Kevin Yee's Latest "Universal Tries, Disney Lies"


Active Member
Well, if we REALLY want to get technical, we never actually TOUR Endor (or even it's moon), do we?


I want my money back!!!!


New Member
Ooops Yee, sorry not Lee. Also, I shouldn't have called him a clown. (Kevin I apologize.) Its way too easy on a forum like this to forget that you're writing to and about other people. That said, I do find his articles maddening. I remember one article he wrote about Animal Kingdom in which he droned on about how the settings were immersive but too realistic and blah, blah, blah. I also find it frustrating that Lutz has so much insider news regarding Disneyland and his WDW equivalent at Miceage tells me what I all ready know.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all sides of this thread - the even-handed replies and even the posts that are critical of my writings. I like to think I practice what I preach - that if I want Disney to listen to criticisms, I should listen to criticisms myself. So even when they sting, I try to find the value in them.

And there is *always* value to be had in people's opinion. It's seldom the reader's fault when the writer can't express something clearly (unless someone is reading too quickly, maybe, but usually it's the writer's problem to deal with at one level or another).

So I welcome the criticisms, especially when they offer constructive ideas for doing things differently.

As for insider scoop, I won't pretend that I am anywhere near Al's league, nor do I have his roster of insiders. I do offer my opinion and perspective on things, which is sometimes all I can do. I agree it's not enough for a reader to form a comprehensive opinion about something you see in the parks - I urge everyone to read widely and gather other opinions and experiences. Mine is but one voice.

And if my tone should forget that from time to time, I deserve the smackdown to remind me of it. :)


Active Member
I guess Al really does read these boards:

Ha, I guess Al really does see this forum!

Editor's Note 8/17: People think I hate Disney World. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I do hate are the people running the place. Kevin's article today details a perfect example. And don't blame him for the headline -- that was my idea. - Al Lutz


New Member
That "Star Wars Dream Park" art was pretty awesome.

It completely baffles me why Disney and Lucas have not collaborated on either a large LucasLand or an entire theme park. The amount of money to be made on such an effort would be astonishing. Sadly, I think that ship has sailed.


yes this would be very awesome and spectacular....But TDO is too cheap!! The only thing they do now when they are threatened is special events and cut backs!! That is the new WDW and we all have to realize it!!!


Active Member
I am usually against the idea of a 5th gate, but when SW and LOTR are in question I change my mind.

What's LOTR?

And while a Star Wars park sounds great, I'd rather they throw away the Streets of America concept and let Star Wars land take over.

A fifth park is the last thing I want from WDW. They should fix the parks they have now, THEN go on to the 5th gate.


Active Member
Give Kevin, ahem, Yee some credit for participating in these discussions under his own name to suffer insults from anonymous strangers.

Agreed. The guy stated he didn't write the title, yet the complaints about the title he picked continued. Doesn't say much for the reading comprehension on the board.

As for Lutz, at least he's honest. He doesn't try to hide his dislike for TDO. I'm supposed to dislike him because of that? Guess what? I don't like WDW management either.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all sides of this thread - the even-handed replies and even the posts that are critical of my writings. I like to think I practice what I preach - that if I want Disney to listen to criticisms, I should listen to criticisms myself. So even when they sting, I try to find the value in them.

And there is *always* value to be had in people's opinion. It's seldom the reader's fault when the writer can't express something clearly (unless someone is reading too quickly, maybe, but usually it's the writer's problem to deal with at one level or another).

So I welcome the criticisms, especially when they offer constructive ideas for doing things differently.

As for insider scoop, I won't pretend that I am anywhere near Al's league, nor do I have his roster of insiders. I do offer my opinion and perspective on things, which is sometimes all I can do. I agree it's not enough for a reader to form a comprehensive opinion about something you see in the parks - I urge everyone to read widely and gather other opinions and experiences. Mine is but one voice.

And if my tone should forget that from time to time, I deserve the smackdown to remind me of it. :)

You're the only Disney writer, that I know of, that responds like this. It's quite refreshing, as much as we toss tomatoes in anonymity many writers mash away in the same vain, only they get more viewers compared to us! Thanks for being on these boards and responding to our comments and participating in other discussions.

Only comment: there's no Crush coaster coming to DHS; it's all Monsters Inc coaster. Lee and others have said that those plans were ditched awhile ago.

I do agree with you somewhat on the lies Disney told. It wasn't the last trip, there wasn't a shut down, and that's what it was sold as. It's as bad as the Glowing Away party and then the parade coming back a few years later across the esplanade!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Give Kevin, ahem, Yee some credit for participating in these discussions under his own name to suffer insults from anonymous strangers.

THIS! ^^^ This is why I like Kevin. He is not afraid to come over here and talk it out like a grown up person, while the frothy foamers blindly unleash their fanboi rage on him.


Well-Known Member
Is there an HQ version of that map? I want to read the captions.

Sorry it took me so long to get to this. Anyway, enjoy.

Oh, and the price? It was expensive: $60. I swallowed hard and bought it anyway because:

1. it was a Disney-StarWars park map, fer cryin' out loud!
2. it's heavy poster board, not thin paper
3. it's a limited edition of 250
4. it's an artist selling his own stuff, something I appreciate
5. our family *loves* and collects park maps (we laminate the small ones from the gate and put them in a 3 ring binder)
6. see #1 above


The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Kevin Yee is a fine reporter on WDW. I don't get the aversion. I should hope the more mature posters / readers would understand the concept of critical reporting.

As for his latest article, the subheader is indeed unfortunately close to being sensationalist.
However, I am not sure Kevin Yee is not onto something here. I too was left under the impression that this hard ticket $75 event did present a last chance to ride Star Tours. Had I had the opprtunity, I might´ve had parted with a fair bit of money for a closing night that wasn´t.


Well-Known Member

Thank you for coming on here and responding to the users that are both complimentary and critical.

I also appreciate your acknowledging that you approach your articles from an objective standpoint, and acknowledge that you speculate on many things, but do so under the guidelines that you may have more insight than most.

On a personal note, Kevin was a guest on our show several months ago and was very professional both during the show and in our pre-show and post-show discussions. I didn't agree with everything he said on the show, nor do I agree with everything in each of his articles but I definitely appreciate his opinion and perspective on all things Disney. He has a history with the company, and his speculation and observations come from an expansive knowledge base.


Well-Known Member
I guess Al really does read these boards:

Ha, I guess Al really does see this forum!

Lutz will never have the guts to participate in a discussion though. He wants to spew his drivel without having to defend anything.

Last Tour TO Endor, not Last Tour OF Endor.

Right, but we never make it to Endor either.

Kevin Yee is a fine reporter on WDW. I don't get the aversion. I should hope the more mature posters / readers would understand the concept of critical reporting.

You're right. Yee isn't as bad as most of the others.
I just thought it was a weird thing to get upset about.

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