Hey, folks, I just returned from a few days down at the World...here are a few tidbits that stuck with me and which I thought some of you would find interesting.
*Walking through the World of Disney store on Thursday night, I came across a plain white cart that had been placed in the middle of the jewelry (or "Villains") room and piled with pins and the like. Written clearly on the side with black marker were the words "Villains Room: Do Not Remove." No hint of an effort to theme the cart could be seen other than a Mickey sticker slapped onto the side.
*The souvenir photographers have cranked up the aggressiveness of their pitches quite a bit since I was last there. Walking through the parks, me and Lauren were continually met with "Stop here for a picture, please!" or "Hey, let me get a picture of you two!" rather than "Hi, would you care for a commemorative photo?" This was the case at Epcot, the Studios, and AK. Walking down Hollywood Boulevard, we were met with at least three "hard sell" attempts in about 90 seconds (including one fellow who said that getting our picture taken would "fix all the world's problems" and "end the war and everything").
*Kilimanjaro Safaris seems to have been taken over by vultures. This may have been the case for a while, but I've never noticed them. The safari driver was clearly ignoring them while he pointed out the "official" safari animals, but we honestly saw more vultures on the savannah than anything else. The whole thing left me curious as to how Disney plans to combat them, and made me think about the alleged attempt at mass vulture extermination on Discovery Island years back.
*I picked up the "Where Magic Lives" DVD. It's a neat litle DVD, around an hour in length, focusing on each of the 4 parks from the viewpoint of Walt's ideas and how they relate to the individual parks. The MK segment is basically narrated by Walt, with his descriptions of all the ideas that went into Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom. The Epcot segment also relates Walt's original vision for the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow to the park that ended up coming from the idea. The Studios and AK segments are shorter, each also featuring footage of Walt related to the themes of the two parks, trying to show how his vision is met in the newer parks. There's some very beautiful footage of all 4 parks, particularly MK and Epcot, which have the longest chunks of the disc dedicated to them.
That's all I got.
*Walking through the World of Disney store on Thursday night, I came across a plain white cart that had been placed in the middle of the jewelry (or "Villains") room and piled with pins and the like. Written clearly on the side with black marker were the words "Villains Room: Do Not Remove." No hint of an effort to theme the cart could be seen other than a Mickey sticker slapped onto the side.
*The souvenir photographers have cranked up the aggressiveness of their pitches quite a bit since I was last there. Walking through the parks, me and Lauren were continually met with "Stop here for a picture, please!" or "Hey, let me get a picture of you two!" rather than "Hi, would you care for a commemorative photo?" This was the case at Epcot, the Studios, and AK. Walking down Hollywood Boulevard, we were met with at least three "hard sell" attempts in about 90 seconds (including one fellow who said that getting our picture taken would "fix all the world's problems" and "end the war and everything").
*Kilimanjaro Safaris seems to have been taken over by vultures. This may have been the case for a while, but I've never noticed them. The safari driver was clearly ignoring them while he pointed out the "official" safari animals, but we honestly saw more vultures on the savannah than anything else. The whole thing left me curious as to how Disney plans to combat them, and made me think about the alleged attempt at mass vulture extermination on Discovery Island years back.
*I picked up the "Where Magic Lives" DVD. It's a neat litle DVD, around an hour in length, focusing on each of the 4 parks from the viewpoint of Walt's ideas and how they relate to the individual parks. The MK segment is basically narrated by Walt, with his descriptions of all the ideas that went into Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom. The Epcot segment also relates Walt's original vision for the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow to the park that ended up coming from the idea. The Studios and AK segments are shorter, each also featuring footage of Walt related to the themes of the two parks, trying to show how his vision is met in the newer parks. There's some very beautiful footage of all 4 parks, particularly MK and Epcot, which have the longest chunks of the disc dedicated to them.
That's all I got.