I am so frustrated right now with the job market. I am a web developer with 9 years of experience and I was laid off in October. I was only unemployed for 2 weeks and then I started a part time freelance contract thus negating my unemployment insurance. Once that contract ended, there were no more opportunities with that company at that time. Luckily, I found another freelance contract but it was only $12.50/hr. I worked 50+ hours a week to make ends meet but that contract was terminated last Monday because the company had to make cutbacks. Luckily again, I found another freelance contract the very same day. I worked on the contract for 4 days and was let go yesterday. Now unfortunately since I have been self employed for the past 6 months, I do not qualify for unemployment insurance and I have no further income. I feel like I'm beginning to go bonkers! :hammer: