Well-Known Member
Sour about what? I am not espousing a political belief. I am not even taking sides in an argument. I threw out an idea about worker wages for discussion, and for that I get you - without even discussing anything -throwing out blanket statements (what about incentives????) and making braggadocio statements like, "reflects nothing about business management or personal management^" without any backing behind them.
Why can't a CEO earn a normal salary without any extra incentives like many normal people do?
^Goodness me, what does that even mean? Are you claiming that cost-cutting is not one of the most crucial dials that CEO's normally turn to get the financial gibberish to work out in their favor? Who's being naive here?
I am not talking about you. I am literally talking about the head executive of a global media conglomerate who play a financial game that is far ahead of the normal rules that govern whatever middle manager is at Podunk & Associates Co.
I get the feeling people think I am attacking incentive based pay. Which wasn't even close to what started my thread. I started with talking about finding a way to increase run-of-the-mill worker pay. I don't really care about executives at all and focusing on them is like, totally! (in sour internet kid talk) uninteresting.
Don't have Iger's compensation ping-ponging back and forth every year based on some arbitrary metric. Pay him a regular salary and pin the workers wages to a percentage of that. If, over time, Iger deserves a raise, everybody's wages rise with him; in recognition that his performance is based off the work of others. Whole company gets rewarded together.
The executive can join the 401K program (disclaimer: I have no idea if Disney has a 401k program) like everybody else if he needs any more "incentive" than that.
This is pure laziness.. and it would be detrimental to business.
Do you know why such a large percentage of top earners in this country are on incentivized pay plans?
Because they believe they are worth more than what a salary guarantees.
Do you know why companies pay these people this way?
Because they are worth it.
Because they expand the business, the brand, profits, etc etc.
Incentives work, from the lowest level employees to the highest level employees.
Someone like Bob Iger doesn’t “clock in” for 8 hours then go home and put the job behind him.. people in that position are always working, always networking, and always thinking about the “job”.
I can guarantee that most executives lose more time with their family, have more personal time interupted, and have more stress than an hourly CM would ever have.