Okay, so while I will reserve full judgment until I see it in person, here is what I could gather from the videos.....
- The entire first act (scene-wise). The enhancements, upgrades and additions are just fantastic. The AAs look better and more animated than ever before
- The entire second act (scene-wise) (by second act I am referring to the section between the newspaper boy and the top of the sphere). The changes here are spectacular.
- The computer room. Like someone said earlier, it looks exactly like one of the Dharma stations (or perhaps from one of the Dharma films). And they even have Gerald and Karen DeGroot there too (bonus points for all Lost fans who know who the DeGroots are).
The entire scene is so much better than its former self.
- Love the new/updated living room scene
- Love that they compressed the Cinema section down
- Love that the newspaper boy actually sounds like a boy now
- The score at the unload area is very nice.
- Loved the Meet the Robinsons meets Jetsons animation
- Loved the matrix affect
- Loved the entrance
- The score in general. Now while I realize I have to see it in person (especially for the score), nothing about the score did anything for me. Without a doubt nowhere near the greatness that was the previous score.
- Judi Dench/Tone. I'm sorry, but I simply did not like her narration at all. While I appreciate them putting in some of the old lines ("Grand and miraculous spaceship", etc).... the tone of this new narration is just too loose. The Jeremy Irons version was fantastic because it always felt like a timeless script that I could here a million times and still love it. This new version seems like it will irk me after the first ride. Furthermore, Judi doesn't have the soothing voice Jeremy Irons did. Call me a sexist if you wish, but I'd rather a guy doing this. If they couldn't get Irons back, I think Jack Davenport would have made a great narrator.
- The entire third act (scene-wise... or should I say lack of scene-wise). I'm sorry, but putting a touch screen up does not give you the excuse to cheap out on the details. Going down a pitch black tunnel while taking a health exam just doesn't fit it. And speaking of.... since when did Spaceship Earth turn into Wonders of Life? I mean really. If I wanted to take a health exam I would have gone to a doctor... not Epcot. And if they don't add more "facts" to their recap screen, the rerideability will go way down (like the questions before Sounds Dangerous that haven't been changed since it opened). Call me crazy, but I'd take the Irons finale with all the lights and FANTASTIC score any day over this ending. What do I think they can do to fix it? Add something on the way down. Put some swirling lights up. Create a more thrilling score. The entire third act screams of 80s cheesiness and I'm not a fan.