Kicked off the bus!


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kicked off the bus!

Originally posted by Marijil
Wouldnt that be a violation of the no jokes rule as set forth above...after all the bus ride is not the "entertainment" portion of the trip:rolleyes:

There is a difference here. The bus isn't moving. The Federal DOT rule applies to vehicles that are in motion.
however the smae federal law requires goverment operated busses (city busses) to announce nstops prior to the actual stop and if the talking bus isn't working the driver still has to announce it. and also that law counters itself yet again. think of this circumstance, passenger crosses the yellow line, driver can't say anything, (becuase the bus is in motion) driver can't operate the bus with someone in front of the yellow line, driver must stop bus immediatly, driver pulls over to the side of the road over this, that is more dangerous than saying sir can you please stand behind the yellow line.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by 10 min. to wdw
however the smae federal law requires goverment operated busses (city busses) to announce nstops prior to the actual stop and if the talking bus isn't working the driver still has to announce it. and also that law counters itself yet again. think of this circumstance, passenger crosses the yellow line, driver can't say anything, (becuase the bus is in motion) driver can't operate the bus with someone in front of the yellow line, driver must stop bus immediatly, driver pulls over to the side of the road over this, that is more dangerous than saying sir can you please stand behind the yellow line.

Ok, somebody is getting a little carried away here. The point of the law is that a driver does not engage in distracting behaviour such as carrying on a conversation with a passenger or singing "It's a small World". Announcing a stop is not distracting but a part of the job. Also maintaining order on the bus is part of the job, including issues with the standee line. If one firm direction to the passengers to disengage from a disruptive behavior fails, I would pull the bus off the road and the next safe place and if necessary call the police.

i like the buses ... and the people who drive them :)

at the end of the day i really do prefer the buses to driving but that is just me... i have never really found there to be a problem.
I have noticed that sometimes people say the driver is driving like a maniac -but they were not going really fast and they had to make a few sudden stops because of crazy people in their little cars cutting them off so what could the driver do?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chris
This is exactly why we NEVER take the busses. I would rather drive any day than waste valuable park time waiting on a bus to take me to a park or waiting in line with two tired kids trying to get back to our hotel. In the 25+ trips we have made to WDW we have only taken a bus once. Parking is free for hotel guests and AAA members get "up front" parking. I know that some people hate to drive and park at WDW but I cannot imagine depending on WDW transportation for every move I made.

You couldn't have put it any better. I hardly ever will wait for a bus. I had an experience 3 weeks ago while at the world. I was running behind so decided to meet my friends at the park. From the Polynesian it took 32 minutes for the bus to show up. (I know it's impossible because the busses run every 20 minutes.)Then after the bus arrived the driver was rude to a guest using a wheel chair. I guess she just didn't want to be bothered by having to assist her. I've never encountered anything like this in all my visits to Disney. This poor sweet little old lady was getting scoled by this Cast Member for no reason. A few other guest became involved in the loading process which quickly made her realize how rude she had been. Needless to say everything ended peacefully with her apologizing for her behavior. Another happy ending :lol:


New Member
Sudden stops and tear drops

I was once on a bus where the driver just didn't see the red light and slammed on his breaks, tires squealing and the whole 9 yards! It gave Test Track a run for it's money, but no one was hurt and we all just laughed it off. Yes - he apologized over the PA.

But also - my (now husband) and I went to Disneyworld. We got stranded after the MVMCP and needed a bus back, along with a couple other kids. Once we FINALLY got one, we were exhausted and VERY EMOTIONAL! After dropping off the 2 girls who got stranded as well at thier hotel, the bus driver, who was VERY nice, started driving to our hotel. As he pulled up, he couldn't help but noticing we were crying. He smiled very kindly as if he understood. He didn't know that that single smile helped a little, rather than the weirded out glare I was expecting.

What he didn't know:
My (now husband, then boyfriend) lived in Boston.
I lived in San Diego. We couldn't be further apart and still on the continent and it sucked. We met, after being apart for 3 months in DisneyWorld for a week and that night was our last night. We didn't know when we'd find time or money to see each other again so we were facing another prolonged seperation. The exhaustion with the prospect of parting brought us both to our knees (just about literally). Especially since we both knew we found "the one". Well, I was only 19 at the time and my parents would have KILLED me if I came home engaged at the time (they later warmed up when he moved to California - my mom actually helped him pick out the engagment ring about a year later!), and long distance is hard. ! BUt!!!!

Having lived through that year we spent apart, we now know we can do ANYTHING! WDW was our honeymoon spot, our 1st annivrsary spot, and now going to be our 2nd anniversary spot(Dec. 1st!).

So there's a "happily ever after" for all you fellow saps out there! :) :sohappy:


Niteobsvr..I hope I never end up on your bus. I realize that there are laws that you have to follow, but you seem to take it to umpth degree. If you don't enjoy the work conditions or the fact that Disney will not back you then why stay. I think what everyone is saying is that over the many years that we all have been spending our hard earned money in these parks we have seen the overall personality and friendliness of transportation people go down. You say that the entertainment portion ends when you get on a bus, well that is sad for us, but more importantly it's sad for you because you happen to work in the only department of an entertainment corporation that doesn't believe that they are part of the entertainment. If your opinion permeates throughout the company then I think more people will start driving adn then the transportation department will be cut back even more. The bottom line is that we as your guest want an enjoyable ride with a friendly, happy, and helpful driver.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tazhughes
Niteobsvr..I hope I never end up on your bus. I realize that there are laws that you have to follow, but you seem to take it to umpth degree. If you don't enjoy the work conditions or the fact that Disney will not back you then why stay.

No company will stand behind their employees in the event one of them knowingly breaks the law. I try as hard as possible not to compromise the traffic laws and the laws relating to my Commercial Drivers License.

The State Trooper who comes to investigate an accident, the lawyers representing those involved, and the judge who will hear the case don't care if I work for an entertainment corporation. Everyone is simply interested in the facts. If one of the contributing circumstances to the accident is that I was violating one of the many laws regarding commercial driving, no one will care that I was trying to entertain the guests on the bus. On the contrary, they will say I risked the lives of many due to negligence.

That being said, I enjoy my job and perform it with the same (if not greater) level of professionalism and pride that you would expect from anyone in which you are willing to place your safety and trust. There is a time and place for everything. Driving at 50 mph on a three lane road with cars dartng about is not a time to be telling jokes.

I think what everyone is saying is that over the many years that we all have been spending our hard earned money in these parks we have seen the overall personality and friendliness of transportation people go down.

Couldnt agree with you more, please read on.

You say that the entertainment portion ends when you get on a bus, well that is sad for us, but more importantly it's sad for you because you happen to work in the only department of an entertainment corporation that doesn't believe that they are part of the entertainment.

Entertainment, like story and joke telling or singing is best left up to people who do that sort of thing, like the folks in the shows. Performing in a show and operating a large vehicle are two terribly different roles. Therefore people are cast in these roles with different skill sets for a reason. You wouldn't normally cast Tom Hanks in a role more suited for Sylvester Stalllone and vice versa.

If your opinion permeates throughout the company then I think more people will start driving adn then the transportation department will be cut back even more. The bottom line is that we as your guest want an enjoyable ride with a friendly, happy, and helpful driver.

The last sentence I support. The transportation should provide a safe enjoyable ride with the services of a happy, helpful and professional driver. I drive the bus safely and efficiently from point A to Point B. Sometimes, even to point C, depending on the situation and guests involved. I answer any and all guests questions as people enter the bus. Occasionally, if it is a short answer, I will provide info while oging down the road. If it is not a short answer, I will ask the guest to wait until we arrive at our destination.

I provide a very informative narration detailing the safety rules as well as information regarding my destination. I get many compliments from guests regarding the amount of information provided. My rule of thumb is the spiel should end about the same time the exit gate at the resort is finished going up. If necessary, I adjust my speed to make sure this happens rather than cutting short the information I provide. Once that gate is crossed though, my job is to concentrate on providing a safe smooth ride to the destination at hand. As with the spiel, I often get compliments regarding how comfortable the ride was from guests as they exit. I also try to wish as many people as possible a good day (night) as they exit.

So please, don't be so quick to judge. Riding on my bus just might be a better overall experience than that of listening to "its a small world" slightly off key.


I honestly think everyone is nuts. I've had to wait for buses. Especially near Planet Hollywood. But I love the convenience of the busses and the monorail and wouldn't trade it for anything!!!! It saves me from renting a car and I love to be driven around instead of driving. I've been to so many places where your on your own for transportation. At least Disney provides it!!! I'm not saying it's perfect, but I sure do love it and I've never encountered any rude bus drivers. I've encountered some crazy drivers, but I can deal with that I live in New York!!! Ease up on them, it's really not all that bad!!! I think everyone has had one or two stories for the busses but all in all, they are great!!! I for one thank them all for getting me around for years without one accident or upsetment. I've been there 15 times and never had any horrible thing happen to me.


Account Suspended
boy o boy. i've been to disney many many times and never run into a problem like this once! i mean some of those stories are nuts! the drivers i have met have been nothing but pleasant and my father often makes corny jokes with them.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tazhughes
Niteobsvr..I hope I never end up on your bus. I realize that there are laws that you have to follow, but you seem to take it to umpth degree.

Just because this is Walt Disney World does not mean that drivers are above the law. Bottom line, is that safety comes first, last, and always. The laws exist for a reason. Now, just because a driver doesn't sing and tell jokes the entire way doesn't mean that they are mean and a bad Disney CM. Quite the contrary. A bus driver's primary responsibility is to provide a smooth, and safe ride to and from the parks. Anything extra (ie, magical guest moments, having fun with guests, etc) must be done when at stops, when the driver doesn't need to be concentrating on the road.

Just like Niteobsrvr, my speils are over when the resort gate goes up. After that time, I need to pay attention to all the crazy tourist drivers on the road. I can't tell you how many times some crazy tourist, CM, or taxi has done something that potentially could have caused a nasty accident with my bus. Had I been singing, or otherwise distracted, I might not have been able to respond to the situation.

Originally posted by tazhughes
The bottom line is that we as your guest want an enjoyable ride with a friendly, happy, and helpful driver.

Just because a driver doesn't sing and dance, doesn't mean they aren't all of the above.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by
i like the buses ... and the people who drive them :)

at the end of the day i really do prefer the buses to driving but that is just me... i have never really found there to be a problem.
I have noticed that sometimes people say the driver is driving like a maniac -but they were not going really fast and they had to make a few sudden stops because of crazy people in their little cars cutting them off so what could the driver do?

I encounter this situation all the time... I do the speed limit. On World Drive, that's 50mph. A lot of times, there might be a car or bus that for whatever reason is only doing 40mph or so. I have no qualms with passing that slow vehicle. However, a few times, I'll hear a few remarks about how I must be doing 80 or something. (For the record, most of our RTS buses are governed at 55mph)

Same with slamming on the brakes. The roads are filled with crazy tourist and CM drivers, plus cabbies. You never know when they're going to pull some stunt and cut you off or stop short. (this is why its important to pay attention)

There are also some red lights on property that have awful short yellows. I have a choice as a driver to floor the accelerator, and have guests think I ran a red light, or slam on my brakes, send everyone flying forward, and end up stopping in the middle of the intersection.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EvilMortimer
I said it once and I'll say it again. Busses don't work. Monorails are what Disney's all about.

If anything, the monorails are WORSE. Busses NOR monorails (in the current form) are what Disney needs.

I like monorails, don't get me wrong, but initial outlay along with running costs, you can buy millions of busses for that much.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
If you don't like the busses, rent a car. It's that simple.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Testtrack321
If anything, the monorails are WORSE. Busses NOR monorails (in the current form) are what Disney needs.

I like monorails, don't get me wrong, but initial outlay along with running costs, you can buy millions of busses for that much.

Well, I can see where you are coming from money wise, but other then money, there are no advantages to buses except they can take you there directly. And sometimes they can't even do that. Monorails save money in the long run in many more ways then you think. Disney can charge more money to stay at a monorail resort. Imagine Pop Century and the All Stars if they had monorails. Monorails don't break down as much as disney buses. They don't have to wait in traffic to move anywhere. The carry many more people. They have the "magic" factor. They clear out the parks faster then buses do. They don't smell. They are safer. They can go places buses can't and can take more direct routes. They are quiet. They don't pollute. There's no way the pilot can quit half way to somewhere. They are just better. And they reduce traffic on the already crowded roads.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EvilMortimer
but other then money, there are no advantages to buses except they can take you there directly.
The money is a major factor with Disney, and the directness is a MAJOR factor with guests. Moreso than you think.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
Monorails save money in the long run in many more ways then you think.
Um, no. Monorails are far more expensive to buy, run, and maintain.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
Disney can charge more money to stay at a monorail resort. Imagine Pop Century and the All Stars if they had monorails.
That would defeat the purpose of a "Value" resort category.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
Monorails don't break down as much as disney buses.
HA! Not even CLOSE to true.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
They don't have to wait in traffic to move anywhere.
Yup, they do! See, when you have a fixed guideway system, you can't pass the train in front of you. So, if the train is taking its merry 'ole time, or if it's having technical difficulties, you're stuck! I remember one time I was stuck at pylon 125 at 1am for an HOUR, with a fully loaded train. We were stuck there because there was a train at TTC that took a dump.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
The carry many more people.
Well, sure, if you compare one train to one bus. But lets compare the fleets. During a park exit at the MK, you'll have 4 trains running on Express. Those 4 trains can carry 1000 people every 12 minutes. Now, for buses, we'll be running perhaps 65 buses. Assuming 36 minute cycles, they can move about 1500 per 12 minutes. Add more buses, you can increase capacity.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
They clear out the parks faster then buses do.
Not really. The trains are limited to capacity. You can always bring more buses into the loop. See the above example.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
They don't smell.
Yes, they do. Much more so than any bus. I'd get multiple complaints on a daily basis about the smell of the monorail. I've never heard a complaint about the smell of my bus.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
They can go places buses can't and can take more direct routes.

I think you've got that backwards. Buses can go to destinations that monorails cannot, and can do it without having connections.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
They don't pollute.
Go visit a power plant.

Originally posted by EvilMortimer
And they reduce traffic on the already crowded roads.
So do buses. Each bus can take 15-25 cars off the road.

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