Just Got Back... Thoughts on Disney - Good & Bad


New Member
We found the food pretty good overall. Our main complaint was the small kids menu at the counter service restaurants. Why doesn't Pecos Bill's have a kids hamburger available or Pinochio's have a kids sized Pizza? Too many chicken nuggets for the kids. We did have some great meals at the Liberty Tree and Concourse Steakhouse. We found the service at the 50s Primetime spotty and we didn't like oour meal at Mama Melroses.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Our main complaint was the small kids menu at the counter service restaurants.

Your point is well taken (especially about the chicken nuggets) but Disney has actually improved this situation a great deal over the past few years. It used to be all kids meals were cheeseburgers & fries. Now kids have more choices, including healthier options like carrot sticks or grapes instead of fries. My daughter ate a grilled chicken salad which is offered as a kids meal at Epcot's American Pavillion. That's a lot healthier (and tastier) :slurp: than what was available in the past.


New Member
We've eaten in the Sci-Fi theater a few times and each time, the food is terrible! We keep going back because the ambiance is so cool and I think every time we hope the food will be better. It never is!

As for Carousel of Progress, that one is my ultimate favorite! I know that might sound lame, but I just have always loved it and would be sad if they changed it too much. I've even written them several letters about keeping it open and how disappointed I would be if it ever closed. But it would probably make sense to update at least the last scene. Not really change it too much, but add some new details! At least it would still be keeping with the theme!

Also, I find the food at Columbia Harbor House still seems better each time we go! I was disappointed when they got rid of the giant bread bowls for the clam chowder, but their sandwiches are excellent!

I'm glad the trip was great!


Could you imagine Universal or Disney opening a new ride like Jungle Cruise? It would never happen - audiences would never accept such a low-thrill, low-tech experience.

What do you think Jaws is?

At least the Jungle Cruise is funny and has detail. Jaws isnt a classic ride and it is one of those rides that came out at a time where it just doesn't reach the interest of the riders. At least Jungle Cruise remains a classic from start to (hopefully never) finish.

Sorry I know Im off topic but I thought it was kinda funny what pax_65 said cause Im thinking "Wait! Universal DID do that!"

:king: ~Leash


New Member
I definitely disagree with you on Universe of Energy. It's still one of my favorites at Epcot - way better than it's predecessor. I don't find it at all boring, nor did my friends I took for the first time last year. I forced them to leave the Magic Kingdom on our first day just so we could go on Universe of Energy before it went down for rehab for a week. Whenever we discuss Disney World now, it's one of the first attractions to come up. It was actually my friend's wife's favorite attraction! I personally wouldn't go that far (Spaceship Earth is hard to top), but I do think it gets unfairly treated here on the boards. Maybe when it's ultimately replaced with something dopey like Flik's Energy Extravaganza! people will realize what a great attraction Ellen's Energy Adventure really was.
On the whole, though, I agree with your other assessments. Carousel truly needs an update. I love that attraction, but the future needs to be futuristic again.
Oh, and Jungle Cruse is da bomb!


Well-Known Member
I definitely disagree with you on Universe of Energy. It's still one of my favorites at Epcot - way better than it's predecessor. I don't find it at all boring, nor did my friends I took for the first time last year. I forced them to leave the Magic Kingdom on our first day just so we could go on Universe of Energy before it went down for rehab for a week. Whenever we discuss Disney World now, it's one of the first attractions to come up. It was actually my friend's wife's favorite attraction! I personally wouldn't go that far (Spaceship Earth is hard to top), but I do think it gets unfairly treated here on the boards. Maybe when it's ultimately replaced with something dopey like Flik's Energy Extravaganza! people will realize what a great attraction Ellen's Energy Adventure really was.
On the whole, though, I agree with your other assessments. Carousel truly needs an update. I love that attraction, but the future needs to be futuristic again.
Oh, and Jungle Cruse is da bomb!

I love UoE. It is one of my favorite rides in WDW. I think it is one of those entertaining, yet educational rides that is a success. People, now more than ever, LOVE Ellen and I think for some, that's a large part of the draw for some.

I agree that CoP could use some small updates, but NOTHING major. I love the story that it tells. My only real complaint is that it is in severe need of some Febreeze. It smells a little musty.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Space Mountain is on track to receive a refurb within the next couple of years however so we can look forward to that. Hopefully it will remove all of the old Fed Ex stuff and just give us a nice fun postshow at the end.
sadly, ill believe it when i see it. ahhh, it is painful.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
We were a bit disappointed that it has become harder to find sugar free desserts and candies in all the parks. You used to be able to get great sugar free dark chocolate bars at many of the Epcot world showcase pavillions, but not any more.
just another way disney is promoting obesity. lol. first with the supersized portions and now no sugar free deserts..... i guess some with diabetes or other related medical sugar issues are SOL.

EDIT: but on second thought... with the price of some dinners, i would expect a plate full of over sized portions. :lol:


I am also glad you had a great time. I agree with all you stated. CoP is a classic that is a bit neglegted. I hope it is not for too much longer. It was such a cool idea and concept. Walt loved it so as well. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
OK, this is going to sound strange but I like the cheap cafeteria food that is served in some of the restraunts. Nothing like a cheap burger to get while on the run.......:)


New Member
We enjoyed Mission Space:Green (something I previously said was dumb to do) because the kids and my wife were able to comfortably ride it without feeling sick. I admit I was wrong - it's nice to have that option, and the ride itself is still good even without the pressure and nausea.

What is Mission Space:Green? Where can I find info?


New Member
OK, this is going to sound strange but I like the cheap cafeteria food that is served in some of the restraunts. Nothing like a cheap burger to get while on the run.......:)

Personally, I don't go to Disney World/Disneyland for the food. Sure, there are a few items I'm especially fond of (Monte Christo Sandwiches at Cafe Orleans, Chicken Fusili at Redd Rockett's, etc.), but when I'm on vacation, I'm not looking for high class/overpriced food. I want chessburgers, pizza, fast Mexican food, and so forth. I guess that's one of the reasons I'm not as big on World Showcase in Epcot. I love the attractions in it, but otherwise, it's just one big shopping mall and food court. I know that's an oversimplification, but that's my general take on pavilions like Italy, Germany, Morocco, and the UK...which I quickly pass through on my way to Mexico, China, Norway, The American Adventure, France, and Canada.


Well-Known Member
I never really make a trip to Disney either just for the food. The snacks maybe but not for sit down meals. Just being there is treat enough for me. i just wish I could eat junk food the whole time. But i dont want to go anymore weight then i do.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I never really make a trip to Disney either just for the food. The snacks maybe but not for sit down meals. Just being there is treat enough for me. i just wish I could eat junk food the whole time. But i dont want to go anymore weight then i do.
going against the grain here, i have to agree with you but at the sametime, once im there, i havent ever really thought the sit-down meals were all that great. it seems (because it is) that the food is mass produced like the food tastes at major convention hall sit down meals. we have better gormet food locally for a fraction of the price but i guess we arent at disney :rolleyes:


Why doesn't someone "fix" the problem at Sci-Fi? The food has always been subpar and overpriced. If the China Pavillion restaurant can improve after much bashing so can Sci-Fi!:mad:


New Member
I don't go to Disney for the food either, but When I'm trapped there for 9 days (as I just was last week), I want to have some good wholesome thoughtfully prepared food sometime.

I found the food all over to be horrible and I couldn't wait to get home to my boring cooking. I had a hamburger at Blizzard Beach that was one of the worst ever. Later that night, after the Hoop de Doo Review, I spent then evening throwing up. My body cringes still when I think of the HDDR, but it was probably that BB burger that did me in.

I don't mind junk food when I'm on vacation, but it is sad to say that my best meal in 9 days was from AK's Rainforest Cafe (a restaurant that I hate here in my local area).

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