JH MuppetVision 3D reopening report


Yes RealD/Disney Digital do use only one projector.


Unknown if they use the same format for digital 3d movies in the parks though.

That is what I thought. So, can anyone either confirm or deny the presence of new digital 3D projectors in Muppet Vision 3D?? It is my belief that the same film version is being shown on cleaned up film projectors. Please, someone, prove me wrong!! I will keep bumping this thread until I get a definitive answer!! :lol:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Much better. I used to think that alot of the blurriness was due to my poor vision but the effects are definitely sharper now.

Good1 I remember last time I saw it when Waldo flew in front of your face he would clone himself into three opaque versions of himself. :lol:


It is most certainly new digital projection being used. Additionally, some of the effects have been redone, including Waldo. He is now totally CGI now, in lieu of the previously hand drawn character....There are other cgi improvements in the film as well. Including beans butterfly, aweetums paddleball and more.....

Like I said, the brand new digital projections look great! And they are most certainly digital now.

Someone said they saw 2 projectors? Where do you think the external video effects come from? The holodeck?

Bump the thread all you want... How many people have to post the facts before you'll accept them?


It is most certainly new digital projection being used. Additionally, some of the effects have been redone, including Waldo. He is now totally CGI now, in lieu of the previously hand drawn character....There are other cgi improvements in the film as well. Including beans butterfly, aweetums paddleball and more.....

Like I said, the brand new digital projections look great! And they are most certainly digital now.

Someone said they saw 2 projectors? Where do you think the external video effects come from? The holodeck?

Bump the thread all you want... How many people have to post the facts before you'll accept them?

Just looking for a confirmation, not an argument. There has always been two projectors in the rear of the theater for the original film presentation. Digital 3D, for as much as I know, only requires a single projector. There are still two in operation, easy to see if you turn around during show. All I am looking for is an explanation as to why there are two projectors if this is truly Digital 3D. I'm a tech geek, I like to have the facts.

Don't judge me by my post count, have at look at my join date.... I only speak when something concerns me...

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
A bit of nomenclature correction is due here.

The attraction is no longer called "Jim Henson's Muppet*Vision 3-D". It is simply called "Muppet*Vision 3-D". This change was made at both DHS and DCA several years ago, with the removal of the "Jim Henson's" script on the different marquee's at both theaters. I think this has something to do with Disney now owning the Muppets outright, and not having to credit Jim Henson for the corporate ownership of the properties.

DHS Theater marquee with the Jim Henson script removed

DCA Theater marquee with the Jim Henson script removed

This nomenclature change has also been made on the official disneyworld.com and disneyland.com websites.


New Member
It is most certainly new digital projection being used. Additionally, some of the effects have been redone, including Waldo. He is now totally CGI now, in lieu of the previously hand drawn character....There are other cgi improvements in the film as well. Including beans butterfly, aweetums paddleball and more.....

Like I said, the brand new digital projections look great! And they are most certainly digital now.

Someone said they saw 2 projectors? Where do you think the external video effects come from? The holodeck?

Bump the thread all you want... How many people have to post the facts before you'll accept them?

Waldo was never hand drawn. He was the first digital Muppet - a computer program that could interpret someone's movements in a digital glove and turn them into a real time animated character on the screen.



Premium Member
It is most certainly new digital projection being used. Additionally, some of the effects have been redone, including Waldo. He is now totally CGI now, in lieu of the previously hand drawn character....There are other cgi improvements in the film as well. Including beans butterfly, aweetums paddleball and more.....

Like I said, the brand new digital projections look great! And they are most certainly digital now.

Someone said they saw 2 projectors? Where do you think the external video effects come from? The holodeck?

Bump the thread all you want... How many people have to post the facts before you'll accept them?

Hey calm down. You need to check a lot of your facts before you start swiping at others. You are wrong in a number of your facts. Specifically, Waldo was never hand drawn - he's always been CGI.


Premium Member
That is what I thought. So, can anyone either confirm or deny the presence of new digital 3D projectors in Muppet Vision 3D?? It is my belief that the same film version is being shown on cleaned up film projectors. Please, someone, prove me wrong!! I will keep bumping this thread until I get a definitive answer!! :lol:

You could very well be right. There are certainly 2 projectors running, as there were before the refurb. The projection also does not show any of the pixelation that you often get with digital projectors. It does look somewhat like a restored film running on new film projectors.

It may be the case that a lot of people are assuming it's digital based on the general concept in most people's minds that 'digital = better'.

Either way, its certainly an improvement, but unconfirmed as to what technology the display is using. Unfortuantely I dont think we have anyone here who is closely involved in that attraction. If anyone gets anymore info, please do update us!


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Just read the review....SOOOO DISAPPOINTED!!!! They needed to change something!

i know that this is kind of a late post but, i wouldn't want to see anything changed with the script or anything. the refurb was an excellent idea! but the fact of changing the movie, you would be getting rid of Jim Henson's very last muppet project he worked on! ;)
You could very well be right. There are certainly 2 projectors running, as there were before the refurb. The projection also does not show any of the pixelation that you often get with digital projectors. It does look somewhat like a restored film running on new film projectors.

It may be the case that a lot of people are assuming it's digital based on the general concept in most people's minds that 'digital = better'.

Either way, its certainly an improvement, but unconfirmed as to what technology the display is using. Unfortuantely I dont think we have anyone here who is closely involved in that attraction. If anyone gets anymore info, please do update us!

Digital does not "Have" to display digital artifacts. Just go see Avatar at a commercial digital cinema. Hall of Presidents digital is pristine. This is a short film, and is repeated over and over - They could easily use uncompressed video on a relatively small less than one terrabyte drive. You can bet that they would not do a significant refurb at this point to any show like this and NOT do the digital changeover. Almost all of our local theaters are digital now - I cannot imagine that WDW would not do the same.


You could very well be right. There are certainly 2 projectors running, as there were before the refurb. The projection also does not show any of the pixelation that you often get with digital projectors. It does look somewhat like a restored film running on new film projectors.

It may be the case that a lot of people are assuming it's digital based on the general concept in most people's minds that 'digital = better'.

Either way, its certainly an improvement, but unconfirmed as to what technology the display is using. Unfortuantely I dont think we have anyone here who is closely involved in that attraction. If anyone gets anymore info, please do update us!

Thank you for your very unbiased post! I too believe that it may only a restored film version, not a true digital presentation, but do not want to jump to conclusions. My fear is that if enough people believe it is a true digital 3D presentation, some executive somewhere may use this as reasoning behind not spending the money to do the upgrade if it was truly delayed for some reason!

I await verification from a true insider...


Premium Member
Digital does not "Have" to display digital artifacts. Just go see Avatar at a commercial digital cinema. Hall of Presidents digital is pristine. This is a short film, and is repeated over and over - They could easily use uncompressed video on a relatively small less than one terrabyte drive. You can bet that they would not do a significant refurb at this point to any show like this and NOT do the digital changeover. Almost all of our local theaters are digital now - I cannot imagine that WDW would not do the same.

Yep absolutely. LOL I think the only way forward is for us to head over there and beg the Studios VP to let us go back there and take a look at the hardware LOL


Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor, we could listen to the people that know :)

- The digital copy is not 'new', it has been in use in DCA for some time.

- The sweetums 'goof up' towards the end is more evident in the newer copy of the film because of the increase in clarity. Thats why more have noticed it.

The problem is that everyone has thus far assumed that the projection is Disney Digital 3d (realD) which it is not...... Don't you think the company would take the time to advertise that fact if ANY of the shows used DD3d? They don't, because it's a different technology..

In other words, this form of digital 3d projection requires 2 (if not more depending on screen size/usage - see philharmagic) projectors..

Enough said.


Well-Known Member
Great story from the day they told Cast Members at Muppets many many years ago that they intended on removing Jim Henson's name from the attraction.

So they told them that in the morning, and by mid-afternoon, the audio in Muppets Courtyard started acting weird. Cutting out, sounding fuzzy. Then all of a sudden from the loud speakers comes audio from the show-Specifically the search scene audio on repeat. So booming through the courtyard was "Bean? Where are you Bean? Beannn Bunny? Bean?"

Just that background audio from that one scene on repeat. After a few minutes, it cut out and everything went back to normal.

The real kicker: The audio servers/daks/whathaveyou that contain the Courtyard BGM, and the Show Audio are in TWO DIFFERENT PLACES and share NO hardline or Wireless connection. They are entirely independent. Needless to say all the Cast Members and Maintenance guys were extremely freaked out and it still remains one of my favorite firsthand stories I've ever heard.

And while I don't need a hilarious story about the spirit of Jim Henson causing mischief to know they should never remove his name, it does help.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor, we could listen to the people that know :)

- The digital copy is not 'new', it has been in use in DCA for some time.

- The sweetums 'goof up' towards the end is more evident in the newer copy of the film because of the increase in clarity. Thats why more have noticed it.

The problem is that everyone has thus far assumed that the projection is Disney Digital 3d (realD) which it is not...... Don't you think the company would take the time to advertise that fact if ANY of the shows used DD3d? They don't, because it's a different technology..

In other words, this form of digital 3d projection requires 2 (if not more depending on screen size/usage - see philharmagic) projectors..

Enough said.

And just how do you know what everyone else has been assuming?

Statements like that (to say nothing of the introduction to your post) actually tend to get you ignored, not heard. Regardless if you believe yourself to be someone in the know......


Well-Known Member
Great story from the day they told Cast Members at Muppets many many years ago that they intended on removing Jim Henson's name from the attraction.

So they told them that in the morning, and by mid-afternoon, the audio in Muppets Courtyard started acting weird. Cutting out, sounding fuzzy. Then all of a sudden from the loud speakers comes audio from the show-Specifically the search scene audio on repeat. So booming through the courtyard was "Bean? Where are you Bean? Beannn Bunny? Bean?"

Just that background audio from that one scene on repeat. After a few minutes, it cut out and everything went back to normal.

The real kicker: The audio servers/daks/whathaveyou that contain the Courtyard BGM, and the Show Audio are in TWO DIFFERENT PLACES and share NO hardline or Wireless connection. They are entirely independent. Needless to say all the Cast Members and Maintenance guys were extremely freaked out and it still remains one of my favorite firsthand stories I've ever heard.

And while I don't need a hilarious story about the spirit of Jim Henson causing mischief to know they should never remove his name, it does help.

LOL!! That's a funny story. But I bet was it was a prank done by some CMs or Imagineers. :p

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