Justin Timberlake wears an Epcot shirt!


New Member
Originally posted by the-reason

But before I check out(im coming back in the morning)one more cut down to fieval,

Hopefully dat aint you in that picture cause ______!

but besides that Im out fo awhile.

I have only seen one other person on this board as bad as you. You are going to find that the more you attack, the more you will be resisted, and eventually Steve is going to have enough. It's obvious that you are doing this for the attention. If you enjoy Disney, drop the act, and enjoy the forums. If not - LEAVE... There is plenty here to enjoy without playing thug.

I think you need to apologize quickly, it may already be too late for you.


New Member
Originally posted by Fievel

Now...if you apologize, maybe we can move past this...if not, I guess you'll be seeing a lot of me.

why do you think I would you apologize for something I didnt start,and your older you should first,and according to you I aint mature enough,but SUPRISE
since I am a CHRISTIAN and WWJD

I apologize,Im sorry for what I said and have been saying,Ill try not to talk this way anymore on this site but other sites,git the parta started,but can you forgive.

This Is Jesus in me,have any of the others D***,kids done this?


RunDisney Addict
I'm willing to forgive and forget. In fact, there are a few people on here that I've tangled with and now talk to quite frequently after they learned the ropes.

I just don't understand why you had to act like that. Why would you, as a christian, talk like you are representing a type of lifestyle that is filled with hate and violence?

It just seems very contradictory to me......


RunDisney Addict
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.
-- Voltaire


New Member
Look,Im terribly sorry,As a Christian,we all mess up,and God is willing to forgive us if we fall on our face and ask for forgiveness,but first,I repent to y'all and ask for your forgiveness,IM SORRY:)



When I first read your post I thought, "I should stick up for this kid. Everyones ganging up on him just because of the way he types/spells". But then I continued to read the thread and decided not to help you out. I understand that Fievel's first post may have seemed a little harsh, but that's just who he is. Their are rules, and as he said, he enforces them.

I'm up for giving you a second chance, but thats just who I am.

...and guys.... Don't get mad at me. I like everyone here.



New Member
Originally posted by monorail256

When I first read your post I thought, "I should stick up for this kid. Everyones ganging up on him just because of the way he types/spells". But then I continued to read the thread and decided not to help you out. I understand that Fievel's first post may have seemed a little harsh, but that's just who he is. Their are rules, and as he said, he enforces them.

I'm up for giving you a second chance, but thats just who I am.

...and guys.... Don't get mad at me. I like everyone here.


I'll give anyone a chance, and now that 'the_reason' is being a more polite, courteous user - I am happy to have him. As long as his post stay the way his last two were, he should blend back into the boards just fine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm up to giving this guy a second chance.
I agree with Strobe, if his future posts are like his past 2, then he will get along just fine :)
:wave: Kevin


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I guess this thread goes to show that people can turn anything into an argument. I can't imagine what some of our members blood pressure levels must be. geez!

I thought this thread was about Justin Timberlake? :hammer:

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