...did you really just compare Jaws to Kitchen Kabaret?
Completely false. Look at an aerial of the resort sometime. There's more than enough expansion room.
I don't have to "get over" anything. I've already accepted the fact that Amity is gone, although its closure was completely unnecessary. And you don't have to care either way. That's your prerogative. But if you think it'll have no effect on business, you're mistaken.
No I did not compare Kitchen Kabaret to Jaws. But if someone wanted to they could. For anyone but Universal or Disney to say what ride is ok to remove vs another… well it’s just pointless. I’m sure they didn’t wake up one day and say “hmm how can we screw up the park”. If Universal removed any other ride there would be people screaming about that as well.
If you look at the land use plan you will see there is very limited land left.
And ok sorry for saying "get over it".
But its closure was not "completely unnecessary". It was needed to add the new HP section so the studios can make more money. Saving cash by not having to run a dated ride, not having to pay Steven anymore for this ride, and making cash for all the extra tickets the new ride will create... All are good reasons why this was "completely necessary"
And finally... every decision made has an effect on business, some better than others. I’m sure Universal looked at all options with regards to where to put the new HP section and they went with the ride based on one of (if not the) oldest franchise in the park that they felt made the most sense.
I truly understand anyone being upset Jaws is gone. TRULY!! But as I said before it’s the decision they went with to make them the most $$$. For any of us to think different is just wrong. EVERY decision they make should be about how to make more money. Its why they are in business. Any down slump from Jaws closed will be picked up 10x when the new land opens.
MUCH more people would be turned away if Universal tells us WAY in advance what’s going in Jaw’s spot. Id expect an announcement closer to Oct when Disney starts promoting the new fantasyland more to the masses. A family that loves HP that is planning a Sep 2012 trip may wait till 2014 if they knew it would all be done then. But this same family might come in 2013 if they did not know of the new section. Then later when they find out about the new land they would want to come back yet again. I delayed my normal Disneyland trip to make sure I’m there when it’s all finished.
Of course you have to announce at some point. You are always gonna have people delaying trips. But you want to prevent it for 3 years.
All regional parks play this game. Very few parks will tell anyone what they are building for next year until the current season is over. If everyone knows Six Flags is building a HUGE new ride in 2013 they may forgo their 2012 trip.