They do to an extent. But if this woman and her severely disabled mother, who needed 10+ minutes to board a vehicle at Pinocchio's Daring Journey, and then another 10+ minutes to disembark that same vehicle after riding that little dark ride, were doing that over and over at every single ride in the park all day long.... That would be too much. You can't just keep shutting down ride after ride after ride for 30 to 45 minutes because your severely disabled mother needs at least 10 minutes to board a dark ride. That's not nice. And it's just impolite.
Imagine if every disabled person in Disneyland needed that accomodation. Or, God forbid, expected it. The theme park simply could not operate for a day. It would be endless downtimes at endless rides, all over the park.
This wasn't your fault as a CM. And it's now obvious that you didn't handle this all on your own. A 30+ minute closure of a ride doesn't go unnoticed or unattended by supervisors and fellow CM's.
I blame the two women who required a 30 minute closure of a ride so that Mom could go on Pinocchio. I can only imagine that it must have been some dying wish, some bizarre and deathly important need to ride the 1983
Pinocchio's Daring Journey one last time before the severely disabled lady passed away.
One can only ponder the humanity that must have played out with that decision to take that severely disabled woman to Disneyland for the day.