Pumbas Nakasak
Heading for the great escape.
I actually agree with you - the area is hard to navigate and feels claustrophobic, especially at night. That is because there is no straight path to the exits when you come under SSE. What makes it worse is that you can't even see the exits with the stone monoliths in the way.
You are forced to navigate around the tombstones, and maybe that is why they annoy me so much.
With the wand and the tombstones the area reminds me of an aging actress who has been given one too many facelifts. In its younger days the entrance was beautiful in its elegant simplicity. Now the individual parts might look good, but there is no overall coherence.
The entrance has become the theme park equivalent of Jocelyn Wildenstein.
Surely a Disney expert could navigate their way out the park with their eyes closed.
I find the illuminated SSE a veritable visual extravaganza, the acute angles of the tiles juxtaposed against the simple majestic line of the orb, especially dramatic at dusk when silhouetted by a threatening sky. The glistening park title calling out to guests while the wand distributes ample amounts of Disney magic.
Pretentious ? Moi?