Kingdom Hearts: New Generation (Open Brainstorming)


Well-Known Member
Well we could make a new home world since we can't use Destiny Island.

Yeah, we could, but in any case, we need to get our story moving. We need someone who can help out, but I can't think of anyone. KingMickey, who had created the entire KH3 game almost single-handedly, is too busy with KH4 to bother with this game, and I really don't know how we can do the story. We need someone who can help.


Well-Known Member
Well lets start with the intro and tutorial.

Well, the only thing that's been mentioned was this:

When Sora and Kairi hit the sand it would switch to the water with a young girl that resembles Sora and Kairi will fall like Sora and Roxas till she lands on the floor she looks around and one step and she sees the ground lighting up with doves flying revealing her awakening which shows Sora holding the kingdom key and the ultima keyblade in the middle,Riku,Kairi,Donald,Goofy and King Mickey on the right,Terra,Aqua and Ven on the left and Roxas,Xion,Axel and Namine on the top.

So we should go from there with these. The intro should be pretty straightforward if it's rehashes of past events.


Active Member
In the Parks
Well, I suppose we could use KingMickey's own KH3 as a placeholder of sorts. We would have to make some modifications to the end of that game, though.
You can't really make modifications to another person's ideas. My Kingdom Hearts games aren't meant to be affiliated with any other peoples games. If you wanted to create a new Kingdom Hearts game, then by all means do so, just it's not right to use or change my game to be able to flow better with yours. They're two separate interpretations of the same thing. I don't mean to sound rude, because I'm not being that way at all, I'm just saying how I see it.

Anyway, we really need to whip this game into some story shape. We need someone who can help with that. I already tried to get KingMickey to help out here, but he is too busy with KH4. We should also have a different "home" world in this game. KH1 had its Traverse Town, KH2 and 3 their Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden, and maybe KH:358/2 its World That Never Was. So maybe we should have something different?

We really also need other people to help out as well, not just us two.
Yes, I was contacted to help out with the game and onestly, I'd like to because storylines are what I do best, but I really want to focus on my own games. And I'm not sure just how large you'd want your storylines. Most of the storylines for the Disney world revisits strayed away from all Disney sequels, which is a good thing in my mind. I think they all turned out well, but when it came to storylines for worlds such as Radiant Garden, Traverse Town, and the final worlds, they had big, dramatic plot twists and turns. I even had a cliffhanger where most of Radiant Garden was destroyed last year. This time there'll be another cliffhanger involving two separate worlds...and usually multiple characters end up dying. Those are the types of storylines I'd be writing, I'm not sure if that's your style.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll start the game. KingMickey, if you're reading this, please don't criticize me for copying anything here. If it's any comfort to you, I will give you credit for part of this opening. Anyway...

The menu screen comes onto the television. There are two options displayed on the screen: New Game and Load Game. Well, you have your Memory Card in the Playstation slot, but since you haven’t started the game yet, there are no files to load. So, you choose New Game. Afterwards, the level of difficulty menu appears on the screen. There are three levels of difficulty.

  • Beginner’s Mode (The easiest mode of the game. You’re sure to win. However, you’ll miss out on some surprises during the game.)
  • Normal Mode (The normal level of difficultly. It’s a bit more challenging, but you can unlock all of the secret goodies in this mode.)
  • Expert Mode (The hardest level of difficulty. This is for the true experts of gaming. It has even more secret goodies than normal mode!)

You decide to choose the Normal Mode of gameplay. After you select, the next screen comes up. This screen displays the vibration controller settings. You can choose whatever you’d like. After you choose, the sound settings menu comes on. Once again, you can choose whatever you’d like for your own personal game experience. After you confirm your settings, the game starts and the screen goes black...

You see some messages appear on the screen, spoken by a much older Sora. He is then joined by a much older Kairi and a new girl. Kairi says another message displayed on the screen, then the new girl. Finally, all three of them say one last thing in unison. Then the game moves onto the usual CGI video.

In the opening CGI video, the screen focuses on a washed up bottle, covered in sand, just on the beach of Destiny Islands. Then, the line “Many years later” comes up on the screen. Then, Utada Hikaru’s song, “Come Back to Me”, from her album, This Is the One, begins to play, as the new theme song for this game.

The CGI sequence shows video images of Sora and Kairi on the village beach, looking at the islands. Through flashbacks, the scenes flash to prominent CGI scenes of past KH games, starting with Birth By Sleep and ending with Kingdom Hearts 3. At the end of the CGI sequence, the screen settles on Sora and Kairi on the beach, just as Kingdom Hearts 3 ended, only three years later. Now 20 years of age, they hold up a paopu fruit and then lay down. But just as their heads hit the sand, it suddenly cuts to a young girl out on the beach, five years later still, of about two years of age. This girl resembles Kairi as she did in the first KH game, but with hair and eye colors like Sora.

She stands before some waves that suddenly wash over her. She finds herself tumbling down into darkness, progressively getting older until finally she looks even more like Kairi from the first game, at about 14 years of age. Then, just like Sora in KH1 and Roxas in KH2, this girl lands on a black floor. She gets up and looks around. Then, as she takes a single step, the floor under her lights up. Doves fly away, revealing an awakening just like what happened to Sora and Roxas prior. She is standing on a platform that resembles a stained-glass portrait, similar to previous KH games. In this case, it shows the KH3-era Sora holding the Kingdom Key keyblade in his right hand and the Ultima keyblade in his left in the middle, KH3-era Riku and Kairi, Donald, Goofy and King Mickey on the right, Terra, Aqua and Ven on the left, and Roxas, Xion, Axel and Namine atop Sora.

More on this scene later.


Well-Known Member
Cool but what about saving files for the Wii since this version is for the PS3 and the Wii.

Well, I'm not too familiar with the Wii, so I can't really say.

But KingMickey's plan (for his game, not this one) involves a lot of casualties, so I don't know if I want to continue or not...


Active Member
In the Parks
Yes, but that could conflict with KingMickey's KH4. Anyway, I'll do the rest later; I'm going to bed.
Guys, I already said that this game and my game are two completely different games. They aren't mean to be connected to eacother at all. Don't try to make a game that works around my game. This is something of your creation. Yeah, as of next week, 5 characters in my game are going to be dead, that's something you can't work around. I've mentioned that my game are only a part of my series of the games and they're not going to be involved with any other people's creations of their own KH games, on any scale.


Well-Known Member
Now, this idea is not my own, but on another forum (at Visions Fantastic:, we need to include another new character, a ghost named Ayame. According to this forum, Ayame (the name means "iris flower" in Japanese) is first shown with a closed blue cape with her hood up.The only things shown about this character is of her purple lips,brown knee-high boots,and her nose. That's it. However,she appears to hold a dislike towards the original Keyblade wielders from "Birth by Sleep".

The new girl discovers that she sees some familiar and unfamiliar people on the platform she stands on. A mysterious disembodied voice silently refers to this girl as Hanak. It tells her to walk forward, which she does. A treasure chest appears. The voice instructs Hanak to walk over to the chest.

Hanak is informed that she is carrying on a legacy started by her father, Sora. Three weapons appear in front of her, the Dream Sword, the Dream Shield and the Dream Rod. She is to choose one of them. Whichever one she chooses will determine how she will learn abilities, just like Sora (in KH1) and Roxas (in KH2). Once she makes her choice, whichever one it is, it disappears and the chest opens, revealing the Kingdom Key keyblade, which Hanak takes.

She then sees a door, which looks like the one Sora had seen in KH1. She walks towards it. The door opens. Hanak suddenly finds herself standing on another platform that looks just like the one before it, only this time, whereas the first platform was a shade of turquoise, this one is more green. Here, the voice explains to Hanak how to fight and attack and whatnot. Suddenly, a few Shadow Heartless form around her. Hanak uses her newfound Kingdom Key to attack and defeat them all with ease.

Once this is done, she notices before her a long flight of stairs leading up to yet another platform, which once again looks like the one she is standing on, only recolored blue. She goes up the stairs to this new platform. Once there, she is taught about Reaction Commands, treasures and examining objects. Then more Shadow Heartless form and again she takes them down easily. Then more stairs form and lead up to one more platform, which is recolored with a purplish hue. Nearby, a Save Point appears and Hanak is taught how to use them. She does so, then climbs the stairs.

Here, she encounters a mysterious figure in a blue cloak. Hanak walks towards this figure, but it disappears at the last second. Suddenly, the ground shakes. Hanak looks behind her to see something big: a giant Heartless!

BOSS: Darkside

This battle is pretty much straightforward, since it functions every little bit like Sora's battle with Darkside in his own Awakening in KH1. The fight against this Darkside is no different. Just battle it like how Sora does in KH1, and it should not be any different. Also, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose against this monster, you'll still be able to continue on.

So once Hanak defeats it (or gets defeated), she suddenly falls backwards off the pillar down into blackness, but is snatched from certain doom in the nick of time, by the mysterious figure from moments earlier. Then everything goes completely black...

Mysterious Figure

Kingdom Key Keyblade



How is that so far?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well a few old worlds from and a few new worlds even the ones that were suppose to appear in the game like Pinocchio's world.


Well-Known Member
Well a few old worlds from and a few new worlds even the ones that were suppose to appear in the game like Pinocchio's world.

Well, let's see, here's some of the worlds we do/should have:

  • Neverland
  • The Pride Lands
  • Atlantica
  • Enchanted Dominion (themed to Sleeping Beauty)
  • The Big Top (themed to Dumbo)
  • Symphonyland (themed to Silly Symphonies shorts)
  • Maybe a Lilo-and-Stitch-themed world
  • A world themed to the Axiom from Wall-E?

That's eight worlds in all so far. We have at least four old worlds here.

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