Trader Sam's wardrobe at Disneyland changed a ton over the years to tone down the "tribalness". Since the site's not allowing me to post any photos for whatever reason, I'll just say early on he had a full crown of feathers, a bone necklace, and a bone in his nose.
When I said changed I meant more... um... totally replaced with a copy of ours, I guess.
Clearly, they understood the issue when they did the WDW version, both with Trader Sam and with the pole scene* so I don't really get why they kept that one around and why there wasn't real push-back from the public decades ago for some sort of change over there.
Someone would have still been unhappy, I'm sure, since our Sam is a caricature which could be deemed offensive in its own right,(though wdw and DL have plenty of those representing pirates of European decent, ghots of European decent, little people, native Americans and don't even get me started on many of the anthropomorphized characters in attractions which play into stereotypes) but he feels like someone who could have been worked into the movie as a grifter, the same way the captain appears to be shown and
possibly still survived.
I mean, maybe not it's hard to argue that the two are equal.
*I know the people on our pole had undergone changes over the years prior to
this change but my memory is a little fuzzy and I don't feel like googling it. I don't know
for sure that ours was at no point, ever just a carbon copy of the DL version but I'd imagine if ours was changed so much over time, theirs would have been, too. I remember one character in a fez and at one point, the person getting the "butt" of the joke in that scene may have been a poor choice but I don't recall it being as "problematic" as the DL version.