One thing you have to understand, though, is when it comes to receiving gifts, it's kind of a delicate situation, because you don't want to come across as inviting people to give you things, but at the same time, the reality is, people DO generally want to give and it is helpful for those people if they know what your needs are.
It's kind of like putting registry cards in wedding invitations. I didn't know until recently that this is actually contrary to the rules of etiquette, but everyone does it. We did it, too. And yes, part of me felt like I was asking for gifts, but from a practical side, the reality is, people typically want to give gifts for such occassions and they usually find it helpful to know what the couple need.
My parents live an hour away and when my Mom died, I called our pastor to inform them. I was pondering whether or not to tell them where the arrangements are because, if I did, I felt like that was a hint that I wanted people to drive an hour away to see us at the funeral home. But I knew that there would probably be some there who would really want to know, so I told the pastor where the arrangements were for those who would wish to drive over.
My point with those stories is that many of us find ourselves in a situation where we wonder if we are coming across as having our hand out for a free donation or something. But on the other hand, we also want people to know exactly how they can help, for those who genuinely wish to do so. And in the case of Kate and her 8 kids, I'm sure she was well aware that there were plenty of people out there who wanted to give, and appreciated the heads up on what John and Kate needed most. I don't think that, in and of itself, constitutes being greedy or asking people for gifts.
Now, I don't watch the show very much, so it very well could be that John and Kate are a little pushy in that regard. I just don't know. But I don't think we should be so quick to judge someone for having a "how to help" section on their website. I hope people don't judge YOU that way the next time you have a baby registry or a wedding registry at your local Walmart. :animwink:
And they stayed at the Wilderness Lodge, by the way. :wave: