Just experienced several WDW disappointments


Original Poster
I just got off the phone with Disney and am very frustrated. I was booking our yearly camping trip to Fort Wilderness when I asked for information on the Disney Dining Plan. I was told that I was required to purchase theme park tickets in order to participate in the plan. I explained that I am a Florida resident and have annual passes and don't need tickets but would still like to participate in the dining plan.

The rep. explained that even though I have annual passes I would still have to purchase tickets in order to take part in the dining plan.

That's a rip off, I am so surprised. I spent over $1000.00 on annual passes for WDW and I go there atleast once a month on day trips and twice a year on over night trips. I thought this time I would take part in the dining plan since we are planning a few expensive nights out (one being Cinderella's Royal Table which I have a problem with, more later). My point of view is that I already purchased my theme park tickets, I am paying to stay onsite and I would like to purchase the dining plan for my family.

The rep. said to me that he understood completely because he is a Florida resident and a cast member (so he doesn't need to buy tickets). When he stays onsite he can't take part in the plan either. But that is the way it is.

That's crap.

Secondly, on to Cinderella's Royal Table. I will be staying onsite during my 14th wedding anniversary. My wife an I honeymooned in WDW when we got married (we were originally from Boston). We ate at the restuarant on our honeymoon. We used to celebrate our anniversary there every year until my son was born and then it got a little harder to do. So this year my wife asked me, since we are gonna be there, if we could eat at Cindy's? I said "Great idea".

After I got the bad news from the rep. about the dining plan I asked him to look up availability at Cindy's. He had a table ready at the perfect time. Then he told me that it was a "pre-pay" resturaunt. I have never heard of a WDW restuarant being pre-pay. So I questioned him on it and he said that it was $25.99 per person for dinner (yes $25.99) and we need to pay at time of ressie. I was very hesitant to do this cause I haven't seen a menu for this restuarant in years and since my last visit (6-8 years ago) I have become a vegetarian. So I asked him if there was a place I could view a menu online and he pointed me to the WDW web site.

Well, there is no menu on the website and it says that the cost of the resturaunt is $30-$50 per person. And it doesn't mention pre-pay anywhere like it does for the Luau.

So, (yes it keeps going), I called the "Disney Dining Experience Club" to get clarification. I waited on hold for 12 minutes, no problem I understand busy phones at Disney, until my call was automatically directed to the survey. I was told to complete the survey on just the call I had just finished. Needless to say I gave every answer as a POOR. Since I never got to talk to anyone.


Why should I have to prepay at Cindy's, you mean to tell me that there aren't enough people waiting in line at the park to keep the tables full in case a family doesn't show up for their ressie? I'm sure Disney could fill any empty table quick enough.

And why doesn't it say "pre-pay" on the website?

What a crock.

I'm really ticked off about not being able to take part in the dining plan. What a same.

What do you guys think??



Unless something has changed I think you were misinformed by the CM. I booked 2 meals at Cindy's royal table.. We just did a breakfast and a lunch this past weekend. All they did was take a credit card just in case I dont show when I booked it a few months ago. They did not charge my card

I cant help you with the dining plan. The trip I'm taking involves the Magic Your Way Platinum package, so all of the dining is included as part of the package.

Im sorry about your bad experience...

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
The dinning plan has always required a MYW ticket purchase. With the new changes to the dining plan you are much better getting a DDE card anyway but if you really want it there is a loop hole. Purchase a one day ticket and you will be able to get the dinning plan for the length of your stay. When you renew your AP you can apply the price you paid for the one day ticket to renewal.

As for Cinderella's royal table release you venom on the countless people that reserved it only to get into the parks earlier and then never showed up for breakfast not Disney.


Well-Known Member
Re: the dining plan.

There are 2 ways to book a Disney trip:

1 - room only with separate tickets - AP, Florida Resident, AAA room only, or even just someone who has tickets from previous trips may want to book a room only reservation

2 - Magic Your Way package - a combination of resort accommodations and theme park tickets, with optional components such as insurance, dining, bundled airfare or car rental, etc.

Unfortunately, the Dining Plan can only be booked as part of a Magic Your Way package.


Active Member
Sorry for your frustration. Here is the link to a recent dinner menu for Cindy's Royal Table.

In my opinion, since your a veggie guy, I'd go to a different restaurant (like the California Grill) that would give you more options. As an aside, I'm not against pre-fixe dinner meals, but I think you'd have a better dinner at a restaurant that can cater a little better to your needs.

Here's a recent menu for the Cali Grill.


Good luck!!



Original Poster
As for Cinderella's royal table release you venom on the countless people that reserved it only to get into the parks earlier and then never showed up for breakfast not Disney.

I didn't know people did that, but it doesn't have anything to do with dinner.



Well-Known Member
If you want to see the menus for the restaurants at WDW, look on allearsnet.com (hope its ok to say that on here) - look at dining, and it lists all of the restaurants and menus.

Have a good time anyway!


Original Poster
Sorry for your frustration. Here is the link to a recent dinner menu for Cindy's Royal Table.

In my opinion, since your a veggie guy, I'd go to a different restaurant (like the California Grill) that would give you more options. As an aside, I'm not against pre-fixe dinner meals, but I think you'd have a better dinner at a restaurant that can cater a little better to your needs.

Here's a recent menu for the Cali Grill.


Good luck!!


I appreciate your thoughts and concerns, but this is more about my wifes happiness than mine. Sentimental value, you know?

Do they just take your credit card number or do they actually charge the account when booking?



Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with Disney and am very frustrated. I was booking our yearly camping trip to Fort Wilderness when I asked for information on the Disney Dining Plan. I was told that I was required to purchase theme park tickets in order to participate in the plan. I explained that I am a Florida resident and have annual passes and don't need tickets but would still like to participate in the dining plan.

The rep. explained that even though I have annual passes I would still have to purchase tickets in order to take part in the dining plan.

That's a rip off, I am so surprised. I spent over $1000.00 on annual passes for WDW and I go there atleast once a month on day trips and twice a year on over night trips. I thought this time I would take part in the dining plan since we are planning a few expensive nights out (one being Cinderella's Royal Table which I have a problem with, more later). My point of view is that I already purchased my theme park tickets, I am paying to stay onsite and I would like to purchase the dining plan for my family.

The rep. said to me that he understood completely because he is a Florida resident and a cast member (so he doesn't need to buy tickets). When he stays onsite he can't take part in the plan either. But that is the way it is.

That's crap.

Secondly, on to Cinderella's Royal Table. I will be staying onsite during my 14th wedding anniversary. My wife an I honeymooned in WDW when we got married (we were originally from Boston). We ate at the restuarant on our honeymoon. We used to celebrate our anniversary there every year until my son was born and then it got a little harder to do. So this year my wife asked me, since we are gonna be there, if we could eat at Cindy's? I said "Great idea".

After I got the bad news from the rep. about the dining plan I asked him to look up availability at Cindy's. He had a table ready at the perfect time. Then he told me that it was a "pre-pay" resturaunt. I have never heard of a WDW restuarant being pre-pay. So I questioned him on it and he said that it was $25.99 per person for dinner (yes $25.99) and we need to pay at time of ressie. I was very hesitant to do this cause I haven't seen a menu for this restuarant in years and since my last visit (6-8 years ago) I have become a vegetarian. So I asked him if there was a place I could view a menu online and he pointed me to the WDW web site.

Well, there is no menu on the website and it says that the cost of the resturaunt is $30-$50 per person. And it doesn't mention pre-pay anywhere like it does for the Luau.

So, (yes it keeps going), I called the "Disney Dining Experience Club" to get clarification. I waited on hold for 12 minutes, no problem I understand busy phones at Disney, until my call was automatically directed to the survey. I was told to complete the survey on just the call I had just finished. Needless to say I gave every answer as a POOR. Since I never got to talk to anyone.


Why should I have to prepay at Cindy's, you mean to tell me that there aren't enough people waiting in line at the park to keep the tables full in case a family doesn't show up for their ressie? I'm sure Disney could fill any empty table quick enough.

And why doesn't it say "pre-pay" on the website?

What a crock.

I'm really ticked off about not being able to take part in the dining plan. What a same.

What do you guys think??


Hmmm. I thought vegatarians did not get "argravated"?

Jungle Skipper

New Member
I know that its frustrating about the dining plan, but as an AP holder myself, I've found that the DDE is a much better deal for the money that the Dining plan...You can do better moneywise with the DDE.

But if you really want the DDP you should be able to do it by purchasing a 1 day ticket and adding the DDP for the length of stay. But it still doesnt make much sense.

As for CRT...I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they are asking for a credit card number to hold your reservation. If you don't show, they charge your card. They do that for the California Grill as well.

I don't think you have much of a complaint on this one. No one is trying to pulling anything over on you...its just the way things are done. No reason to be upset.

I know it stinks that you got disconnected on your phone call, but it happens. Just try again.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I didn't know people did that, but it doesn't have anything to do with dinner.

You are right it doesn't, but the huge number of no-shows are one of the reasons why Cindy's went prepaid. It was the only way Disney could reduce them to a more reasonable level.

I guess they could have gone prepaid for only certain times but that would have been mass confusion. Going all prepaid was a simple solution.

Cindy's is also not the only prepaid dinner on property. Both Hoop de do review and the Aloha dinner show have been prepaid for quite a while as well. Granted they are shows as well but it all but guarantees that guests show up.


Well-Known Member
Just FYI, because I am not on the dining plan, I did have to prepay my CRT breakfast ressie with a credit card. I also had to give my credit card for my ressies at California Grill and Le Cellier. If I don't cancel 24 hours or more before my ADRs, they will charge $20.00 to my credit card for California Grill and Le Cellier and I will lose the whole shebang at CRT.


Naturally Grumpy
I just want to echo what Master Yoda had said. Go ahead and make the reservations if that is the place that holds a nice historical part of your relationship. Yes, more of the high end restaurants are requiring prepay or at least a credit card no/deposit to hold the table. I would not be surprised that in another year, giving a credit card number will be required for all reservations. And as he said, there is no-one to blame but us. People continue to blow off reservations or make double/triple reservations for the same day. Disney remains too forgiving in holding a table for at least 15 minutes.

Next time you are there, take notice...there will be an hour or two wait, and clearly be multiple tables vacant.

If you do decide to go to the castle to eat, be sure to mention that it is for your anniversary...there may be a little something extra.

I'm surprised you'd want to pursue the Dining Plan if you are AP....DDE card is much more of a bargain if you enjoy sit down meals and visit with some frequency. 20% off of all including alcohol for a party up to 10!

Catch your breath and try again. Don't let a few bumps in the road get in the way of you making a great time for yourselves.


Active Member
Unless something has changed I think you were misinformed by the CM. I booked 2 meals at Cindy's royal table.. We just did a breakfast and a lunch this past weekend. All they did was take a credit card just in case I dont show when I booked it a few months ago. They did not charge my card

I cant help you with the dining plan. The trip I'm taking involves the Magic Your Way Platinum package, so all of the dining is included as part of the package.

Im sorry about your bad experience...

I think that for the dinner you do have to pre-pay. If I am remembering right, when we did dinner at the Castle 2 years ago, we pre-paid. I could be wrong, it was 2 years ago, but I am pretty sure that I'm right.

As far as being mad about having to pre-pay, or having to get the package in order to get the dinning plan I can't say I feel sorry for the OP. That is they way Disney has decided works best for their business for whatever reason, so as far as I am concurred, take it or leave it.


Well-Known Member
The Dining plan is a tool to get people onsite and has been part of the ticket purchase for a long time. In fact, it existed (less well known) for years as part of the ticket package. In addition, I've read many times that AP holders find the DDE to be a better value.

CRT (along with other signature restaurants and special event meal packages) have been pre-pay with a 48 hour (not 100% sure... could be 24 hour) cancellation policy for a while now. You can thank your fellow guests for this since it was enacted to decrease the number of reservations made and then not show up. Since these meals are highly sought after, the no shows were hurting other guests' chance of getting a PS. In fact, many scheduled multiple times at the same location and then would only show up to the one convienant.

I'm sorry for your frustration, but there's a reason for both issues. Personally, I'm glad they added the pre-pay. We get our reservation and the cancellation policy is more than acceptable for plan changes. As for the DDP, rules are rules and I can accept them. It was implemented to build an enticement for people to stay on site.


Original Poster
Just FYI, because I am not on the dining plan, I did have to prepay my CRT breakfast ressie with a credit card. I also had to give my credit card for my ressies at California Grill and Le Cellier. If I don't cancel 24 hours or more before my ADRs, they will charge $20.00 to my credit card for California Grill and Le Cellier and I will lose the whole shebang at CRT.

I'm gonna call back right now, I'll let you know how it went.


Sorry about the double posting, don't know how it happened or how to get rid of one. Any help??


Active Member
Just FYI, because I am not on the dining plan, I did have to prepay my CRT breakfast ressie with a credit card. I also had to give my credit card for my ressies at California Grill and Le Cellier. If I don't cancel 24 hours or more before my ADRs, they will charge $20.00 to my credit card for California Grill and Le Cellier and I will lose the whole shebang at CRT.

Even with the Dining Plan, I had to put a deposit down for Cali Grill....I don't remember having to do the same for Le Cellier, though....



Active Member
I had a similar problem with my trip this past June. We hadn't been to WDW in 17 years and didn't know much about how things were. We purchased our park tickets last year (10 day passes) ahead of time as we were advised by disney to do, almost $900 worth, because the ticket prices were due to increase. We also made our hotel reservations at the same time. We wanted to do the dining plan as well but it wasn't offered yet. We were told to call back later. We called back when the plan was offered for 2007 and we were told as you, that we had to purchase more park tickets in order to qualify. This of course was rediculious since we had already purchased ten days of park tickets for 4 people. After many useless phone calls and complaints we just gave up and went without the dining plan. It actually worked out better for us, since we weren't "locked in" to a regimen. We could eat whatever and where ever we pleased. We were suprised that we had to prepay for the dinner shows we attended. We are planning to go to WDW again in August 2008. We are going for our 21st anniversary, like you we went to Cinderella's table while on our honeymoon, only then it was called "King Stephans". We're planning on going there for our anniversary as well.

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