, but it's all I've got.
Heading to Epcot around 5:30pm today, we saw five marked (three with lights flashing) and one unmarked Sheriff's vehicles and one WDW Security vehicle. Didn't see any civilian cars.
They were parked on the westbound side of World Drive between 192 and Osceola Parkway. Numerous deputies hiking into the woods.
Just drove by again at 9:15 and there were three marked still there, lights flashing, one unmarked with his lights shining into the woods.
Not much, but it's all I've got.