Just Got Back from the World on 8-27 *UPDATES*


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The Pictures of WoL!

Here are the pics I promised you guys.



Active Member
Project Gemini Is Dead

Contrary to popular belief, Guest Relations Tour guides do not know everything. The Spaceship Earth RollerCoaster Idea met a SLOW AGONIZING DEATH a few years ago along with the rest of that Stupid Project Gemini crap. I talked with an imagineer at Soarin' a few months ago and she said there are no plans for a new Soarin film even though I would like to see one replace that stupid irrelevent one which has no educational value on how to improve our world for ourselves and our children. I say keep the gorgious music by Jerry Goldsmith and create a new video with less ambience, and more substance. As far as Energy is concerned. If they update it, they need to make it more serious again BECAUSE GAS PRICES ARE GETTING UNAFFORDABLE! Gas will not last, DUH!!!

Finally if I were Al Weiss, President of Walt Disney World, I would wake up every morning and say to myself, "hmm... what can I do for Epcot today?"



Active Member
Project Gemini Is Dead

A Roller Coaster in SSE will not happen simply because the symbol of a theme park needs to be accessible to all people and Disney has been under a lot of crap lately for creating a family oriented resort with so many height restrictions. Rest assured, SSE will stay. May be renovated, but will stay.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
WaffleKing said:
2) It cost 1 Million dollars PER DAY to have a crane sit in by SSE to fix up the "eye catchers" (aka stars) SSE.... and the reason why the (ugly) hand by SSE is not coming down is simply because it cost too much to put up, and will cost too much to take down.
pay me the travel expenses from bham, 2 meals a day and possibly an ice cold beer at days end, and ill take that thing down for free.


Well-Known Member
lebeau said:
I will raise your call of "BS" and call "shenanigans" on that castmember!

Yep, gotta agree. Basically everything in the posts is questionable. $1M per day for a crane? Right. Maybe $50,000 a month if they have to rent one.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
wannab@dis said:
Yep, gotta agree. Basically everything in the posts is questionable. $1M per day for a crane? Right. Maybe $50,000 a month if they have to rent one.
i agree. it would make more sense that WDW own a crane seeing that they need one acouple times a year. it is like a home owner buying a ladder...... acouple of times a year you always need one.


New Member
With all these rumors flying around you would think the whole park is going to be ripped apart. I personally never believe much until there is an offical statement from Disney, and I don't care how reliable your source may be.

Oh and did everyone hear the one about how Britney Spears might be making an apperance in Mission Space? My sources tell me that she's going to be a martian welcoming you when you arrive and start singing the Mickey Mouse theme.

In other news.

Its almost eerie to see those pictures of WoL. Last time I was there, the place was relatively busy with people comming in and out so to see it empty is really strange.

May just be me though ><;


New Member
SSE Refurb

I seriously hope they are not going to make SSE into a roller coaster...not everything has to be a thrill ride... I am looking to start a family soon, have purchased the Beach Resort Vacation Club and feel that by the time I have kids there is going to be nothing left to take them on with the exception of Dumbo! As much as I enjoy Rockin Roller Coaster, Mission Space and others... I also enjoy the "old fogey" rides and they seem to be disappearing one by one...so sad.

I have been going down to Orlando since MK's opening in 1971 and am up to 81 trips this year. I can remember receiving special passes in the mail to preview EPCOT Center in September 1982 before the "official" opening. I got to ride UoE and the since it supposedly hadn't stored enough energy in its solar panels it took about an hour and a half to get through the attraction...lol. Stop...go..stop..go. geez!

Personally, I think they need to focus some of their efforts on cleanliness in the parks and reapiring the older attractions, (rather than racing towards bigger, faster, better) especially in the Magic Kingdom. During my last visit May 2004, I was disheartened to see trash spewed alongside of the Jungle Cruise attraction... cracks inside the walls of many attractions and the fact that I now need to be forced into a character breakfast at the Crystal Palace for $20.00 a pop. I miss sitting on the veranda at Tony's (or Oscar Meyer as I remember it way back when) with the open terrace (not behing plexiglass) and watching the world go by on Main Street while sipping my coffee...

But I still have faith in the mouse... I hope at some point they return to their roots...

Disney Gal
81 weekly trips since'71


Well-Known Member
wdwgal1969 said:
I seriously hope they are not going to make SSE into a roller coaster...not everything has to be a thrill ride... I am looking to start a family soon, have purchased the Beach Resort Vacation Club and feel that by the time I have kids there is going to be nothing left to take them on with the exception of Dumbo! As much as I enjoy Rockin Roller Coaster, Mission Space and others... I also enjoy the "old fogey" rides and they seem to be disappearing one by one...so sad.

I have been going down to Orlando since MK's opening in 1971 and am up to 81 trips this year. I can remember receiving special passes in the mail to preview EPCOT Center in September 1982 before the "official" opening. I got to ride UoE and the since it supposedly hadn't stored enough energy in its solar panels it took about an hour and a half to get through the attraction...lol. Stop...go..stop..go. geez!

Personally, I think they need to focus some of their efforts on cleanliness in the parks and reapiring the older attractions, (rather than racing towards bigger, faster, better) especially in the Magic Kingdom. During my last visit May 2004, I was disheartened to see trash spewed alongside of the Jungle Cruise attraction... cracks inside the walls of many attractions and the fact that I now need to be forced into a character breakfast at the Crystal Palace for $20.00 a pop. I miss sitting on the veranda at Tony's (or Oscar Meyer as I remember it way back when) with the open terrace (not behing plexiglass) and watching the world go by on Main Street while sipping my coffee...

But I still have faith in the mouse... I hope at some point they return to their roots...

Disney Gal
81 weekly trips since'71

This is why I have not purchased the DVC.

BTW I just got back today and 5/6 SSE Cast Memeber knew just about nothing of the future of the ride. The one person said that he heard that they would refurb eventually but had no idea how. They also told me that they are not really told this future of the rides as some people think. The one even said that some CM's just enjoy making up things or spreading rumors on the sites. Thought this was very funny :)


New Member

Thanks for the consoling words blackride...being a former CM myself I know how easy it is to start rumors. In response to an earlier post re: Company D store... it's very easy to get to, all you need do is enter the Mexico Pavillion and exit on the right through the door marked Cast Members Only before entering the main pavillion (where the boat ride is). They mostly have tees, keychains etc. that say CM on them. However, I pride myself in coaxing CM's to give up their merit pins or hard to find pins offered to CM's only...(heehee).


New Member
+ I noticed Test Track's car audio is pretty much shot. In most of the cars I was in, the speakers' bass was all messed up.

I've noticed this too. Same with the video screens in the car. Last 3 times I went on, all were not working, both front and back.

And I sure hope SSE does not go. Probably the main reason why I go to epcot so much is to ride SSE! It's always so relaxing being in an air conditioned ride for about...4 minutes?


New Member
Spaceship Earth will someday be rehabed and updated, it is to cool of a ride. There is plenty of room for a coaster at one of the other closed pavilions.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I found Alien Encounter to be pure trash, so now that so many are knocking Stitch's Escape too, I may have to pass that one by. As far as the Universe of Energy is concerned, the entire concept needs a good rehabbing and the first thing they should do is dump Ellen DeGenerate.


Active Member
DisneyJunkie said:
As far as the Universe of Energy is concerned, the entire concept needs a good rehabbing and the first thing they should do is dump Ellen DeGenerate.

NICE one! Bet it just burns you up that she's one of the most successful people in show business today.


Well-Known Member
DisneyJunkie said:
Personally, I found Alien Encounter to be pure trash, so now that so many are knocking Stitch's Escape too, I may have to pass that one by. As far as the Universe of Energy is concerned, the entire concept needs a good rehabbing and the first thing they should do is dump Ellen DeGenerate.

I doubt they will be dumping her anytime soon, shes back in the spotlight and is more popular than ever...if you don't like her, skip the ride

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