Just a little bit of magic!


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It's the little things at Disney that add to the magic. My story... my daughter and I on line at the bakery and she started having a bit of a melt down when all of a sudden a cast member walks out from behind the counter with the biggest cookie I have even seen! Seriously it was over a foot and 1/2 wide. It was wrapped in ribbons and given to her as a gift. My daughters eyes lit up and no more tears.
Anyone else have a similar disney moment?


Well-Known Member
Ah, that sounds fantastic renee--I love the little things that Disney does, it really lightens up my day to see something like that happen.


I did a "day" trip to MK with my DD (4) at the time. I went up to get lunch reservations for Crystal Palace and they asked how many would be dining I said 2, 1 adult 1 child, then my daughter looked at me and said "I'm gonna be sick mommy." The Cast member quickly rushed me in to the restrooms. (The restaurant hadn't opened for lunch yet) When I came out with DD in tow, they had a crown, ALL the characters from WTP, and a certificate saying my DD had been chosen as "Chef of the Day" and said they would not charge me for her considering she probably wouldn't be eating that much, THEN they brought out this cake specially for her.

I was so thankful, I had tears in my eyes. I have that pic somewhere in my stash. DD is now 12 and I have NEVER forgotten it. :cry::)


Well-Known Member
It's the little things at Disney that add to the magic. My story... my daughter and I on line at the bakery and she started having a bit of a melt down when all of a sudden a cast member walks out from behind the counter with the biggest cookie I have even seen! Seriously it was over a foot and 1/2 wide. It was wrapped in ribbons and given to her as a gift. My daughters eyes lit up and no more tears.
Anyone else have a similar disney moment?

Do you think that would work for a guy in his early 40's with his wife in tow :shrug:
Last September we walked into Columbia Harbor House at the MK and as soon as we walked in the doors a CM came up to us and told us they were going to treat us a VIP's for the day. :king: We walked up to the counter to order our meals and then the CM walked us up the stairs to a special roped off table where she sat us and served us our meal on real plates with mugs and a pitcher of pop. They took our picture and said they were putting it in a special photo album for VIP guests. She got everything for us including any and all condiments that you could expect and at the end of the meal she brought cookies out for the kids to decorate with icing and sprinkles. It was an awesome experience. We tried to tip her really big but she said she wasn't allowed to accept tips. My husband told her she didn't need to tell and she said she really appreciated it but it was her job and she couldn't. It was an awesome experience. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I saw the decapitated heads of countless Disney characters all sitting in a perfect row aboard a bus, on a tour backstage at AK. Magic my way. :)


A few years back my mother bought a seasonal pass and wanted to upgrade. She called (multiple times) to check the price which it would cost. She got to the gate and it was a different ticket price. My mother is not one to make a scene or say anything, so it was no big deal. We go into the park, and she wanted to tell a manager that there was a misunderstanding. So, my soft spoken sweetheart of a mother explained to the manager what happened. He apologized and she was pleased with how things went so she concluded her conversation and began to walk away.

The manager then opened the cash register and refunded her the full upgrade price. Granted, you're probably thinking she made a huge scene, but I can guarantee you that was not the case. She was thoroughly impressed, pleased, and grateful at how he handled it, and the kindness of said manager. I think that was pretty cool. I always think of that story when people insist Disney is a rip off. They really will go to the ends of the earth to please you.


Well-Known Member
It's the little things at Disney that add to the magic. My story... my daughter and I on line at the bakery and she started having a bit of a melt down when all of a sudden a cast member walks out from behind the counter with the biggest cookie I have even seen! Seriously it was over a foot and 1/2 wide. It was wrapped in ribbons and given to her as a gift. My daughters eyes lit up and no more tears.
Anyone else have a similar disney moment?
I highly doubt they'd ever do that at Universal. :fork:


Well-Known Member
Just some simple magic. While in World of Disney lasy June my DW and DD 10 were in line to pay for their merchandise when the CM asked my daughters name and went on to complete the transaction.
Half way through the phone rings and the CM asnwers and says "why yes, Emme is right here" and hands the phone to my daughter and on the other end is Mickey Mouse asking her if she is having a great trip and fun shopping.
The smile on my daughters face said it all...


Well-Known Member
Nothing like that but last year we were eating at Tapen Edo's and one of the hostess's came up to my son and I. She was smiling and just gorgeous. She apologized for the sudden impromptu meeting but said she had to come see us. Apparently she was on one of the buses earlier that week and it was just my husband, my son and I on it, and she thought my son was gorgeous and he apparently was making faces and laughing at blowing kisses at her...(he was 1 and a half..) She said something in Japanese then repeated it in English. She said...I am AI (pronouned eye) so nice to meet you, you are a beautiful baby! And I am so happy to meet you...'

It just touched me that she out of tens and thousands of people she met and saw on a daily basis, remembered us, and my son from a bus ride a few days before...it was magical to me.


Well-Known Member
It's the little things at Disney that add to the magic. My story... my daughter and I on line at the bakery and she started having a bit of a melt down when all of a sudden a cast member walks out from behind the counter with the biggest cookie I have even seen! Seriously it was over a foot and 1/2 wide. It was wrapped in ribbons and given to her as a gift. My daughters eyes lit up and no more tears.
Anyone else have a similar disney moment?

The magic of reinforcing negative behavior.....

Just kidding, that is really cool actually.


Active Member
Back in 2008 we were waiting on line for the Dumbo ride when a CM came up to my dd and told her that she was going to be an "honorary Princess". They gave her a sticker and a certificate saying so. It was perfect and we also happened to have adr in Epcot with the Princess so when we walked in she still had the sticker on and all the Princess made such a fuss about her being one of them also. It truly made our trip


One night, which happened to be my birthday weekend, my wife and I had gotten pineapple floats from Aloha Isle. We used to sit in the always deserted (and now gone) seating area across from the Swiss Family Treehouse, and the tables in there were kind of wobbly (I think the floor was cobblestones or something). Anyway, I had set my cup on the table and when I leaned slightly on the table to sit down, it wobbled and the whole thing just tipped over on the floor.

So I went back to Aloha Isle to buy a replacement, and when I handed the cast member my credit card, he just said "happy birthday" (I was wearing my button) and moved on to the next guest. I didn't mention that I had spilled my drink, but maybe he remembered having seen me a few minutes ago, or maybe even saw the spill, or maybe it was just a spontaneous birthday present. Not exactly "magical", but it was still pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Back in september of 2010, we had just finished eating at Kona cafe.....we wondered over to a gift shop across the way. My DS (2 years old at the time) and i were hanging over the railing looking at the fountain below, and his buzz light year toy that hangs on his drink straw fell down, hit the drum below at poly and was lost forever, he started this soft, pitiful cry....and i walked into the gift shop and told my wife what had happened.....we were ready to be ok with it and move on, then i see a CM who was working in the gift shop LITERALLY sprint out of the store, to the kona and came back with another buzz. (she mustve overheard us) it was incredible. Such an amazing place. Brought so much joy to my son and our family.
It's the little things at Disney that add to the magic. My story... my daughter and I on line at the bakery and she started having a bit of a melt down when all of a sudden a cast member walks out from behind the counter with the biggest cookie I have even seen! Seriously it was over a foot and 1/2 wide. It was wrapped in ribbons and given to her as a gift. My daughters eyes lit up and no more tears.
Anyone else have a similar disney moment?

How lucky and wonderful for your daughter, I am glad she loved it!

However....if it were my oldest daughter, it would have possibly caused the meltdown to escalate - she's got Celiac disease and is gluten free - so that cookie would have been a big no thank you for her. I've had it happen in other places where she's been offered things (like a donut at DD) and I've had to tell the person no. It's a dicey offering, unfortunately, these days with so many food allergies/issues.

I digress....
My two daughters were chosen one morning to decorate the tree at Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe at the MK, and then each got to choose an ornament to take home. They just loved it, and it was such a lovely moment for us!

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