Land rehab dates


Interesting....I would believe that there should be Soarin' soft openings throughout the month of April then (if the grand opening date is infact May 5th)?

Guess I better go have lunch at the Sunshine Season Food Fair and take in the atmosphere for one last time..... :cry:

General Grizz

New Member
Wonders of Life will probably reopen for Christmas. Not sure if they intend to open it during the Land's rehab, but I think they should. *sigh*.

Thanks for the confirmation, Steve. I'll have my videocamera ready this vacation.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
NemoRocks78 said:
Guess I better go have lunch at the Sunshine Season Food Fair and take in the atmosphere for one last time..... :cry:

Watch out for falling balloons when you go! Ouch! (Would a balloon hurt you if it fell on your head? I'll bet those in question would!)


Well-Known Member
objr said:
I just hope this whole refurb is worth it...

Same here... I'll be visiting the Land at least one more time before its closing, so I want to suck up the remnants of my favorite EPCOT pavillion. :(

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
This is one of the few cases where I'll know something is going to be gone after my next trip. I'll be sure to spend some time around the top rail taking in the atmosphere of this place. I'll also make sure to get plenty of pics, and if there's something worth sharing, I'll be sure to post it.


Well-Known Member
Well this stinks, I hope even with all the changes they are gonna do that they will leave The Land symbol up on the wall. Let us hope :( . Im going to EPCOT Sunday so I will take my camera and plenty of film. And I will also try to borrow a friends video camera. I never was able to get any good stuff of JII, WOM and Horizons when they closed down but hopefully and sadly this time it will be different. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Horizons1 said:
Well this stinks, I hope even with all the changes they are gonna do that they will leave The Land symbol up on the wall. Let us hope :( . Im going to EPCOT Sunday so I will take my camera and plenty of film. And I will also try to borrow a friends video camera. I never was able to get any good stuff of JII, WOM and Horizons when they closed down but hopefully and sadly this time it will be different. :cry:
Yeah, I'm kicking myself because I was there last week and would have taken more pics, but I'm going back on Jan 9 and thought I'd have one more chance. Oh well, at least I have the memory of seeing it one last time.


General Grizz

New Member
Horizons1 said:
Well this stinks, I hope even with all the changes they are gonna do that they will leave The Land symbol up on the wall. Let us hope :( . Im going to EPCOT Sunday so I will take my camera and plenty of film. And I will also try to borrow a friends video camera. I never was able to get any good stuff of JII, WOM and Horizons when they closed down but hopefully and sadly this time it will be different. :cry:
Yes. If anything could stay, the only thing that I request remain is the Land symbol. If that is gone. . . grrrr. . . :mad:!


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Yes. If anything could stay, the only thing that I request remain is the Land symbol. If that is gone. . . grrrr. . . :mad:!
if ONLY they could keep The Land's symbol!

If they must salvage something, may that be it...

General Grizz

New Member
SirNim said:
if ONLY they could keep The Land's symbol!

If they must salvage something, may that be it...
Well, it's not so hard to keep one symbol it in a gigantic pavilion, but I guess we know how Disney is with that. . . :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Logo probably gone

I wouldn't hold my breath about it staying. They have been trying to get rid of those logos for awhile. Why, I have no clue since it seems logo-ed merchandise would be VERY marketable. Here's to hoping though. I'm quite sad I will never get to see it the way it is now again since I won't be able to make it down before then. :(

All I want for Christmas is The Land to be done VERY well and not poorly...:xmas:


New Member
I think from what I am reading the Land will look more like a airport. So I guess the new logo could be themed to flight.

I guess no one listend to than land so they had to do something.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
About to "Classic Epcot Center" logos...i love them too! It's a shame, but i think the reason Disney has been trying to ditch them is because they represent the "past" and that ,surprisingly, seems to be a bad thing. How this can be considering that Disney is ALL ABOUT the past in many regards is beyond me, but at least the old symbols show up once in a while on Epcot t-shirts and the like.

I'm was very sad when i first heard about the Land being "updated".....that word when in regards to Disney Park Attractions seems to make my skin crawl in recent years. Yeah, i know...there ARE parts of the Land that indeed need to be changed/updated/revised...but don't go and turn the place into a cheap version of it's previous glory.

Soarin' sounds great, and i am looking forward to experiencing it. I personally would like to see that added, and to see a new AA show replacing the sub-level grade "Food Rocks". I for one loved the atmosphere of the Land...the scenery inside the pavilion (the baloons, fountain, umbrellas,etc.) was wonderful and very relaxing when compared to the rest of the Park. I have already gone on about this in another thread so i won't elaborate further here.

Just had to add that i will miss the "original" Land too....and when i walk in and see the golden Land symbol gone....i will know then it is the end of a era.

Geez, can't beleive i'm getting so emotional about a silly symbol on a wall! Well, those of you in the know will understand....those Classic symbols mean a lot to some of us. Bring em' BACK!!!

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