Kicked off the bus!


New Member
Just my 2 cents worth, but speaking as a Law Enforcement Officer, I think these bus drivers have a pretty tough job. They are not only responsible for their passengers safety, but they have to be aware of everything going on around their bus, and on top of that working with the pressure of maintaining a schedule. I can tell you for a fact alot of people driving cars have no respect for buses (i.e. cutting them off). A bus can not manuver as well as a car or stop on a dime when someone else does something stupid. My wife and I have been to WDW many times and have had nothing but good experiences with the bus system. I will continue to use the buses for transportation on future trips.

To Invero and niteobsrvr, thank you for doing a sometimes thankless job.:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkymaus
Ok, thank you, but I dont think I ever said I threw myself infront of the bus nor did I say I pounded on the side of the bus....perhaps I wasnt clear enough...let me elaborate.

1) we were walking towards the bus stop...we were about 30 yards from the actual stop (which was the FIRST STOP) so no other bus was in front of it.
2) After he started to go, he immediatly had to STOP anyways at a STOP sign, so there was NEVER a danger of other buses or cars or pedestrians cause he HAD TO STOP ANYWAYS.
3)I did NOT and I repeat DID NOT, pound on the side of the bus...where the hell that came from I will never know....people add to the stories....and then online arguments occur.
4)No person was in harms way for the driver to stop....and the comment of prefernetial treatment!!! WHATS UP WITH THAT!! He was just mearly being Disney NICE...for the love of GOD people!!!
Get a grip!

In reference to item 2 - It doesn't matter if the driver had to stop again a few feet from the bus stop he just left. Once the bus is no longer in the official stop, it is considered back in traffic. The driver who picked you up that day was being Disney nice. He was also putting you, the bus and all the people on it at risk.

One reason most of Disney's bus stops are off the road and separated in many cases from regular traffic is because people can and do rear-end busses on a regular basses. Granted, no one should ever be travelling at a high enough rate of speed at Disney to cause serious injury to anyone other than themselves. The key word however is "should". The reality is very few people obey speed limits or traffic laws at Disney while in their cars or rental cars or other busses for that matter.

The busses may be big, bulky and designed to keep people safe but that doesnt mean accidents never happen and no one ever gets injured. All we have to do is watch the evening news from time to time for proof of that. Even minor accidents can cause people to bump their heads, etc.

The job of any bus driver is safety first. Whether or not a particular situation is safe is solely at the drivers discretion.


Account Suspended
I am sorry, but I think your dead wrong. You dont know exactly what happened and how it happened and its hard to put it in writing....the bus moved no more than 3 feet before he stopped. I HARDLY feel he put ANYTHING at risk doing so....PALEASE! How did he put anyone at risk, when he had to make a stop at a stop sign anyways....?????
If he thought it would be putting himself, the bus, cars, or passengers at risk....I dont think he would of even bothered....JMO
Back to reality...what about the "DANGER" of the original post...when he dumped these people on the side of the road to fen for themselves!?!?!

I dont understand lets just agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TIGGER-FAN
Just my 2 cents worth, but speaking as a Law Enforcement Officer, I think these bus drivers have a pretty tough job. They are not only responsible for their passengers safety, but they have to be aware of everything going on around their bus, and on top of that working with the pressure of maintaining a schedule. I can tell you for a fact alot of people driving cars have no respect for buses (i.e. cutting them off). A bus can not manuver as well as a car or stop on a dime when someone else does something stupid. My wife and I have been to WDW many times and have had nothing but good experiences with the bus system. I will continue to use the buses for transportation on future trips.

To Invero and niteobsrvr, thank you for doing a sometimes thankless job.:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Thank you!!!!!!!!!

The point behind my posts in this thread is to be educational. Many, many people who come to WDW have little or no experience with public transportation. The information presented was intended to give folks the perspective of operating a 40 foot vehicle from the drivers perspective while highlighting regulations and best practices.

Sometimes I get the feeling that people think because they are at Disney, they are on private property and outside laws and regulation don't apply. However, with the exception of parks, resorts and their respective parking lots, the roads are public and the state and federal laws most definitely apply. If you are involved in an accident on Disney property, you will only talk to the Disney security person for the time it takes the sherriff or Highway patrol to arrive and conduct their investigation.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkymaus
I am sorry, but I think your dead wrong. You dont know exactly what happened and how it happened and its hard to put it in writing....the bus moved no more than 3 feet before he stopped. I HARDLY feel he put ANYTHING at risk doing so....PALEASE! How did he put anyone at risk, when he had to make a stop at a stop sign anyways....?????
If he thought it would be putting himself, the bus, cars, or passengers at risk....I dont think he would of even bothered....JMO
Back to reality...what about the "DANGER" of the original post...when he dumped these people on the side of the road to fen for themselves!?!?!

I dont understand lets just agree to disagree.

I think I do understand what happened. You were walking up to a bus stop and the driver pulled away. Maybe you were jsut coming over the bridge to the bus stop? My point is it does not matter where you are, only where the bus is located. If it is not at the "Official" stop but anywhere else including stopped at a stop sign, the driver is not required to board or unload passengers. If the driver uses his own discretion to do so, he is assuming responsibility for anything that might happen.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
I think I do understand what happened. You were walking up to a bus stop and the driver pulled away. Maybe you were jsut coming over the bridge to the bus stop? My point is it does not matter where you are, only where the bus is located. If it is not at the "Official" stop but anywhere else including stopped at a stop sign, the driver is not required to board or unload passengers. If the driver uses his own discretion to do so, he is assuming responsibility for anything that might happen.

Ok, you know so much....explain the original post. WHY would a driver like that put all those people in jeapordy???? HOW DANGEROUS WAS THAT!!!!! Do not compare apples with oranges....
There I made it pretty simple. Only one statement...answer that question?
Please dont avoid it and turn it into my good experience "should of" gone bad episode.
So again, if you cant answer the question..then agree to disagree! PERIOD


Well-Known Member
In response to the first post of this thread..........

This is a case where the posting does not give enough detail in order to comment on what may have happened. We have only heard one passengers story and apparently the driver did not explain what was happening. Or did he??? Maybe everyone was involved their own conversations?

Here is one possibility.

The driver addressed the situation over the PA but ..........

Many many times as I am speaking over the pa systems, I fully realize people are not listening. In fact, many times, the conversations get louder on the bus so the guests can hear each other over the "recording".

This is case whether the bus is full or empty. Onie night, I was at Old Key West and after making the second stop had one family left in the back of the bus. I got on the PA to ask them what stop they needed. Waited a about 20 seconds and got no response. Had to do it a second time before they realized I was talking to them.

There are no recordings on the busses by the way. Anything that comes over the PA system is a live human being. Back in the old days, about 10 years ago, it would have been considered polite to halt conversations while the person addressed the group over the PA.

Another possibility is the Driver quit???

It wouldn't be unheard of as you can see from this thread.

Regardless of what caused it to happen, the driver according to the post dropped people off at another bus stop. Therefore, while he may have ticked everyone off, he didnt just dump them on the side of the road or put them in harms way.


Active Member
Originally posted by mkymaus
I am sorry, but I think your dead wrong. You dont know exactly what happened and how it happened and its hard to put it in writing....the bus moved no more than 3 feet before he stopped. I HARDLY feel he put ANYTHING at risk doing so....PALEASE! How did he put anyone at risk, when he had to make a stop at a stop sign anyways....?????
If he thought it would be putting himself, the bus, cars, or passengers at risk....I dont think he would of even bothered....JMO
Back to reality...what about the "DANGER" of the original post...when he dumped these people on the side of the road to fen for themselves!?!?!

I dont understand lets just agree to disagree.

I have to agree with niteobserver. The rules are put in place for a reason. Once you start bending and breaking them, even for a guest friendly gesture, like picking up a tired family, you set a dangerous precedent. I’m not saying that the bus driver you speak of is a horrible cast member, and should be terminated. I appreciate their desire to please guests. I am just saying that the way he/she did it wasn’t the best way.


Account Suspended
People, you dont understand....if the man moved 2 feet he moved to much...for the love of god....I give guys seem to want to beat a nice gesture to the ground and make it a terrible there a full moon where everyone wants to argue or find the bad in any good people do ?!?!

I truly GIVE UP! (Thowing hands up in the air)

Its getting old guys seem to want to argue just for the sake of arguing.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkymaus
People, you dont understand....if the man moved 2 feet he moved to much...

EXACTLY ---- if that two feet put the bus back into traffic even if it is just ever so slightly, the driver is now responsible if a car clips a bus.

A good example, a friend of mine, who drives a bus up north, received a ticket in an accident situation because he was not within his lane of travel. If you were to have seen the bus in between the lines on the pavement, you would say the bus driver was not at fault. However, the law states that the enitre vehicle must be within the marked lanes. In this case, the bus's mirrors extended slightly past the lines. The portion of the bus that was struck by the car was well within the lines but that is not how the law is worded. In this situation both drivers were cited for not being in their lanes of travel. The judge did not throw out the ticket either.


Active Member
Originally posted by mkymaus

Its getting old guys seem to want to argue just for the sake of arguing.

we arent trying to argue. we are TRYING to have a calm civil conversation. You are the only person i have seen who has gotten all worked up about it.
well I have to back niteobsrvr I as well drive a bus down here at times and wouldn't pick someone up after moving the bus 2 feet away from the stop. there are too many idots out there now a days. event at WDW where the stops are set off to the side of the road, a car can still enter there and not realize there is a stoped bus there if the driver is parked correctly at the stop its more than likely not his/her fualt, however if that driver moved 2 feet and stoped it can partially be the drivers fualt. all drivers of CMV are subject to intense scrutinization. for example One driver I knew got a ticket for a license plate light out on a tractor portion of a tractor trailer where they don't have a license plate (some states only require one on the front) then the DOT inspector issued him another ticket for "failure to properly pretrip a vechicle" now thats a fine.


Well-Known Member
One thing I would like to add... once that bus has started to pull away from the load zone... even 2-3 feet... you're now making the passengers walk over the pavement on which the bus drives and stops. Often times, while loading, a bus might leak a bit of water, fluids, oil, or something slippery onto that pavement. That is a safety hazard. If a guest were to accidentally fall in that situation, liability would fall to the driver.

Just because it's only a few feet, doesn't make it not unsafe. There are a lot of variables that the average guest may not be aware of. Bottom line... Safety comes FIRST. If it means you have to wait for the next bus, then so be it. Better safe, than sorry.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
<img src="">

anyway... I'd rather have safety over courtesy any day of the week...

"He sure was polite and stopped for us... but now my kid is in the hospital... YAY POLITENESS!"

"Sure, he inconvenienced us by making us wait 5 minutes.. but I'm safe and my family is safe. DARN RUDE CAST MEMBERS! DARN YOU TO HECK!"

Give me a break..

<img src="">


New Member
After all, even though it's taken a bit of a dent lately, it's still officially:


in that order.


New Member
In the past 10 years of me going to WdW Ive never had a Mean or rude bus driver they always seemed like they enjoy their job and Enjoy talking to the guests. Although some of them can get on youre nerves Talking on a late night ride to the room from the park when you are trying to doze:eek:

i can remember two bus drivers that were nice one was named dwayne ... i have mentioned him before the other was a lady but i can't remember her name just that she said stuff like ok goodbye angel babies and have fun when everyone was getting off the bus

I don't mind taking the bus at home and I certanly don't mind taking it at disney and I love all you bus drivers you rock!

i really have to applaud anyone who's job requires them to deal with a large number of random people everyday ... that ain't easy

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