Kevin Yee's Latest "Universal Tries, Disney Lies"


Well-Known Member
Hate is such a strong word.

While I may disagree with decisions that are made at Disney, I don't think I could ever have the capacity to hate them.

I would reserve hate for some sort of serious transgression. I guess I don't think anything at a theme park will ever incite that emotion in me.

Then again, my job isn't dependent on finding fault as much as possible to increase page turns.

It's incredibly sad.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I for one am glad that the REAL last tour will be for regular guests. I don't approve of how Disney separated the spectacle and special events to a different weekend just to grab Celebration cash, but I can still hope that they will make the real last tour special.

And while it was publicly known that this wouldn't be the last tour to Endor, it's fair to call it misleading when the name of the event was "Last tour to Endor"

Anyways, I will never count that event as even an emotional sendoff. The real last tour, if Disney (I hope) holds true, will be on September 7th and I will be there.
I can only imagine how disappointed you must have been if you went to see Naked Lunch.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Edit- "People think I hate Disney World. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I do hate are the people running the place. Kevin's article today details a perfect example. And don't blame him for the headline -- that was my idea." - Al Lutz

Al is a trollllin

What Al doesn't seem to understand (or want to understand) is that people don't necessarily differentiate the two. Especially those chatting away on his site......


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Forgive me, I am somewhat ignorant to the editing process.

You had no control over how your article was titled?

While I don't know Kevin's arrangements, it wouldn't surprise me if this is true. I write a column for an business periodical (published online and in old fashion hard copy), and while I have control of all the words in every column, the editors write the headline and do not even have to run it past me. I am free to cease writing columns (and therefore cease getting paid for writing said columns), but that's my only leverage on the headline writers.


Well-Known Member
While I don't know Kevin's arrangements, it wouldn't surprise me if this is true. I write a column for an business periodical (published online and in old fashion hard copy), and while I have control of all the words in every column, the editors write the headline and do not even have to run it past me. I am free to cease writing columns (and therefore cease getting paid for writing said columns), but that's my only leverage on the headline writers.

I appreciate the insight, my question was an honest one.

Unfortunate. The tone of the article is at odds with the headline.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member

I appreciate the insight, my question was an honest one.

Unfortunate. The tone of the article is at odds with the headline.

A little more evidence of where Al truly stands. Not that Kevin has exactly been complimentary in his writings either....


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member

I appreciate the insight, my question was an honest one.

Unfortunate. The tone of the article is at odds with the headline.

Yes it is. I had that happen once on one of my columns and let the editing staff know I was displeased. It hasn't happened since, but I suspect that is more happenstance than the editors actually being worried about what I might think.

A little more evidence of where Al truly stands. Not that Kevin has exactly been complimentary in his writings either....

Yes, I think it does illustrate where Al (or whoever writes the headlines) stands. In my circumstance I was taking a position in my column that was at odds with the position taken by another columnist (one who is more famous than I am), but the headline made it sound like I was in agreement with him.


Well-Known Member
I also think it was a fair article, even if the headline was misleading and not his idea. It sounded like a great event, and probably well worth $75 for big SW fans. I haven't been on the current version of ST in years, but I am looking forward to something new there.

Al's added disclaimer is as ridiculous as the headline he came up with. I don't really care who or what he dislikes, but surely he must understand that the tone of his writing says it all.


Well-Known Member
That "Star Wars Dream Park" art was pretty awesome.

It completely baffles me why Disney and Lucas have not collaborated on either a large LucasLand or an entire theme park. The amount of money to be made on such an effort would be astonishing. Sadly, I think that ship has sailed.


I don't know why this would baffle you, since Star Tours was supposed to have rotating videos for its simulators over the years... but Eisner nixed the future scope of the attraction after it was built.... so we were stuck with one video feature for 20 years.

It would take a lot of soul searching by Iger and the rest of the Disney brass to think ahead and land a franchise like this for a park or partial park.

The one downside to this is.... the material doesn't belong to Disney. Its leased from Emperor Lucas with hefty royalty contracts. Harry Potter is the same way. Most of Disney's parks are made up of material that belongs to those wonderful artists, imagineers, and story-tellers from over the years. The exception is, of course Hollywood studios.
But my thinking is Disney would rather continue in its tradition of using attractions that are based on its own copyrighted material that the Mouse controls.

All Universal does is borrow from other movie series and has very little it can call its own, or put a stamp on it to guarantee it will stand the test of time. That is where Univ is weak, even with Potter.


Well-Known Member
Disney should never have sold it as a Last Trip, I think they could have as many if not more show up to a celebration of Star Tours with special shows and guest appearance without having it be "THE LAST RIDE OMG!!!1!" Lots of people who went were from the SW V convention, so it would be their last ride anyway...


Well-Known Member
Disney should never have sold it as a Last Trip, I think they could have as many if not more show up to a celebration of Star Tours with special shows and guest appearance without having it be "THE LAST RIDE OMG!!!1!" Lots of people who went were from the SW V convention, so it would be their last ride anyway...

They never claimed it would be the very last ride, ever. The upcoming D23 event on 9/7 does however.


Well-Known Member
They never claimed it would be the very last ride, ever. The upcoming D23 event on 9/7 does however.
I'm sorry, the event was called LAST Tour to Endor.

The event concluded with a ceremonial "closing" of Star Tours.

I feel he is justified in saying the event was, at the very least, misleading.

That said, it still seemed to be an awesome event and well worth the admission price.


Active Member
I'm sorry, the event was called LAST Tour to Endor.

I feel he is justified in saying the event was, at the very least, misleading.

That said, it still seemed to be an awesome event and well worth the admission price.

Anyone buying the hard ticket event price without looking and seeing it wasn't the actual last ride but more of a Star Wars fan gathering deserves to be duped.

It was an awesome SW event from what I've seen and I'm sure people willing to go came to be in that atmosphere and not on the actual last ride to Endor.

After all, only around 20 people will be on the "Last Tour to Endor"


Active Member
Last Tour To Endor was a Disney event for Celebration. Disney never stated it was an event for the final ride. His articles kill me. I will say this for him he is a perfect columnist for Miceage one of the most negative Disney sites on the web.

I like your thinking. It's always a breath of fresh air to hear from someone who sees MiceAge for the "Knuckleheads' Heaven" that it is.

Mentioning MiceAge, Yee, Lutz, etc. on these forums should be against the law!


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Anyone buying the hard ticket event price without looking and seeing it wasn't the actual last ride but more of a Star Wars fan gathering deserves to be duped.

It was an awesome SW event from what I've seen and I'm sure people willing to go came to be in that atmosphere and not on the actual last ride to Endor.

After all, only around 20 people will be on the "Last Tour to Endor"

240, I think. 40 per simulator, 6 simulators. I suppose that technically, only one of them will start "last", but close enough.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Edit- "People think I hate Disney World. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I do hate are the people running the place. Kevin's article today details a perfect example. And don't blame him for the headline -- that was my idea." - Al Lutz

So he's explaining that he twists things to make WDW sound bad because he hates the people, not because he hates the place. Is that supposed to make the twisting more acceptable? :hammer:


Active Member
The simulators all run at the same time?

So he's explaining that he twists things to make WDW sound bad because he hates the people, not because he hates the place. Is that supposed to make the twisting more acceptable?

I think it makes it worse. Fox News bad.

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